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It is the recommendation of this page that there be an immediate de-funding of Tavistock Institute and immediate investigation

It is the recommendation of this page that there be an immediate de-funding of Tavistock Institute and immediate investigation

by Victorious Children on Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 3:49pm ·
Stanford research Institute+ tavistock institute ...
Clinton Global initiative tavistock institute?
Clinton Global Initiative + Tavistock Institute ?
Clinton Global initiative tavistock institute? Abo...
Rand Corporation + Tavistock Institute?About 2,930...
aspen institute tavistock institute ?
tavistock institute Bring Low Class Element of So...
Kyrgyzstan tavistock institute ?About 1,300,000 re...
Ireland tavistock institute ? About 11,200,000 res...
Tavistock thoughts on incest and child abuse?
Tavistock court-appointed special advocate (CASA) ...
Heritage Foundation Tavistock Institute ?
Sigmund Freud tavistock institute ?
Bulgaria tavistock institute ?about 5,780,000 resu...
Belarus tavistock institute ?About 2,520,000 resu...
Greece tavistock institute ?About 6,550,000 result...
Ukraine tavistock institute ?about 3,710,000 resul...
Tunisia tavistock institute ? Page 2 of about 2,1...
Turkmenistan tavistock institute ?About 1,210,000 ...
Pakistan tavistock institute ?About 4,380,000 resu...
Afghanistan tavistock institute ? About 8,580,000 ...
Syria tavistock institute ?About 5,900,000 results...
Iran tavistock institute ? About 5,060,000 results...
Israel tavistock institute ?About 6,920,000 resul...
Lebanon tavistock institute ?About 6,230,000 resu...
Jordan tavistock institute ?About 7,040,000 resul...
Liberia tavistock institute ? 1,550,000 results (...
Kazakhstan tavistock institute ?
Russia tavistock institute ?
Turkey tavistock institute ?
Iceland tavistock institute ?
Greenland tavistock institute ?
France tavistock institute ?
United Kingdom tavistock institute ?
Suriname tavistock institute ?
Guyana tavistock institute ?
Uruguay tavistock institute ?
PARAGUAY tavistock institute ?
BOLIVIA tavistock institute?
Argentina tavistock institute ?
Chile tavistock institute ?
Peru tavistock institute ?
Colombia tavistock institute ?
Venezuela tavistock institute ?
Brazil tavistock institute ?
Ecuador tavistock institute ?
Puerto Rico tavistock institute ?
Dominican Republic tavistock institute ?
Bahamas tavistock institute ?
Cuba tavistock institute ?
Panama tavistock institute ?
Costa Rica tavistock institute ?
Nicaragua tavistock institute ?
Honduras tavistock institute ?
El Salvador tavistock institute ?
Guatemala tavistock institute ?
What is the deliberate dumbing down of america ta...
What is global 2000 the interreligious peace collo...
What is Pavlovian human behavior 2012 tavistock in...
What is the Bilderberg / Tavistock plan ?
What is agenda 21 tavistock institute ?
What is global 2000 report Tavistock?
What is global 2000 plan tavistock institute ?
Maine tavistock institute ?
Vermont tavistock institute ?
Massachusetts tavistock institute ?
Pennsylvania tavistock institute ?
Delaware tavistock institute?
Maryland tavistock institute ?
west Virginia tavistock institute ?
Indiana tavistock institute ?
Tennessee tavistock institute ?
Mississippi tavistock institute ?
Alabama tavistock institute?
louisiana tavistock institute parental alienation?...
Arkansas tavistock institute ?
Missouri tavistock institute ?
Iowa tavistock institute ?
Oklahoma tavistock institute ?
Nebraska tavistock institute ?
Wyoming tavistock institute?
New Mexico tavistock institute?
Arizona tavistock institute ?
south Dakota tavistock institute ?
North Dakota tavistock institute?
Poland tavistock institute?
Finland tavistock institute ?
Norway tavistock institute ?
Portugal tavistock institute ?
Spain tavistock institute ?
Italy tavistock institute ?
South Africa tavistock institute ?
Nigeria tavistock institute ?
Ethiopia tavistock institute ?
Libya Tavistock Institute ?
Egypt Tavistock institute ?
Montana tavistock institute theory?
Nevada tavistock institute ?
Colorado tavistock institute ?
morocco tavistock institute?
Chad tavistock institute ?
Somalia tavistock institute ?
Africa Tanzania tavistock institute ?
Africa Mauritania tavistock institute ?
Africa: Sudan Tavistock Institute ?
Africa Botswana tavistock institute ?
Zimbabwe Tavistock Institute ?
Africa Gabon tavistock institute?
Africa. Angola tavistock institute ?
Washington dc a.k. rice institute ?
Alaska Tavistock Institute ?
Wisconsin tavistock institute R/ M ?
Wisconsin tavistock parental alienation?
New Jersey Tavistock Institute ?
Kentucky tavistock institute ?
Florida Tavistock Institute ?
Oregon tavistock institute ?
Wisconsin Tavistock institute?
Connecticut tavistock institute?
Illinois tavistock institute ?
Tavistock trillion dollar Institute ?
Italy tavistock institute ?
Pennsylvania tavistock institute ?
Rhode island tavistock institute ?
Tavistock Financial Group?
Israel tavistock institute?
Washington tavistock institute ?
Bolivia tavistock institute?
Finland tavistock institute?
Asia tavistock institute ?
Georgia tavistock institute?
Virginia tavistock institute?
Florida tavistock institute?
Mexico tavistock institute?
Peru tavistock institute?
NORWAY tavistock institute?
Sweden tavistock institute?
tavistock institute club of rome human relations s...
Spain tavistock institute?
France Tavistock institute?
Netherlands tavistock institute?
Switzerland tavistock institute?
Arkansas Tavistock institute?
Antarctica tavistock institute?
tavistock institute India ?
tavistock institute Canada ?
 The Tavistock Institute was founded in London in...
Tavistock institute New Zealand ?
Tavistock Institute South Africa?
Holland, Tavistock Institute?
Virginia ,Tavistock Institute?
Mont Pelerin Society, Ford Foundation and Tavistoc...
President Kennedy , Tavistock Institute 1963?
New York, ..Tavistock Institute?
Germany Tavistock institute ?
UK Tavistock Institute ?
Australia Tavistock Institute ?
North Korean Tavistock Institute ?
The Tavistock Clinic and the Portman Clinic become an NHS Trust in 1994
North Carolina Tavistock Institute?
South Carolina Tavistock Institute?
Tavistock institute Ohio?
Indiana Tavistock institute ?
Columbia Tavistock institute?
Tavistock reintegration planning sexual violence?
Tavistock permanency planning sexual violence?
Tavistock Domestic Violence permanency planning...
Tavistock domestic violence family reunification?
Tavistock institute Texas?
Tavistock institute California ?
Tavistock institute Kansas ?
Tavistock institute Michigan?
Tavistock Institute Minnesota ?
tavistock wisconsin ?
Tavistock infant observation projects in the Unite...
Tavistock Institute, U.S. version, was formed in 1...
Tavistock United States?
Tavistock Parental Alienation Syndrome R.A.G.?
Tavistock Ewen Cameron?
Tavistock AFCC ?
Tavistock B4u-act? cut the funds ?
Tavistock supervised visitation ? CUT THE FUNDS?
Tavistock child sexual abuse accomodation syndrome...
Tavistock coparenting ?cut the funds?
Tavistock family reunification ? cut the funds?
Tavistock false memory syndrome? Cut the funds?
Tavistock attachment holding therapy ? cut the fun...
Tavistock coercive control ? cut the funds ?
Tavistock Deprogramming ? Cut the funds?
Tavistock ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional D...
Tavistock therapeutic Jurisprudence? cut the fundi...
tavistock family court mediation ? cut the funds?...
Cut funding to supervised visitation Tavistock
cut funding to .. The A.K. Rice Institute is a US ...
stopchildabuse MK-ULTRA Violence Or, how McGill p...
page 6 cut the funding Tavistock
page 5 cut the funds to Tavistock $6 billion
page 4 cut funding to Tavistock Guardians ad Lit...
page 3 cut funding to Tavistock .
page 2 cut funding Tavistock Institute
cut funding to   Travistock Institute    page 1
More than 100 year old travesty ?
travesty ?ritual abuse ?crimes against children?
Dr. White Dr. D. Ewen Cameron (FMSF) Ralph Underwa...
dr. ewen cameron aleister crowley mind control
President Clinton, and later President Bush, both ...
1963 pas theory Bowlby/ Gardner/Underwager/ Crowle...
1960 Gardner/ Crowley/ Bowlby/ Kinsey/ pas theory

-The director of this page has just completed a 3 year source checking of parental alienation theory ( the result's can be seen below) including a two week international investigation of the sources origin and evolution
-May the result's of this investigation bring awareness to the serious issue's facing families entering the current family court system's and the serious need for re-education across this globe 
- Parent's trying to protect are being jailed, fined, sentenced t
o loss of custody and in some case's loss of life
Children are being placed in known abuser's homes, forced hold sessions, dangerous visitation exchanges, sentenced to fear, silence, and sometimes loss of life
-We must stand by the children and end these dangerous theories placing children in known harm's way
We must cut federal funding to program's known to be using inappropriate syndromes that's consequences were grave and for the future of this world
We must de-fund these draconian style methods known to have led to loss of life
Thank you to all who spread the word and share the legal available to fight inappropriate syndrome use in family court and may closure be granted to the families affected by this
thank you to all who lend a voice


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