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parental alienation therapy questionable

Teen dies after dose of Dr. Dick Gardner's "Threat Therapy" , Pittsburgh

posted Aug 6, 2011 8:11 AM by victorious children
Casualties of a Custody War
The courtroom as battleground
In February, Nathan Grieco, 16, of North Huntingdon was found dead in his bedroom, a belt around his neck. His death came after years of custody disputes between his mother, Karen Scott, and his father, Louis Grieco. Nathan's death has attracted national attention from children's rights groups and legal experts, and has raised the question of how courts should treat children who are caught between warring parents. The dispute between his father and mother intensified after Scott remarried in 1993. That's where today's story begins

Enacting Conciliation Court Law gives the family court jurisdiction over domestic violence cases, in violation of appropriate family codes and "child's best interests" laws. For example, in California, while Family Code §3044 establishes a presumption that sole or joint custody for a parent convicted of domestic violence is not in the best interests of children, Conciliation Court codes are used not only to assist abusive men get custody, but to help them avoid criminal prosecution. [16] Because blame is shifted to mothers by concealing evidence of paternal crimes against women and children, in the Conciliation Court, victims of abuse (not perpetrators) get convicted in accordance with PAS "threat therapy". [17

posted Aug 5, 2011 5:21 PM by victorious children
"Enacting Conciliation Court Law gives the family court jurisdiction over domestic violence cases, in violation of appropriate family codes and "child's best interests" laws. For example, in California, while Family Code §3044 establishes a presumption that sole or joint custody for a parent convicted of domestic violence is not in the best interests of children,  Conciliation Court codes are used not only to assist abusive men get custody, but to help them avoid criminal prosecution. [16] Because blame is shifted to mothers by concealing evidence of paternal crimes against women and children, in the Conciliation Court, victims of abuse (not perpetrators) get convicted in accordance with PAS "threat therapy". [17by
Family Court Corruption, Part 2: Fathers' Rights and Conciliation Court Law: Federally funded misogyny and pedophile protection  by Cindy Ross © 2/19/03

posted Aug 5, 2011 5:14 PM by victorious children
The American Journal of Family Therapy. 27:195-212, 1999
Family Therapy of the Moderate Type of Parental Alienation Syndrome
Department of Child Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Columbia University, New York, New York, USA
Therapists must appreciate that PAS children need them to serve as an excuse for visiting with the victimized parent. When "forced" by the therapist to visit with the alienated parent, PAS children can say to the programmer that the therapist is mean, cruel, and so on, and that they really do not want to see the despised parent, but the therapist "makes them." And the judge should appreciate that he or she, too, can serve this function for the children. With a court order, they can say to the alienator, "I really hate my father (mother), but that stupid judge is making me see him (her)." I cannot emphasize this point strongly enough. Not appreciating this principle is one of the most common errors made by therapists involved in the treatment of PAS children. Specifically, they fail to appreciate that the children actually want to be forced to visit so that they have an excuse to do so, and such an excuse necessarily involves complaints about the therapist's coercions and cruel manipulations. PAS children are far more likely to make such excuses when a bona fide threat of sanctions has been ordered by the court and the children have been apprised, to a degree commensurate with their age and level of understanding, that there will be court-ordered painful consequences to the alienators if they do not visit. Under such circumstances, the programming parent might then start to pressure the children to visit in order to protect her- or himself from the consequences of being in contempt of court. Whereas previously the indoctrinators' professions to the children that they wanted them to visit the victimized parent were feigned and hypocritical, when meaningful sanctions have been ordered by the court, the indoctrinators may now really "mean business" when they urge the children to visit, because they appreciate that the court is serious and that they will actually suffer serious consequences (including house arrest and even incarceration) if the children do not visit. Accordingly, it is not only the children who are likely to respond to threats of court sanctions but also the alienator.

Experts Warn About Dangers of Deprogramming Treatment .... Parental Alienation Syndrome and.

posted Jul 28, 2011 6:26 PM by victorious children

LC ews - Deprogramming - CachedSimilar
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Feb 10, 2009 – Experts Warn About Dangers of Deprogramming Treatment .... Parental Alienation Syndrome and. Parental Alienation: Research Reviews

Parental alienation centres in the United States are using unproven “quackery” to deprogram children ordered

posted Jul 28, 2011 5:56 PM by victorious children

2010 May 31 « PAS is a Scam - Cached
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May 31, 2010 – Parental alienation centres in the United States are using unproven “quackery” to deprogram children ordered into their care by well-meaning

cincinnatipas highlight quotes

posted Jul 28, 2011 5:26 PM by victorious children

cincinnatipas highlight quotes - Cached
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Watch for the Gardner PAS word "alienate" in the social worker's report. ... Parental Alienation Syndrome Vicarious Deprogramming Procedure ..

posted Jul 28, 2011 5:24 PM by victorious children

Joan Dawson Opinion: 'Deprogramming' alienated children is science ... - Cached
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Jun 10, 2009 – 'Deprogramming' alienated children is science fiction. By JOAN DAWSON. June 10, 2009. In the past few decades, a term called Parental ...

Deprogramming" alienated children is science fiction. Joan Dawson --

posted Jul 28, 2011 5:21 PM by victorious children

"Deprogramming" alienated children is science fiction - justice's ... - Cached
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Jun 10, 2009 – "Deprogramming" alienated children is science fiction. Joan Dawson -- "[A] term called Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) or Parental


posted Jul 28, 2011 4:25 PM by victorious children
EXCERPTS SEE site for further info
Experts Warn About Dangers of Deprogramming Treatment  February 10, 2009:
Specialists in childhood trauma and therapy from the Leadership Council have grave concerns about the ethics of deprogramming treatment described in a recent article published in the Globe and Mail (see:
Judge Blocks Sending Teen for Deprogramming Treatment, Feb 7, 2009).

We support the decision of the judge who refused to court-order deprogramming treatment (sometime called Reunification Therapy) overturning a 2008 arbitrator's order that the 14-year-old boy be coercively treated. The controversial treatment is designed to “deprogram” children who are “alienated” from one of their parents during divorce.

See writer Kirk Makin's article, Judges sending children to U.S. for quack therapy, expert charges:

posted Jul 28, 2011 3:42 PM by victorious children   [ updated Jul 28, 2011 3:49 PM ]
See writer Kirk Makin's article, Judges sending children to U.S. for quack therapy, expert charges:
Parental alienation centres in the United States are using unproven "quackery" to deprogram children ordered into their care by well-meaning Canadian judges, a leading Ontario child psychologist has charged.
Peter Jaffe says the programs may even damage children by destroying overnight their primary support bulwark: the alienating parent whose care they have been under.
"It is not a good thing if a child has bonded to an alienating parent, but disrupting that child and pulling them away from whatever sense of security they have may end up being more harmful than good in the long run," said Dr. Jaffe, a professor at the University of Western Ontario in London.
"When you're going to provide a treatment, you have to know what the unattended consequences or side effects are," he said. "You may be solving one problem but creating a whole host of new problems."
The deprogramming issue erupted last week after a Toronto judge forcibly removed three girls from their mother and sent them for treatment to a U.S. centre in an undisclosed location. It was at least the third time that an Ontario judge has taken the extreme measure in the past year


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