HTTPS://WWW.CAUSES.COM/CAMPAIGNS/88603-PETITION-WISCONSIN-TO-ENACT-THE-SAFE-CHILD-ACT SIGN THE PETITION TO Wisconsin Legislators, Representatives,lieutenant Governor,Governor I hereby petition for the immediate investigation into all cases where parental alienation theory was used to place children in abusers homes. All funding cut to the supervised visitation centers(holding therapy) the Guardian ad lit-um(arm bar against parents trying to protect) and the immediate enactment of the Safe Child act to retrain all court officials. HOW THIS WILL HELP This will protect children from placement in the abusers homes. Protect families from being put in poverty trying to protect their children. Will Retrain all court officials and make consequences for those who continue to follow out dated practices that lead to children being placed in the abusers home or worse loss of life. Wisconsin was one of the first States to experiment with parental alienation theory lets make ...
Dedicated to the familys who suffered from richard gardners parental alienation theory may justice one day be served.