Mothers, Interrupted - Feature Story - Local Stories - March 21, 2002 ... Cached
Mar 21, 2002 – In a letter to Judge Gilliard dated November 16, Kinsey stated, “even by .... The brainchild of Dr. Richard Gardner, it seeks to explain why some ... |
Parents - Cached
Dr. Richard Gardner Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Debunked .... Judith Reisman, president of the Institute for Media Education and author of Kinsey, The Shared Parenting Disaster: How Judicial Abuse Began - Cached
Dr. Paul Gebhard, the co author and suceedder of the Kinsey institute stated in his reply, ... Dr Richard Gardner was a disciple of Kinseys Work as a child ...Re: Tami Cached
Apr 30, 2011 – "Even among psychologists, PAS has been ... In an article published in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Rotgers and Barrett (1996) cite PAS theory as a prime example of a nonscientific theory that engages in “reverse logic. ..
Jan 1, 2006 – A report by the American Judges Foundation, reported that 70% of the time an abuser who requests custody is able ..... Amaya-Jackson, L., & Everson, M.D. (1996). Book Reviews: Protocols for the Sex-Abuse Evaluation . Journal of the American Academy of Child &Adolescent Psychiatry, 35(7), 966-967. .
Published on January 01, 2006 by The Leadership Council
File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick ViewJan 1, 2006 – A report by the American Judges Foundation, reported that 70% of the time an abuser who requests custody is able ..... Amaya-Jackson, L., & Everson, M.D. (1996). Book Reviews: Protocols for the Sex-Abuse Evaluation . Journal of the American Academy of Child &Adolescent Psychiatry, 35(7), 966-967. .
Jan 1, 2006 – Some suggest that the theory is based on science, and that PAS is a well-documented phenomenon .... Practice , Rotgers and Barrett (1996) cite PAS theory as a prime example of a nonscientific theory that engages in “reverse logic. ... Professional Psychology:Research and Practice, 27(5), 467-74. ..
Published on January 01, 2006 by The Leadership Council
File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick ViewJan 1, 2006 – Some suggest that the theory is based on science, and that PAS is a well-documented phenomenon .... Practice , Rotgers and Barrett (1996) cite PAS theory as a prime example of a nonscientific theory that engages in “reverse logic. ... Professional Psychology:Research and Practice, 27(5), 467-74. ..
A deafening silence: hidden violence against women and children Romito - 2008 - Family & Relationships - 223 pages
... unfit for custody The parental alienation syndrome When it is decided to hide ... the 'parental alienationsyndrome' (PAS), an invention by R. Gardner (1 987), ...
... unfit for custody The parental alienation syndrome When it is decided to hide ... the 'parental alienationsyndrome' (PAS), an invention by R. Gardner (1 987), ...
Meier, Joan S. (2009). A Historical Perspective on Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation. Journal of Child Custody. 6(3), 232–257. [link]Zorza, Joan. (2009). On Navigating Custody & Visitation Evaluations in Cases With Domestic Violence: A Judge's Guide. Journal of Child Custody. 6(3), 258–286. [link]Abstract: Claims of parental alienation syndrome (PAS) and parental alienation (PA) have come to dominate custody litigation, especially where abuse is alleged. Although much psychological and legal literature has critiqued PAS, and leading researchers as well as most professional institutions have renounced the syndrome concept, alienation as a parental behavior or child's condition continues to be extensively investigated and credited in research and forensic contexts. This article reviews the history of PAS, both as posited by its inventor, Richard Gardner, and as used and applied in courts, suggesting that it not only lacks empirical basis or objective merit, but that it derives from its author ' s troubling beliefs about adult and child sexual interaction. It then examines the more recent explorations of non-syndrome “alienation” as proffered by Janet Johnston and others, noting both its more balanced and grounded nature and its more modest remedial implications. However, the article concludes that PA is too closely tied to PAS to be an adequate improvement. It, too, is used crudely in courts to defeat abuse allegations, it continues to rely on speculations about mothers ' purported unconscious desires and their effects on children, and, more subtly than PAS, it minimizes abuse and its effects on mothers and children. At root, although even PA researchers have found it to be a real issue in only a small minority of contested custody cases, courts ' and evaluators' extensive focus on it in response to mothers'abuse allegations continues to privilege false or exaggerated alienation concerns over valid concerns about abuse.Zorza, Joan. (2009). On Navigating Custody & Visitation Evaluations in Cases With Domestic Violence: A Judge's Guide. Journal of Child Custody. 6(3), 258–286. [link]
Abstract: In 2006, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges issued a revised and improved edition of Navigating Custody & Visitation Evaluations in Cases with Domestic Violence: A Judge's Guide, which now focuses on safety for victims and their children. This new edition explains the dynamics of domestic violence, that parental alienation syndrome and parental alienation have been discredited, and why psychological tests are largely useless and unreliable in domestic violence cases. The guide, however, is still too optimistic about the success of batterer programs. The guide is sometimes misleading and gender biased as it uses gender neutral language and because what men and women do differs and usually affects them differently.
Stark, Evan. (2009). Rethinking Custody Evaluation in Cases Involving Domestic Violence. Journal of Child Custody. 6(3), 287-321. [link]
Abstract: This article was prompted by the publication of “Assessing Allegations of Domestic Violence,” by Gould, Martindale and Eidman (2007). It critically reviews the family court response to domestic violence cases, highlighting evidence that most partner abuse consists of coercive control rather than physical assault alone. After outlining what is known about the prevalence and dynamics of domestic violence in the custodial context, I summarize findings from studies of the family court response, contrast this response with public expectations and the response by other courts and institutions, and argue that the failure to provide protective remedies is systemic rather than the result of individual factors or a lack of information. Basic reforms are required in assessment, adjudication, and accountability in these cases if the family court is to retain its legitimacy as an arbiter of family matters in disputed cases.
Neustein, Amy, & Lesher, Michael. (2009). Evaluating PAS: A Critique of Elizabeth Ellis's “A Stepwise Approach to Evaluating Children for PAS”. Journal of Child Custody. 6(3), 322-325. [link]
Argues that arming PAS evaluators with Ellis’s refurbished ‘‘stepwise’’ methodology does not cure the fundamental defects of PAS theory; these methods only put a new face on the old evils - Myths That Place Children At Risk During Custody ... - Cached
Jul 26, 2011 – Some suggest that the theory is based on science, and that PAS is a well-documented phenomenon .... Practice , Rotgers and Barrett (1996) cite PAS theory as a prime example of a nonscientific theory that engages in "reverse logic. ..... Professional Psychology:Research and Practice, 27(5), 467-74. ..Delilah1234 - Actively Aware: The Other Side of PAS,(Parental ... - Cached
The Truth About Parental Alienation Syndrome And The American Psychological Association Richard Gardner,Inventor of PAS Idea The so-called Parental ...
FAMILYCOURTREFORM : Message: Re: PAS - the factor to be dealt with
Apr 2, 2009 – ... in an article published in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice , Rotgers and Barrett (1996) cite PAS theory as a prime example of a nonscientific theory that engages in “reverse logic.” ...recommendations for practice. Professional Psychology:Research and Practice, 27(5), 467-74. ..MMO: Fathers' Fight: What every mother should know about the ... Cached
The invention of Parental Alienation Syndrome. Author Katie Allison Granju described her total shock when her soon to be ex-husband announced he was vying ...Joseph Goldberg « PAS is a Scam Cached
Tops on the list is Dr. William Bernet, the inventor of the new and improved “parental alienation disorder” that is up for consideration “from outside sources” for .Child Custody Evaluations: Reevaluating the Evaluators | research ... Cached
[22] Another's parent questionnaire goes through a litany of requested medical ..... the inventor of "parental alienation syndrome" [99] vis a vis pedophiles . ..Meier, J. S. (2009). A historical perspective onparental alienation ... - Cached
A historical perspective on parental alienation syndromeand parent alienation. ... Posted on August 11, 2011 by Duane Ruth-Heffelbower ... This is not only inappropriate, but also has potentially devastating consequences for mothers and ...Parental Alienation Syndrome & Parental Alienation: Research ... Cached
Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) and parental alienation (PA) are often invoked ..... Unfortunately, a similar inappropriate skepticism has infiltrated even child .Family Courts Need Reform, Say Judges, Legislators - Page 1 ... - Cached
A A A Comments (30) By Peter Jamison Wednesday, Mar 23 2011 ... 'Parental Alienation Syndrome' -- Judge Isn't Buying it ..... Not rebut his comment about oneinappropriate nonprofit's connection with a legislature by pointing out another ..PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME Cached
Jan 1, 2011 – PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME: Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts ... (7) inappropriate, unpredictable, or violent behavior by one parent, ...Problem Overview | Stop Family Violence
... Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Getting It Wrong In ... interventions, andinappropriate remedies for survivors of domestic violence. ...
Key Points: Custody And Visitation Implications Cached
Parental Alienation Syndrome (cont'd) ... Joint custody isinappropriate in cases presenting a history of intimate partner sexual abuse or other domestic violence. .
The Proper Role for Mental Health Professionals in
File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick ViewParental Alienation Syndrome is an unscientific theory concocted by someone ... reforms to avoid the tragedies caused by widespread inappropriate practices. 1. ... http,7,01.htm - Cached
The legal strategy used to accomplish the fund diversion in individual cases is the "Parental Alienation Syndrome" (PAS) custody switching program devised by ..Information on Parental Alienation Syndrome(PAS) - Cached
Jan 12, 2009 – Information on Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) “This article analyzes ... ofteninappropriate, and totally predictable behavior following ...
Richard Ducote CV
File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick ViewHe has been an ardent opponent of the bogus “Parental Alienation Syndrome” concocted by Richard Gardner and used to discredit victims of child sexual abuse ... Navigating Custody and Visitation Evaluations in Cases With Domestic
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Views Children who appear “alienated” from a parent may have legitimate and .... By the same token, it would not beinappropriate for either an investigator or .... Richard Gardner's theory positing the existence of “parental alienation syndrome” or ..
EXCERPT FROM PAGE 19 source see above
Parental Alienation and the Daubert Standard: on Syndromes and Behaviors
In Kumho Tire v. Carmichael, 526 U.S. 137 (1999), the Supreme Court ruled that even
expert testimony based in the “soft sciences” must meet the standard set in the
case. Daubert, in which the Court re-examined the standard it had earlier
articulated in the Frye
case, requires application of a multi-factor test, including peer
review, publication, testability, rate of error, and general acceptance.
Richard Gardner’s theory positing the existence of “parental alienation syndrome” or
“PAS” has been discredited by the scientific community.
Testimony that a party to a
custody case suffers from the syndrome should therefore be ruled inadmissible both
under the standard established in Daubert and the stricter Frye standard.
Children in contested custody cases may indeed express fear of, concern about,
distaste for, or anger with one parent. And those feelings may sometimes have been
fostered or encouraged by alienating behaviors on the part of the other parent. On the
other hand, there are a variety of competing explanations that need to be explored—
including the very real possibility that the children are responding to concerns based in
their own experience with the parent from whom they feel estranged.
AR_SV Indian Country
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Viewby JS Meier - Cited by 8 - Related articles Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation(January 2009). Page 1 of 17 ..... Unfortunately, a similarinappropriate skepticism has infiltrated even ... Dr. Michael Borack - Hamilton County's PAS Evaluator & Deprogramer - Cached
Dr. Michael Borack is Judge Ronald Panioto's neighbor and Court Appointed Parental Alienation Syndrome expert. As such, his opinion was inappropriately ..Research - No Way Out But One - Cached
... of the “Parental Alienation Syndrome” has no scientific evidence to support it. ... result in the awarding of shared legal custody in inappropriate circumstances. ...Sue and/or Prosecute Court Psychologists Whose Negligence ... Cached
It was inappropriate for [Wrigley] to either diagnose the children or state there was a likelihood the children could develop parental alienation syndrome, as it is ...
The Evidentiary Admissibility of The Evidentiary Admissibility of ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Viewby JD Jennifer Hoult - Related articles medical syndrome called Parental Alienation ....Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome. 3 ..... diagnosis inappropriate under Gardner's defi- ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View“Parental Alienation Syndrome” is inadmissible under Alabama's Frye test for the .... violence by giving “inappropriate pathological labels” to women's responses ...
File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick ViewI. PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME (PAS) EVIDENCE MUST MEET ..... the Family evaluated PAS and called it aninappropriate psychological label that is ... Parental Alienation Syndrome' -- Judge Isn't Buying it - San ... Cached
Mar 24, 2011 – 'Parental Alienation Syndrome' Not Likely to Be Included in DSM-5 ...... It is possible to win by having an inappropriate relationship with .QLD Psychologists Attack Parental Alienation(Syndrome) (PAS) Cached
Apr 7, 2008 – ... ruling debunking parental alienation syndrome, a controversial diagnosis of the ... "It wasinappropriate for the registrant (Dr Wrigley) to either .The “Friendly Parent” Concept - Margaret K. Dore, PS - Cached
The “Friendly Parent” Concept -- A Construct Fundamentally at Odds with the ... parent concept is related to the theory “parental alienation syndrome” (PAS). ... evaluators frequently use that term and other inappropriate terms to discount the ...The Truth About Parental Alienation | Stop Family Violence › ... › Parental Alienation- Cached
Feb 23, 2007 – Proponents of Parental Alienation portrayparental alienation as a ... Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Getting It Wrong In Child .... the violence and by giving inappropriatepathological labels to women's ..Parental Alienation Syndrome & Parental Alienation: Research ... Cached
Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) and parental alienation (PA) are often invoked ..... Unfortunately, a similar inappropriate skepticism has infiltrated even child ...Parental Alienation Syndrome and Alienated Children – getting it ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobatby CS Bruch - 2002 - Cited by 24 - Related articles May 31, 2001 – Parental Alienation Syndrome: Junk Science in Child Custody Determinations, .... children's angry, often inappropriate, and totally predictable ... THE TRUTH ABOUT PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME AND ... - Cached
Apr 14, 2011 – THE TRUTH ABOUT PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME AND THE ... violence and by giving inappropriate pathological labels to women's ...Parental Alienation Syndrome: Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts ... Cached
Parental Alienation Syndrome: Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts (Part 2 of 2) ... Standard 2.02 "Competence and Appropriate Use of Assessments and ...SCIENTIFIC REJECTIONS OF PAS
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Viewviolence and by giving inappropriate pathological labels to women's responses to ... 2 Carol S. Bruch, “Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: .. |
Jan 1, 2011 – PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME: Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts ... (7) inappropriate, unpredictable, or violent behavior by one parent, ...Problem Overview | Stop Family Violence
... Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Getting It Wrong In ... interventions, andinappropriate remedies for survivors of domestic violence. ...
Key Points: Custody And Visitation Implications Cached
Parental Alienation Syndrome (cont'd) ... Joint custody isinappropriate in cases presenting a history of intimate partner sexual abuse or other domestic violence. .
The Proper Role for Mental Health Professionals in
File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick ViewParental Alienation Syndrome is an unscientific theory concocted by someone ... reforms to avoid the tragedies caused by widespread inappropriate practices. 1. ... http,7,01.htm - Cached
The legal strategy used to accomplish the fund diversion in individual cases is the "Parental Alienation Syndrome" (PAS) custody switching program devised by ..Information on Parental Alienation Syndrome(PAS) - Cached
Jan 12, 2009 – Information on Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) “This article analyzes ... ofteninappropriate, and totally predictable behavior following ...
Richard Ducote CV
File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick ViewHe has been an ardent opponent of the bogus “Parental Alienation Syndrome” concocted by Richard Gardner and used to discredit victims of child sexual abuse ... Navigating Custody and Visitation Evaluations in Cases With Domestic
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Views Children who appear “alienated” from a parent may have legitimate and .... By the same token, it would not beinappropriate for either an investigator or .... Richard Gardner's theory positing the existence of “parental alienation syndrome” or ..
EXCERPT FROM PAGE 19 source see above
Parental Alienation and the Daubert Standard: on Syndromes and Behaviors
In Kumho Tire v. Carmichael, 526 U.S. 137 (1999), the Supreme Court ruled that even
expert testimony based in the “soft sciences” must meet the standard set in the
case. Daubert, in which the Court re-examined the standard it had earlier
articulated in the Frye
case, requires application of a multi-factor test, including peer
review, publication, testability, rate of error, and general acceptance.
Richard Gardner’s theory positing the existence of “parental alienation syndrome” or
“PAS” has been discredited by the scientific community.
Testimony that a party to a
custody case suffers from the syndrome should therefore be ruled inadmissible both
under the standard established in Daubert and the stricter Frye standard.
Children in contested custody cases may indeed express fear of, concern about,
distaste for, or anger with one parent. And those feelings may sometimes have been
fostered or encouraged by alienating behaviors on the part of the other parent. On the
other hand, there are a variety of competing explanations that need to be explored—
including the very real possibility that the children are responding to concerns based in
their own experience with the parent from whom they feel estranged.
AR_SV Indian Country
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Viewby JS Meier - Cited by 8 - Related articles Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation(January 2009). Page 1 of 17 ..... Unfortunately, a similarinappropriate skepticism has infiltrated even ... Dr. Michael Borack - Hamilton County's PAS Evaluator & Deprogramer - Cached
Dr. Michael Borack is Judge Ronald Panioto's neighbor and Court Appointed Parental Alienation Syndrome expert. As such, his opinion was inappropriately ..Research - No Way Out But One - Cached
... of the “Parental Alienation Syndrome” has no scientific evidence to support it. ... result in the awarding of shared legal custody in inappropriate circumstances. ...Sue and/or Prosecute Court Psychologists Whose Negligence ... Cached
It was inappropriate for [Wrigley] to either diagnose the children or state there was a likelihood the children could develop parental alienation syndrome, as it is ...
The Evidentiary Admissibility of The Evidentiary Admissibility of ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Viewby JD Jennifer Hoult - Related articles medical syndrome called Parental Alienation ....Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome. 3 ..... diagnosis inappropriate under Gardner's defi- ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View“Parental Alienation Syndrome” is inadmissible under Alabama's Frye test for the .... violence by giving “inappropriate pathological labels” to women's responses ...
File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick ViewI. PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME (PAS) EVIDENCE MUST MEET ..... the Family evaluated PAS and called it aninappropriate psychological label that is ... Parental Alienation Syndrome' -- Judge Isn't Buying it - San ... Cached
Mar 24, 2011 – 'Parental Alienation Syndrome' Not Likely to Be Included in DSM-5 ...... It is possible to win by having an inappropriate relationship with .QLD Psychologists Attack Parental Alienation(Syndrome) (PAS) Cached
Apr 7, 2008 – ... ruling debunking parental alienation syndrome, a controversial diagnosis of the ... "It wasinappropriate for the registrant (Dr Wrigley) to either .The “Friendly Parent” Concept - Margaret K. Dore, PS - Cached
The “Friendly Parent” Concept -- A Construct Fundamentally at Odds with the ... parent concept is related to the theory “parental alienation syndrome” (PAS). ... evaluators frequently use that term and other inappropriate terms to discount the ...The Truth About Parental Alienation | Stop Family Violence › ... › Parental Alienation- Cached
Feb 23, 2007 – Proponents of Parental Alienation portrayparental alienation as a ... Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Getting It Wrong In Child .... the violence and by giving inappropriatepathological labels to women's ..Parental Alienation Syndrome & Parental Alienation: Research ... Cached
Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) and parental alienation (PA) are often invoked ..... Unfortunately, a similar inappropriate skepticism has infiltrated even child ...Parental Alienation Syndrome and Alienated Children – getting it ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobatby CS Bruch - 2002 - Cited by 24 - Related articles May 31, 2001 – Parental Alienation Syndrome: Junk Science in Child Custody Determinations, .... children's angry, often inappropriate, and totally predictable ... THE TRUTH ABOUT PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME AND ... - Cached
Apr 14, 2011 – THE TRUTH ABOUT PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME AND THE ... violence and by giving inappropriate pathological labels to women's ...Parental Alienation Syndrome: Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts ... Cached
Parental Alienation Syndrome: Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts (Part 2 of 2) ... Standard 2.02 "Competence and Appropriate Use of Assessments and ...SCIENTIFIC REJECTIONS OF PAS
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Viewviolence and by giving inappropriate pathological labels to women's responses to ... 2 Carol S. Bruch, “Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: .. |
Malpractice Pitfalls for Therapists › ethics & malpractice - Cached
Many licensing board cases and civil suits allegeinappropriate or excessive self .... AccommodationSyndrome, Parental Alienation Syndrome, [Wiederholt v....Use of Inappropriate Syndrome Testimony
As early as September of 1989 Dr. Gary Melton and Susan Limber in an article entitled "Psychologists' Involvement in Cases of Child Maltreatment" [American Psychologist Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1225-1233] commented on the inappropriate use by therapists of syndromes that are not found in the various versions of Diagnosis and Statistical Manual. There have been a proliferation of such syndromes over the last several years. At this point using syndromes which are not appropriately researched or acknowledged by the profession is below the standard of care. Among the syndromes which are controversial and which should not be represented as accepted in the therapist community are Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome, Parental Alienation Syndrome, [Wiederholt v. Fischer 169 WIS 2d 524, 45 N.W. 2d 442 (1992)], False Memory Syndrome, and Malicious Mother Syndrome.
Malpractice Pitfalls for Therapists › ethics & malpractice - Cached
Many licensing board cases and civil suits allegeinappropriate or excessive self .... AccommodationSyndrome, Parental Alienation Syndrome, [Wiederholt v....Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Getting It Wrong ... - Cached
Jul 3, 2011 – The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome ... the violence and by givinginappropriate pathological labels to women's ...CPFM: Parental Alienation Syndrome - Cached
Parental Alienation Syndrome and Alienated Children -- Getting it Wrong in Child ... A Defense Attorney's List - Use of Inappropriate Syndrome Testimony: ...
Must-Read Links on PA/PAS:
Resources for Mothers Who are Charged With Junk Science
Other-Than-Gardner Versions of "Parental Alienation Syndrome"
Friendly Parent Provisions
Parental Alienation Syndrome Frye & Gardner in the Family Courts - Jerome H. Poliacoff, Ph.D., P.A., Cynthia L. Greene, Esq., and Laura Smith, Esq
Casualties of a Custody War
American Prosecutor's Research Institute - Conclusion:
"PAS is an unproven theory that can threaten the integrity of the criminal justice system and the safety of abused children. Prosecutors should educate themselves about PAS and be prepared to argue against its admission in court. In cases where PAS testimony is admitted, it is a prosecutor’s responsibility to educate the judge and jury about the shortfalls of this theory. As more criminal courts refuse to admit PAS evidence, more protection will be afforded to victims of sexual abuse in our court system. "
Malpractice & Licensing Pitfalls for Therapists: A Defense Attorney's List - Use of Inappropriate Syndrome Testimony:
"The PAS label "has lived a lot longer than the data that supports it". "I expect people to come up with crackpot theories. But then I expect scientists to do their jobs." Alan Scheflin, professor at Santa Clara University Law School
Excerpts from source
Child Sexual Abuse & Parental Alienation Syndrome Allegations ... - Cached
Jul 23, 2007 – According to one definition, "Parental alienation syndrome [PAS] is the .... violence and by givinginappropriate pathological labels to women's ..
Old some links may not work but can be found threw out standbythechildren google sites.
How “Parental Alienation Syndrome” is Used Against Mothers And Children Who Allege Child Sexual Abuse by Trish Wilson
PAS is set up in such a way that regardless of what the child or mother may do or say, all behavior and statements will not be believed. Either the children and mother are delusional or they are lying. Karen stated that the court appointed evaluator for the children believed that the children’s therapists — those not appoint ed by the court — were “abusing them by believing them,” which fits in beautifully with treatment for PAS.
The Truth About Parental Alienation Syndrome And The American Psychological Association compiled by Trish Wilson
When children reject their abusive fathers, it is common for the batterer and others to blame the mother for alienating the children. They often do not understand the legitimate fears of the child.
Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Paradigm for Child Abuse in Australian Family Law by Dr. Elspeth McInnes
"I want to begin by drawing attention to the public acknowledgement at the highest levels of Family Law reform and administration in Australia of a continuing systemic failure to protect children from serious abuse."
use in divorce proceedings are the product of vengeful and vindictive mothers.
""Both the Family Law Council (2002) report titled ‘Family Law and Child Protection’ and the Family Court’s Magellan Project (Brown et al. 1999, 2001) have recognised that children who are subject to serious abuse are not protected from continuing abuse in the current Family Court system."
"Interim orders are made without reference to histories of domestic violence and allegations of abuse, which are treated as untested and therefore unreliable (Altobelli 2001). The trivialisation, disbelief and dismissal of child abuse allegations is underpinned by a presumptive paradigm that allegations of child ab
Expert Dr. Robert Geffner: Courts Under the Thrall of Dangerous “Parental Alienation Syndrome” Myth Award Custody to Violent, Abusive Parents
Child abuse experts Dr. Robert Geffner warns that “Parental Alienation Syndrome” (PAS) is junk science – a psychiatric “disorder” that isn’t recognized by any mental health or medical association, isn’t supported by research, and hasn’t even been published in established peer-reviewed professional journals.
But PAS has been used by the courts to award sole custody of hundreds of children to the parents accused of sexually or physically abusing them.Worse is a process that turns justice on its head by demonizing the parent who is trying to protect their child and has made statements about them being abused.
“Many professionals connected with the courts are operating under the influence of and acting on a dangerous myth. PAS is fictitious, but the life-long damage it has inflicted on countless children is only too real,”
Geffner says. Both children who are exposed to intimate partner violence and those who are physically or sexually abused often are affected throughout their life span if the abuse is not recognized and treated.
Many adults experience symptoms ranging from anxiety, sleeplessness, and panic attacks to a recurrent inability to trust other adults and form stable relationships but don’t connect those problems to their childhood history of abuse.,+Abusive+Parents
Parental Alienation Syndrome: When is ‘Parental Alienation Syndrome’ a False Allegation?
There is no protection, under the PAS theory for children who have actually sufferred physical, sexual or emotional abuse, due to such abuse being virtually impossible to ‘prove’, due to the childs age and general legal disbelief
We are aware of situations where protective fathers have been denied contact for many convoluted and unjust reasons, and where residential fathers have systematically alienated children from the non residential mother.However,parental alientation SYNDROME has not been an issue in those situations.
Fighting Over the Kids: Battered spouses take aim at a controversial custody strategy.
…according to one 2004 survey in Massachusetts by Harvard’s Jay Silverman, 54 percent of custody cases involving documented spousal abuse were decided in favor of the alleged batterers. Parental alienation was used as an argument in nearly every case.This year the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges denounced the theory as “junk science,” and at least four states have passed legislation to curtail its use in custody cases involving allegations of domestic violence. “It’s really been a cancer in the family courts,” says Richard Ducote, an attorney in Pittsburgh who has represented abuse victims in custody cases for 22 years.
The Truth About Parental Alienation
This past year (2006) the American Bar Association’s Children’s Legal Rights Journal published an article
Also this past year, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judgespublished a judges bench book
PAS’s twenty-year run in American courts is an embarrassing chapter in the history of evidentiary law. It reflects the wholesale failure of legal professionals entrusted with evidentiary gatekeeping intended to guard legal processes from the taint of pseudo-science….
As a matter of science, law, and policy PAS should remain inadmissible in American courts.”
Rev. Anne Grant: The discredited ‘Parental Alienation Syndrome’
"Abusers with money or other forms of influence, skilled at terrorizing their families, easily gain the upper hand. Their children, suffering nightmares and stomach ailments, refuse to visit them. The abusive parent charges the protective parent with “brainwashing” the children, and wins sole custody…
The so-called Parental Alienation Syndrome, touted by many in the Rhode Island Family Court, has been discredited by the American Psychological Association and, recently, by both the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and the Children’s Legal Rights Journal.
For more than a decade, I have witnessed the devastating effects of this strategy in Rhode Island courtrooms and families.
Abusers often pride themselves on a no-nonsense parenting style that may appeal to judges. They typically show little concern for their children. Some pursue the children to torment their ex-partner or to avoid paying child support.
Some force the children to deliver intelligence on the ex-partner, for protracted litigation against the protective parent. Threatened by a brutal, angry, demanding parent, the children frequently suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and worse."
Modified July 23, 2007 9:33pm
Parental Alienation Witch Hunt - Cached
Apr 12, 2009 – Parental Alienation Syndrome, however, is not based in empirical ..... they did little to dissuade domestic violence is inappropriate, she said. ... |
Another term used in pas mis-use Reintegration therapy Cached
Jun 11, 2011 – The Genocide of Battered Mothers and theirChildren ... Reintegration therapy, shock therapy, false memory syndrome, Draptomania, Family Court Judges, Best Interest of Child, Co-parenting therapy, Borderline, mommycaused daddy's bad ... mother's body after he had stabbed and strangled her to death. ..
that: "The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation ... Ralph Underwager, 'expert' witness for the defense in scores of child abuse ...... become homosexuals and pedophiles and the shady, dubious history of Pope John Paul II. ..... "Reintegration Therapy" with the assistance of a Therapist who is ...
Child Porn-Pedafila Pandemic & Coverup
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Viewthat: "The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation ... Ralph Underwager, 'expert' witness for the defense in scores of child abuse ...... become homosexuals and pedophiles and the shady, dubious history of Pope John Paul II. ..... "Reintegration Therapy" with the assistance of a Therapist who is ...
"Sexology - Therapy Or Titillation?" British Journal of Sexual Medicine ...... subjected to the indignity of 'reintegration' into his parish or work location, during which ..... massive cover-up of child sexual abuse in the history of ...... Among the list of "unique" presenters was Ralph. Underwager ...
Reliance of the U.S. Catholic Church on the Discredited Field of ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat"Sexology - Therapy Or Titillation?" British Journal of Sexual Medicine ...... subjected to the indignity of 'reintegration' into his parish or work location, during which ..... massive cover-up of child sexual abuse in the history of ...... Among the list of "unique" presenters was Ralph. Underwager ...
Therapeutic responses to delayed recall: Beyond recovered memory.
by SN Gold - 1997 - Cited by 24 - Related articles... Ralph Underwager, who had long testified in the defense of accused child molesters .... multistep process of “reassurance, interpretation, and reintegration” (p. ... This perception, like that of the abused child, is also likely to be denied by the ... with an extensive sexual-abuse historywhich frequently emerges in therapy is ..
Warning this may be pedo page do not click on link Only example of pas purveyors pro-pedo agenda. It was affectionate not abuse.
On Boys and Boylovers - Cached
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Prohibition of all pedophile acts is unjust and implies the persecution of a minority.... However, affectionate contact may not necessarily characterize all ...... Interview: Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager. Paidika 3:1, pp2-12. ...What the F...? theologian answers 'Is choosing paedophilia for you ...
Warning this page does not recommend this page do not click on link justexample of pas defense to sexual assault of a child
Defending the Right to Pleasure ||
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Mar 30, 2001 – ... and Child Sexual Abuse by Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield. ... The S -SAD theory on affectional deprivation is a scientific one, not a...... it is just a " defense of pedophilia", suggesting that either I am a pedophile, ...FAMILYCOURTREFORM : Message: Custody Corruption Summary/Liz Richards Cached
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Apr 6, 2004
... Foundation" as a PAS deprogramming/"reintegration" center for "threat therapy". ... PAS was devised to obstruct charges of paternal sex abuse by producing a ... mother (Protective Parent) by switching custody of the abused childto the ... Gardner, Underwager and other members of the pro-pedophilia ..
... but is run out of the office of Ralph Underwager and Hollinda Wakefield, .... C Gardner testified that there is no reliable profile of a pedophile even ... loving andaffectionate feelings for his father when reunited with him. ...
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File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick View... but is run out of the office of Ralph Underwager and Hollinda Wakefield, .... C Gardner testified that there is no reliable profile of a pedophile even ... loving andaffectionate feelings for his father when reunited with him. ...
High Hopes, Grim Reality: Reintegration and the Education of ... › Journal List › NIHPA Author Manuscripts
by TS Betancourt - 2008 - Cited by 24 - Related articlesNov 1, 2008 – These programs were aimed less atreintegrating former child soldiers ... child soldiers, who were more likely to go directly back to their home ... school fees and training assistance but also psychosocialtreatment, ..... villages with children, while poverty and ahistory of sexual violation ..... Child Abuse Negl. ..
by E Zinston - 2006 - Related articles
Throughout the history of the correctional system, recidivism, or a relapse into crime, has been ... I am also grateful to Lauren Krivo and Rachael Gossett, both of whom played ....(Columbus, OH), Center for Families and Children(Cleveland, OH), and Talbert House ... of these are in the context of substance abuse treatment. ..
Preparing Incarcerated Parents forReintegration in Families: An ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick Viewby E Zinston - 2006 - Related articles
Throughout the history of the correctional system, recidivism, or a relapse into crime, has been ... I am also grateful to Lauren Krivo and Rachael Gossett, both of whom played ....(Columbus, OH), Center for Families and Children(Cleveland, OH), and Talbert House ... of these are in the context of substance abuse treatment. ..
PAS and Sex-Abuse Accusations - Cached
Intensive therapy with the target parent will aim at thereintegration of the ... has come a growth in parental alienation syndrome, Dr. Richard A. Gardner said at a ...have witnessed a burgeoning of child-custody disputes unparalleled in history. ...Planned Environment Therapy Trust Archive and Study Centre ... - Cached
Briere, John N. 1992, Child abuse trauma - theory andtreatment of the lasting effects ... Cartwright, Frederick F. & Biddiss, Michael D. 1972, Diseas and history, Dorset ....Gardner, Richard A., M.D., 1975, Psychotherapeutic approaches to the ..... reintegration therapy with survivors, Jossey-Bass Publishers (San Francisco) .2010 Conference | National DEC Conference Cached
This workshop focuses on why some children thrive in the midst of extreme adversity. ... In this plenary session, WhiteHouse Director of National Drug Control Policy Gil ... I. Increased awareness of risks associated with reintegrationand the .... Family-centered substance abuse treatment is emerging as a promising practice ... - Cached
May 22, 2010 – A onetime Columbia University professor,Richard Gardner thought society is too ... Gardner contended that sex abuse allegations arising from divorce are .... “Since 2000, reintegration services have been provided to over 1000 ... for how to go about deliveringtherapy to children,” Silberg of the Leadership ..f
But PAS is fiercely rejected by many child advocates. They call it “junk science” and a tool used to help parents accused of sexual abuse — usually fathers — win custody of their kids.
PAS “is not geared toward helping the diagnosed individual, but assisting a third party — an estranged parent — with a legal or personal goal, and thus appears more to reflect a political agenda than a bona fide mental health disorder,” says psychologist Joyanna Silberg, executive vice president of the Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence.
Classifying PAS as a mental disorder could lead to higher health costs as providers rush to cash in on therapies not now covered by insurance. Among those that could benefit are providers like the Hochs.
The couple say that 93 percent of the kids they have dealt with show an improved relationship with a previously reviled parent. But some children who have gone through the program say they were threatened and cut off from the parent they loved.
“You can’t just open a facility with no accreditation, no oversight and say, ‘This is what we do,’ especially when you’re dealing with vulnerable children,” Silberg says.
Hero to fathers
The controversy over Rachel House and parental alienation syndrome is fanned by what many consider the outrageous ideas of the man who inspired both.
A onetime Columbia University professor, Richard Gardner thought society is too harsh on adults who have sex with kids.
“What I am against is the excessively moralistic and punitive reaction that many members of our society have toward pedophiles . . . far beyond what I consider the gravity of the crime,” he wrote in 1991.
Though he called pedophilia “a bad thing,” Gardner argued that it’s common in many cultures and that children might be less harmed by sex abuse than by the “trauma” of the legal process.
In the late ’80s and early ’90s, Gardner was widely quoted in counterpoint to what some felt were sensationalized allegations of sex abuse in day care centers. He was also a well-paid witness in custody cases, almost always appearing on behalf of the father.
Gardner contended that sex abuse allegations arising from divorce are usually false, made by a vindictive mother trying to cut off a child from the father. His typical advice: Kids should be forced to see the estranged parent, and judges should punish the “alienating” parent.
Those views made Gardner a hero to the fathers’ rights movement and an anathema to child advocacy groups.
“The premise that you can improve a relationship with a parent through force and coercion and isolation from the preferred parent is simply erroneous and unethical,” Silberg says.
In 1998, a Pittsburgh high school student, Nathan Grieco, was found dead with a belt around his neck after complaining that his father had caused him and his brothers “endless torment” in a custody fight. A judge, acting on Gardner’s recommendation, had threatened to jail the mother if the boys refused to see their father.
“These children need coercion,” Gardner had said.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette detailed the case in 2001 — the year Gardner
"Denial of perpetration is simply not evidence that none has occurred, because even when there is physical evidence of abuse, sexual abusers of children may continue to deny that they did anything....The tactics of the false memory movement have shown remarkable parallels to those of sexual abusers who attempt to silence their victims, and I wonder why this is." -- The Prices of Resisting Silence: Comments on Calof, Cheit, Freyd, Hoult, and Salter, p. 191.
strongly urge you to locate this issue in your library, or order a copy, and share it with survivors and professionals alike. It's heartening to be reminded that there are people of principle in this world who care about those who have experienced the trauma of child abuse, and who are willing to stand on their convictions and pay a price, if necessary. We can all take a lesson from their courage of conviction. - Linda Chapman
Dedicated to the familys who suffered from richard gardners parental alienation theory may justice one day be served - Cached
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The Freyd parents, Pamela and Peter Freyd, used the media and quack science to silence and persecute the victims of sexual abuse all over again. ...
Criminals given custody of their victim. Parents trying to protect given threat therapy, Jail time, Loss of child, and other in-humain treatment for standing by the child alleging abuse.
Three decades children have been threatend into compliance with reported abusers because of theorys that will never be proven without harming and distroying lives. Threat therapy is promoting rights violations against children, false memmory for the criminal, parental alienation for the child abuser. Both held pro-pedophile purveyors yet a new term has been pushed to lower the definition of pedophile behavior with terms like affectional pedophilia and other same meaning terms pas pushers(possible criminal child perpatrators) try for both terms.
We as people, citizens, parents, family, freinds, Human beings, individuals, and loved ones
We must take a stand against the gate way legalization of crimes against children
Pro-sexual and physical abuse theorys and abuse excuses must be removed from our court systems for the children now living in fear and violence
And the future of children everywhere please end the promotion of violence against children
End the threat therapy
Cut the funds to abuse excuses and end these human rights violations against children reporting abuse.
We must take a stand against the gate way legalization of crimes against children
Pro-sexual and physical abuse theorys and abuse excuses must be removed from our court systems for the children now living in fear and violence
And the future of children everywhere please end the promotion of violence against children
End the threat therapy
Cut the funds to abuse excuses and end these human rights violations against children reporting abuse.
Noel Packard Page 1 4/19/2004 Battle Tactics of the False Memory ... all results all results
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The Prices of Resisting Silence: Comments on Calof, Cheit,. Freyd, Hoult and Salter. Special Issue: The Science and Politics of Recovered. Memory. ...
The Prices of Resisting Silence: Comments on Calof, Cheit,. Freyd, Hoult and Salter. Special Issue: The Science and Politics of Recovered. Memory. ...
The Parental Alienation Syndrome:
Is It Scientific?
by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, FNP
Dallam, S. J. (1999). Parental Alienation Syndrome: Is it scientific? In E. St. Charles & L. Crook (Eds.), Expose: The failure of family courts to protect children from abuse in custody disputes . Los Gatos , CA : Our Children Our Children Charitable Foundation.
Gardner 's Views on Pedophilia [2]
Gardner (1992b, pp. 670-71) considers sexual activities between adults and children to be part of the natural repertoire of human sexual activity and suggests that pedophilia may enhance the survival of the human species by serving "procreative purposes" (1992b, p. 24-5). According to Gardner (1992b, p. 593), "pedophilia has been considered the norm by the vast majority of individuals in the history of the world" and "it is a widespread and accepted practice among literally billions of people."
In addition, Gardner (1986, p. 93) believes that children are naturally sexual and may initiate sexual encounters by "seducing" the adult. Moreover, Gardner (1992b, pp. 670-71) maintains that sex abuse is not necessarily traumatic; the determinant as to whether sexual molestation will be traumatic to the child, is the social attitude toward these encounters. Accordingly, Gardner (1992b, pp. 593-4) believes that our society takes an excessively punitive and moralistic attitude toward those who act out their pedophilic impulses. In fact, Gardner (1991, p. 26) suggests that "all of us have some pedophilia within us."
It should be noted that Gardner's views on pedophilia are at odds with the scientific research on child sexual abuse which has consistently and conclusively shown the negative long-term effects of sexual abuse on children's lives (e.g., Fergusson, Horwood, & Lynskey, 1996; Johnson, Cohen, Brown, Smailes, & Bernstein, 1999; Silverman, Reinherz, & Giaconia, 1996).
22 F.3d 730: Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield, Plaintiffs-appellants, v. Anna Salter, et al., Defendants-appellees
United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit. - 22 F.3d 730
Argued Dec. 10, 1993.Decided April 25, 1994
Robert Sutton (argued), Milwaukee, WI, for Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield.
John W. Markson (argued), John M. Moore, Teresa A. Mueller, Bell, Metzner, Gierhart & Moore, Madison, WI, for Anna Salter.
Michael L. Zaleski (argued), Andra J. Palmer, Quarles & Brady, Madison, WI, for Patricia Toth, Mimi Rose, National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse, American Prosecutors Research Institute and National Dist. Attys., Ass'n and James Peters, Sr.
Michael P. Erhard, Foley & Lardner, Milwaukee, WI, Grant C. Mitchell, Vaughan & Vaughan, Lafayette, IN, for Charles Vaughn.
Charles Vaughn, pro se.
Before EASTERBROOK and ROVNER, Circuit Judges, and REINHARD, District Judge.*
EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge.
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Vol. 8, No. 2, 1998
Symposium: Science and Politics of Recovered Memories
Reviewed by Linda Chapman
ANNA SALTER, PH.D., is a psychologist in Madison, Wisconsin. In 1988, she began a study of the accuracy of expert testimony in child sexual abuse cases utilizing psychologist Ralph Underwager and his wife and practice partner, Hollida Wakefield, as a case study. (Underwager is a co-founder of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation who resigned after making statements to a Dutch magazine in which he advocated pedophilia. See this article for background.) Salter writes:
"The people who support and defend those accused of child sexual abuse indiscriminately, those who join organizations dedicated to defending people who are accused of child sexual abuse with no screening whatsoever to keep out those who are guilty as charged, are...not necessarily people engaged in an objective search for the truth. Some of them can and do use deceit, trickery, misstated research, harassment, intimidation, and charges of laundering federal money to silence their opponents." -- Confessions of a Whistle Blower: Lessons Learned, p. 122.,+Cheit,+Freyd,+Hoult,+and+Salter,+p.+191.&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjTIVgjZ288jnVhhmLCBnWrPd7u9PZaIM7mPQO3NMlOSof02CgwnIWsZqrXf3uVaCGvgDgIwvJaMjFK1SUo8KSrdYnC5e_1nWxS4qzUL0UXK5XtsMpg1Dcz2VGlBgF0Xki8U0F8&sig=AHIEtbTlaGR7QYLFj6as3gzG4CH3bBpnjg&pli=1
United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit. - 22 F.3d 730
Argued Dec. 10, 1993.Decided April 25, 1994
Robert Sutton (argued), Milwaukee, WI, for Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield.
John W. Markson (argued), John M. Moore, Teresa A. Mueller, Bell, Metzner, Gierhart & Moore, Madison, WI, for Anna Salter.
Michael L. Zaleski (argued), Andra J. Palmer, Quarles & Brady, Madison, WI, for Patricia Toth, Mimi Rose, National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse, American Prosecutors Research Institute and National Dist. Attys., Ass'n and James Peters, Sr.
Michael P. Erhard, Foley & Lardner, Milwaukee, WI, Grant C. Mitchell, Vaughan & Vaughan, Lafayette, IN, for Charles Vaughn.
Charles Vaughn, pro se.
Before EASTERBROOK and ROVNER, Circuit Judges, and REINHARD, District Judge.*
EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge.
John W. Markson (argued), John M. Moore, Teresa A. Mueller, Bell, Metzner, Gierhart & Moore, Madison, WI, for Anna Salter.
Michael L. Zaleski (argued), Andra J. Palmer, Quarles & Brady, Madison, WI, for Patricia Toth, Mimi Rose, National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse, American Prosecutors Research Institute and National Dist. Attys., Ass'n and James Peters, Sr.
Michael P. Erhard, Foley & Lardner, Milwaukee, WI, Grant C. Mitchell, Vaughan & Vaughan, Lafayette, IN, for Charles Vaughn.
Charles Vaughn, pro se.
Before EASTERBROOK and ROVNER, Circuit Judges, and REINHARD, District Judge.*
EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge.
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Vol. 8, No. 2, 1998
Symposium: Science and Politics of Recovered Memories
Reviewed by Linda Chapman
ANNA SALTER, PH.D., is a psychologist in Madison, Wisconsin. In 1988, she began a study of the accuracy of expert testimony in child sexual abuse cases utilizing psychologist Ralph Underwager and his wife and practice partner, Hollida Wakefield, as a case study. (Underwager is a co-founder of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation who resigned after making statements to a Dutch magazine in which he advocated pedophilia. See this article for background.) Salter writes:"The people who support and defend those accused of child sexual abuse indiscriminately, those who join organizations dedicated to defending people who are accused of child sexual abuse with no screening whatsoever to keep out those who are guilty as charged, are...not necessarily people engaged in an objective search for the truth. Some of them can and do use deceit, trickery, misstated research, harassment, intimidation, and charges of laundering federal money to silence their opponents." -- Confessions of a Whistle Blower: Lessons Learned, p. 122.,+Cheit,+Freyd,+Hoult,+and+Salter,+p.+191.&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjTIVgjZ288jnVhhmLCBnWrPd7u9PZaIM7mPQO3NMlOSof02CgwnIWsZqrXf3uVaCGvgDgIwvJaMjFK1SUo8KSrdYnC5e_1nWxS4qzUL0UXK5XtsMpg1Dcz2VGlBgF0Xki8U0F8&sig=AHIEtbTlaGR7QYLFj6as3gzG4CH3bBpnjg&pli=1
Excerpt In an unusual and highly controversial lawsuit by Charles and Karen Johnson against the therapists who treated their adult daughter, a jury in Wisconsin recently awarded the parents $1 million
EXCERPT False Memory Syndrome Foundation announced in its recent newsletter that their final email newsletter will be sent in October 2011. We hope that Pamela Freyd, Executive Director of the FMSF, will use the occasion to respond to a few simple questions:
1. Will you inform your readers that the Johnson case in Wisconsin, as documented here, had nothing to do with hypnosis or “digging for memories” as you have falsely claimed in several places?
2. Will you correct the record about the use of Betrayal Trauma Theory in court? You falsely insinuated that Betrayal Trauma Theory was not accepted in court, when in fact, as documented here, it has passed the Daubert test.
3. Will you acknowledge the evidence of guilt against serial child molester, Billy Banks, who was embraced by the FMSF? Your newsletter reported on his case without mentioning the evidence of guilt, which is documented here, including recent charges (to which he pled guilty).
4. Will you acknowledge that Wayne Sergent, mentioned favorably in the FMSF newsletter, admitted, as documented here, that his “false memory” defense was a ruse?
5. Will you acknowledge that memories recovered in therapy led to the conviction of Calvin Huss, who, as documented here, confessed to the crimes?
We hope that you will use the occasion of the final FMSF newsletter to respond to these questions, and we will report back after the October newsletter is published.
Human Rights Petition: End the use of parental alienation ...
PPT] Be Alert for Parental Alienation Awareness Day this April ...
Whilst Parental Alienation attracts pedophile lobbyists ... of links from confirmed pedophileorganisations that promote Parent Alienation see link
LIZ ON PAS, liznotes "One of the biggest reasons PAS has become so well-accepted is precisely because it relies on the observation of COMMON, however mean, insecure and obnoxious, NORMAL behaviors ('symptoms') that EVERYONE has seen, that nearly EVERYONE has done at one time or another (it's only a matter of degree), and as to which nearly EVERYONE can say, why yes, yes, that's so true! I've SEEN it..."
No, You Haven't.
Below, RICHARD A. GARDNER: IN HIS OWN WORDS"It is likely that the mother has sexual problems... In many cases she herself was sexually molested as a child... She may never have achieved an orgasm -- in spite of the fact that she was sexually molested. . ."
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