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parental alienation mis-use awareness web pages

parental alienation mis-use awareness web pages
  1. Parental Alienation Disorder; Hostile-Aggressive Parenting; Enmeshment       This page is: NOTE: The LIZNOTES index page contains links to recommended off-site locations as well as the on-site articles. Also see Section on PSYCHOLOGY, because the entertaining of alienation theory (by whatever name **) has become integral to the plying of the therapeutic jurisprudence trades in the family courts. It is a primary creator of the relationship engineering industries, and spawns work for "experts" opining pro and con, as well as GALs, supervised visitation centers, court-ordered therapists, custody evaluators, parenting coordinators, and all of their respective lawyers.
    [** hostile-aggressive parenting, enmeshment, intrusive parenting, intractable hostilities, high conflict, etc.]
  1. Information on Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)

  2. PAS (Parental Alienation "Syndrome")

    It is the position of Justice for Children that PAS is junk science.
    "P.A.S. per se (not “parents lying about abuse allegations”) is not a syndrome.   People lie on the witness stand every day but that does not make it a syndrome.   Various credible studies have documented that the incidence of false allegations of abuse in custody proceedings make up significantly less than 5% of all abuse allegations  in custody proceedings.  When mental health experts or attorneys claim that P.A.S. is a “syndrome”  -- knowing full well that it lacks scientific validity, is the concoction of a disgraced psychologist, and has been soundly rejected by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges -- that is disingenuous at best and unethical at worst.  Moreover, when it is used as a vehicle to keep children in the custody of men who abuse them, it is also immoral. " - Randy Burton, Founder, Chairman and President - Justice for Children
  3. The Courageous Kids Network is a growing group of young people, whose childhoods were shattered by inhumane court rulings, which forced us to live with our abusive parent, while restricting or sometimes completely eliminating contact with our loving and protective parent.
    We who survived got older and stronger. Now we are telling the world how much we were hurt, first by our abusers then by the court which refused to protect us. We are joining together to find strength, support and healing.
    We welcome contact from any kids who may need to talk, and who need to know they are not the only ones experiencing these issues.
  4. Parental Alienation
  5. . WINTER 2006 - VOL. 57, NO. 1
    (Publications/Journal Abstracts)
    ...examine the literature on children’s response to violence between their parents and the literature on parental alienation, a counter-charge that may arise when one parent alleges violence as a r...     

Carol Bruch, Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Getting It Wrong in Child Custody Cases, 35 Fam. L.Q. 527 (2001).
In their attempts to reform family law, American courts and legislatures frequently use theories and research from the social sciences. This article focuses particularly on one social science development in child custody law: Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). PAS is a theory that has become widely used in spite of its lack of scientific foundation. The article highlights theoretical and practical problems with PAS, provides information on more recent forms of parental alienation, and concludes with recommendations for lawyers and judges who evaluate these developments.

    Dr. Richard Gardner - PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME (PAS) - Cached
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    Read now about this twistedly pathetic man, his ridiculous PAS theory, .... parental alienation is just another bogus psychological theory infecting the ...

    Parental Alienation Syndrome & Parental Alienation: Research Reviews - Cached
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    Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) and parental alienation (PA) are often ... While PAS and PA have much in common both as theories and with respect to how
  3. PDF]

    The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental ... - The Leadership Council
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    by JD Jennifer Hoult - Related articles
    psychological theories. Part I defines Parental Alienation (“PA”) and presents Gardner's definition of Parental Aliena- tion Syndrome (“PAS”).9 ...
  4. National Alliance for Family Court Justice - CachedSimilar
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    NAFCJ activists are dedicated to creating synergy and power through networking and lobbying for change for those caught up in the vast web of custody ...
Family Court Corruption, Part 2: Fathers' Rights and Conciliation Court Law: Federally funded misogyny and pedophile protection  by Cindy Ross © 2/19/03
RSVP America, Judith Reisman and 5th World Congress on Sexuality that the Kinsey Reports contained the stunning record of human experiments conducted by pedophiles on thousands of children.

California Family Courts Helping Pedophiles, Batterers Get Child ... ...
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Mar 2, 2011 – He was later sentenced to prison for sex crimes. ..... Ten years later, we think this has no bearing on the family law .... Now why don't you guy cover this? it is just as sensational and affects *thousands* and not just a few. ... Richard Gardner is only one of numerous “experts” connected to ...

  • [PDF]

    Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part ... ...
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    by ER Ragland - 2003 - Related articles
    The late Dr. Richard Gardner, a clinical professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, ... this Update considers case law and strategies for meeting PAS defenses. ... This hypothesis ignores the fact that most sex offenders are indeed men.12 It also ..... Ct. App. 2002) (objection to admission of PAS in lower ...



    PAS -JUNK SCIENCE - Cached
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    The Truth on Dr. Richard Gardner who created PAS and why? .... Societal acceptance of these myths assists sex offenders by silencing .... An even lower rate of abnormal findings was found in a large scale study ... Prior to the 1980s, child sexual abuse was largely ignored, both by the law and by society as a whole ...

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