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Showing posts from 2015

parental alienation theory effects on families: sexualization of children!! Help us end this sexualization of children sign here

EXCERPT: Inevitably,  Gardner 's sole experimental authority for this PAS theory is Alfred C. Kinsey. In fact, Gardner largely plagiarizes Chapters 5 in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Female (1953) to show child molestation is normal. How many more children must suffer and be sentenced to live in the abusers homes because of Richard Gardner's discredited pro-pedophile theory parental alienation ? Will we allow them to fully legalize sex with children? In everyone of these cases that they get away with placing a child in the sex offenders home they gateway legalize it. In everyone of these cases where they place a child who reports abuse in the abusers home it sets a precedent that no child who reports abus e will be believed and protected. Parental alienation theory invented by Richard Gardner is being used to gateway legalize child abuse, punish children reporting abuse, and destroy the family cou...