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parental alienation and normalization of pedophilia movement

Joan Dawson: Parental alienation and domestic violence - Cached
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Jan 20, 2011 – Parental alienation (PA, or PAS for Parental Alienation Syndrome), ... Dr. Paul Fink, President of the Leadership Council on Child Abuse and .... hand over a legal strategy to potential pedophiles, abusers or killers. ... are using PAS to make money $$$$ - Big Money -aiding and abetting criminals by ...

Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a Scam: April 2011
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Apr 30, 2011 – Parental Alienation Syndrome - Therapeutic Jurisprudence Trades in the Family ...Domestic Violence by Proxy by Joyanna Silberg, Ph.D. (Leadership Council) ... Richard A. Gardner pedophilia quotes orig. compiled by Stephanie J. Dallam .... (Source: Dr. Jon Conte, a psychologist at the University of ...

Richard Gardner On Paedophilia - Cached
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GETTING THE TRUTH ABOUT PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME ... Dr. Judith A Reisman Ph .D wrote an article on paedophiles getting child custody on April 20th 1999 ... There is a lot of money to be made out of the - erm - child "protection" industry ...These so called professionals have pushed Dr. Gardners pro- pedophilia ...

National Alliance for Family Court Justice - CachedSimilar

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Considering that the recipients of the bulk of the money goes to pay well-off ... HHS by Center for Policy Research, Jessica Pearson, Ph.D., Nancy Thoennes, Ph.. .... Exposes Dr. Richard Gardner and his bogus Parental Alienation Syndrome ..... in this interview with Paidika, a European pro-pedophile publication. ...

  • California Association of Family andConciliation Courts

    ... and its international headquarters is located inMadisonWisconsin ..Association of Family andConciliation Courts California Chapter Call for Presenters
  • DOC]

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    by DC Rand - 1997 - Cited by 74 - Related articles
    The Parental Alienation Syndrome, so named by Dr. Richard Gardner, .... the outcome of disputes led the American Bar Association Section of Family Law to ... the Research Unit of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts ... abuse that in one Southern state, the parents of over half the class were arrested. ...

    Family Court Corruption - NewsMakingNews,8,02familycourtcorruption.htmCachedSimilar
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    The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts is an organization comprised ... mental disorder "Parental Alienation Syndrome" (PAS, also called "alienation " ... the state's Attorney General or the county's District Attorney Family ...


    Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 2 of 2

    By Hope Fields1 & Erika Rivera Ragland2


    Quick Tips for Challenging PAS Evidence

    There are many things that prosecutors can do to challenge PAS evidence in child abuse cases:

    • Challenge under Daubert/Frye. Argue that PAS evidence does not meet the evidentiary standard in your jurisdiction.
    • Know statistics and studies. Statistics about false reporting are available through the National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse (NCPCA) or from the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information at
    • Know psychological dynamics of child abuse. Arm yourself with information about child abuse disclosures. Learn the psychological process of disclosure, the significance in the timing of disclosures, recantation, and proper procedures for conducting forensic interviews.22
    • Share information. Share your motions, briefs, and transcripts with other prosecutors. Create central files in the office so other prosecutors do not have to reinvent the wheel.
    • Write the APA. Send a letter to the American Psychiatric Association23 to discourage inclusion of PAS in the DSM-V.
    • Prepare your experts. Meet with your experts before trial to prepare them for the defense expert and what you anticipate his or her testimony will be.
    • Contact the National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse (NCPCA). Call or E-mail the NCPCA with questions about child abuse or expert testimony.

    EXCERPTS FROM National district attorneys association


    Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) has created obstacles for child abuse prosecutors. It is crucial for child abuse prosecutors to understand the theory of PAS, and know how to best challenge its legitimacy in court. Part 1 of this article addressed the PAS theory and its inherent flaws. We now turn to the courts’ approaches to PAS, and propose arguments and methods to suppress this unreliable evidence."


    PAS is an unproven theory that can threaten the integrity of the criminal justice system and the safety of abused children. Prosecutors should educate themselves about PAS and be prepared to argue against its admission in court. In cases where PAS testimony is admitted, it is a prosecutor’s responsibility to educate the judge and jury about the shortfalls of this theory. As more criminal courts refuse to admit PAS evidence, more protection will be afforded to victims of sexual abuse in our court system."


    National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Rejects PAS

    September 11, 2006
    The theory positing the existence of "PAS" has been discredited by the scientific community and hence fails to meet Daubert and Frye standards and should be ruled inadmissible. Quite apart from its scientific invalidity, PAS inappropriately asks the court to assume that the children's behaviors and attitudes toward the parent who claims to be "alienated" have no grounding in reality. It also diverts attention away from the behaviors of the abusive parent, who may have directly influenced the children's responses by acting in violent, disrespectful, intimidating, humiliating and/or discrediting ways toward the children themselves, or the children's other parent.

    National Alliance for Family Court Justice - CachedSimilar
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    ... more about troublesome custody issues: Parental Alienation (PAS) & Fathers Rights ... guardian ad litem kickbacks, fraudulent psychological testing by GAL ...... George Stern, President of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers ...

    Guardian Ad Litem « -Cached
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    A Guardian Ad Litem, (“GAL”) is a third-party professional who ... 2) one or more in-person interview with each parent and a series of follow-up phone ... Parental Alienation Blog · Parental Alienation Syndrome – a Study of 16 cases ... 

    Advanced Guardian ad Litem Training. Wisconsin State Bar. April 26, 2006. ABSTRACT. Defects in Gardner's notion of “Parental Alienation Syndrome
    Quick View
    Advanced Guardian ad Litem Training. Wisconsin State Bar. April 26, 2006. ABSTRACT. Defects in Gardner's notion of “Parental Alienation Syndrome...

    Psychological experts in divorce actions - Google Books Result J. Ackerman, Andrew W. Kane -2005 - Law - 1077 pages
    He sees the guardian ad litem as being a potentially powerful ally for the therapist in working with the families where Parental Alienation Syndrome is


    Children's Legal Rights Journal - The Liz Library
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    File Format: PDF/Adobe AcrobatBethany L. Johnson. Melissa L. Staas. Jordan D. Shea. Michael Soukup..... Since his work is the foundation of all subsequent. PAS scholarship, it deserves ...

    Quotes By Richard Gardner | Stop Family Violence › ... › Parental Alienation - CachedSimilar
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    PAS was developed by Dr Richard Gardner in 1985 based on his personal ... Sex- with-animals cases surface in 3 TN counties · CA Law: Right to Attorney for .... that the offender put his penis in his or her mouth and did not move it. ...
    May 16, 2011 – Damaging evidence of Dr. Money's strong pro-pedophile activities and ...... 

    The US Catholic Church's Ruinous Reliance on Discredited "Sex Science" › Research › Science - Cached
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    May 16, 2011 – Damaging evidence of Dr. Money's strong pro-pedophile activities and ...... "Dr. Berlin and John MoneyPh.D., cofounded a celebrated sexual ...

    Parental Alienation Syndrome : S.M.A.R.T.'s Ritual Abuse Pages - CachedSimilar
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    This article analyzes every precedent-bearing decision and law review ... “PAS as developed and purveyed by Richard Gardner has neither a logical nor a scientific basis. ... “Both Gardner (PAS's originator) and NAMBLA claim that adult-child sex ...“While Gardner claimed that “repeat offenders must be removed from ...


    Many mothers not only lost all custody rights but all visitation rights. Judges and court professionals routinely disregard and proactively work against mothers who make abuse complaints against fathers. Even the mother’s own attorney will tell her to keep her mouth shut because nobody want to hear about abuse.

    Omitted from the debate are important factors:

    (1) Widespread use in custody litigation of the discredited pro-incest/anti-mother Parental Alienation Syndrome (P.A.S.), a custody evaluation methodology that purports to identify manipulation by one parent against the other parent.
    (2) Steering to judges who are cross-affiliated to fathers’ rights leaders, facilitated by a secretive judicial group.
    (3) Organized case-rigging to ensure abuse complaints by mothers are discredited.
    (4) Use of federal HHS-ACF (Health And Human Services Department — Administration For Children And Families — Access-Visitation) program funds, intended for parental counseling and resolving disputes but instead diverted to pay for pro-father custody evaluations.

    Single Parent Households in Wisconsin (pdf)
    the number of male-headed families rose by 376%. Numbers of Children in Single-
    Parent Households. The 1990 Census indicated that 18.1% of allWisconsin ... -

    Domestic violence homicides reach 10-year high in 2009, report says
    Sep 30, 2010 ... Domestic violence-related homicides in Wisconsinreached a 10-year high in 2009,
    claiming the lives of 52 people, along with 15 killers who ...


    How to Be an Effective Trial Attorney for - State Bar of Wisconsin -Cached
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    The Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence offers CLE workshop, "How to ... Parental Alienation Syndrome/ Child Alienation Abuse Syndrome ... *Applied for GLE, GAL & Epr Credits (Approx. 7.5 GLE per day, and 3 total GAL credits) ...

    WI ads at mag cost 395.00 a year 

    posted Aug 7, 2011 6:06 PM by victorious children   [ updated 4 hours agoAug 8, 2011 2:28 PM ]
      1. Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Wisconsin Rapids WI - Wisconsin ...10 indiviuals adds

      2.  arental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Milwaukee WI - Milwaukee WI ... 10 people advertising pas
      3. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation Brookfield WI ...
                                  10 people advertising pas
      1. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation Baraboo WI...
                                      10 people advertising pas
      1.  Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Whitewater WI - Whitewater WI ...
                                       10 people advertising pas
        7. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation Sun Prairie WI ... 10 people advertising
        8. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation Stevens Point WI ... 10 people advertising
        9. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation Cedarburg WI ... 10 people advertising
        10. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation Watertown WI ... 10 people  advertising
        11. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation Janesville WI ... 10 people advertising
        12. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation New Berlin WI - New ... 10 people advertising pas
        13. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation De Pere WI - De ... 10 people advertising pas
        15. Parental Control: Stopping Parental AlienationSheboygan WI ... 10 individuals adds
        16. Parental Control: Stopping Parental AlienationKenosha WI ... 10 individuals adds
        17. Parental Control: Stopping Parental AlienationMarshfield WI ... 10 individuals adds Lutheran social services childrens service society wi marshfield  clinic wi
        18. Parental Control: Stopping Parental AlienationMarinette WI ... 10 individuals adds Catholic social service bureau
        19. Parental Control: Stopping Parental AlienationDelavan WI ... 10 individuals adds
        20. Parental Control: Stopping Parental AlienationManitowoc WI ... 6 individuals adds blue water family counseling
        21. Parental Control: Stopping Parental AlienationRhinelander WI ... 10 individuals lutheran social services Catholic charities
        22. Parental Control: Stopping Parental AlienationWaupaca WI ... 10 individuals adds
        23. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation Beaver Dam WI ...
        25. Parental Control: Stopping Parental AlienationOnalaska WI ...
        26. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation River Falls WI ...
        27. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation ElkhornWI ...
        28. Parental Control: Stopping Parental AlienationShawano WI ...
        29. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation Two Rivers WI - Two ...
        30. Parental Control: Stopping Parental Alienation Rice Lake WI - Rice ...
        31. Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Menomonie WI - Menomonie WI ...
        32. Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Racine WI - Racine WI, Parental ...
        33. Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Appleton WI - Appleton WI ...
        35. Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Burlington WI - Burlington WI ...
        36.  Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Oshkosh WI - Oshkosh WI ...
        38. Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Mukwonago WI - Mukwonago WI ...
          72 total countys in wisconsin
         51 totel pas add countys
        ‎72 total countys in wisconsin
        51 totel pas add countys The children suffer the most cut the funding and promotion of a pro-pedophile con a fraud. A scam that left not addressed will take innocent childrens lives place protective parents in harms way risking lives just to see children and forcing children to live in repreated abuse suicide death rape this is pas cut the funds standbythechildren
        Sign in Recent Site Activity Terms Report Abuse ...

        Psychiatry's Corruption of Law
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        to infiltrate the field of the law and bring about .... the alleged mental condition reduces the amount of time served.12 ... der, asserting thatoffenders are not responsible for what they have ..... child psychiatry,Richard Gardner, who was quoted in a 1999 Washington, D.C. Insight news ...

        kids tourtured in wiconsin -Cached
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        Dec 12, 2009 – Ralph Underwager's "Litany for Fathers" with Paedika pedophilia ..... under the pretext that engineering familyaffectional relationships is ...


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