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movement to normalize pedophilia in the United States of America.

call your attention to the movement to normalize pedophilia in the United States of America.

call your attention to the movement to normalize pedophilia in the United States of America.
Parental alienation,, normalization of pedophilia, tax exempt non-profits funded threw the health an human services,( Run by proclaimed pedophiles educating social workers) see:
False allegations of sexual abuse false allegations of domestic violence, sex offender alienation, Richard Gardner, Fred Berlin, Ralph Underwager, Michael E Lamb, WI experts supporting b4uact,and many others in Every State.
The forced normalization is already under way. Children are forced to re-integrate with sex offending parents and batters so as not to alienate the offender everything is about the offender. The greatest abuse excuse of all time evolving threw our health and human services in a 3 decade science experiment to normalize pedophilia.
3 decades of forcing child victims into threat therapy re-integration with known offenders. What a hypocrisy! 3 decades of threat therapy forced jail time and loss of children for saying no to re-integration with known abusers. 3 decade of telling children pedophilia is normal when committed by a parent guardian or family member . 3 Decades of punishing children for reporting abuse. 3 decades of punishing parents for not wanting to re-integrate with sex offender and beaters.
Now Pas Purveyors like b4uact want normalization and acceptance of pedophilia no shock Richard Gardner wanted that to. How about you? If not sign here, call your reps, call the APA and tell them to cut the funds to all groups, facilities, and educators using or attempting to normalize pedophilia. Together lets end this great hypocrisy!
Two things stand in the way of pedophilia being accepted in American society. One is that normal, decent people still view it as gross perversion -– in the same way homosexuality once was viewed. The other is that age of consent laws make it illegal for an adult to take advantage of a child sexually.


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