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Dedicated to the familys who suffered from richard gardners parental alienation theory may justice one day be served.

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    Not one - B4U-ACT
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    Jan 8, 2008 – List all of the people you have hurt or affected as a result of your .... —Marshfield, WI, News-Herald, November 19, 2007 ....

    1. Youth Voice Initiative's Blog | ATTENTION ADVOCATES!!! This needs ...
      Aug 31, 2011 – The Journal Times Online - Racine,Wisconsin .... The goal of B4U-ACT is to promote communication between BLs/GLs ... The list goes on and on and on, Doctors and Pedophiles working together to achieve their common goal. ...
    2. Anny Jacoby, Personal Safety Expert: Breaking down B4U-ACT's ... - Cached
      Aug 31, 2011 – B4U-ACT classifies pedophilia as a different type of sexual ... While B4U-ACT may have its heart in the right place with their ... My Blog List ...
    3. b4uact wisconsin (b4uact)aka normalization of pedophilia ...
      b4uact wisconsin (b4uact)aka normalization of pedophilia...... The Prison Activist Resource center has a terrific national list of all legitimate prisoner ...
    4. Time to Normalize Pedophilia: Firsthand Report onB4U-ACT ...
      Aug 22, 2011 – Prolife blogs provides a link database, a blogrolling site list, and a blog aggregator. ... attended a Baltimore, MD conference hosted by the pedophile groupB4U-ACT..... Union Thuggery in Wisconsin: Death Threats, Anyone? ...
    5. The Coming Crisis: Sexual Predators with Ph.D.s that target children ... - Cached
      Sep 4, 2011 – On August 17 of this year, the pro-pedophilia group B4U-ACT sponsored an event ... please review our small list of commenting requests found on the About/Contact .... Mathilde and Roger Lamb Mystery deepens as New Wi...

    THE LIZ LIBRARY: LIZNOTES research on family law politics and ...
    Mar 17, 2007 – APA Guidelines for Evaluating ParentalResponsibility - parenting evaluations - child custody ... I'd use the same argument in an alienation case, i.e. that both the .... they expect to be "friendly" "co-parents" in joint custody arrangements. ...... the ubiquitous Kelly and Lamb, which themselves contain little or no ...

    They even provide a time line for their sick efforts;

    Aug 17, 2011 B4U-ACT Holds Scientific Symposium on Pedophilia and the DSM
    Jul 25, 2011 B4U-ACT Notifies APA of “Inaccurate and Misleading” DSM
    May 3, 2011 B4U-ACT Invites APA’s DSM-5 Committee on Paraphilias to its Upcoming Symposium
    Apr 25, 2011 B4U-ACT Responds to Pejorative Letter in Harvard Mental Health Letter
    Oct 30, 2010 Archives of Sexual Behavior Publishes Letter from B4U-ACT about DSM-5
    Jul 20, 2010 B4U-ACT Mourns the Loss of Co-Founder Michael F. Melsheimer
    Jun 12, 2010 B4U-ACT Participates in Conference Call with DSM Revision Officials
    May 27, 2010 B4U-ACT Representatives Attend APA Annual Meeting
    Mar 1, 2010 B4U-ACT Urges DSM-5 Committee on Paraphilias to Participate in Meeting
    Dec 5, 2009 B4U-ACT Requests Meeting with APA’s DSM-5 Committee on Paraphilias
    Mar 20, 2008 B4U-ACT Holds First Workshop for Mental Health Professionals

    There are evil people out there - trying to destroy the society I was raised in, and am raising my children in. I will do what I can to warn others & combat it. If that makes GD's resident homosexuals & militant atheists butthurt about it; well, that's too damn bad. Please note that I've never personally besmirched anyone in this thread, and wish you all well. SOURCE 

    Update Newsletter Volume 16, Number 7 - Cached
    Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 2 of 2 ... However, defendants draw from both civil and criminal opinions in crafting .... Ct. App. 1989) (PAS discussed by court, but not accepted as a diagnostic tool); Perez .

    Wiley: The Scientific Basis of Child Custody Decisions, 2nd Edition - Cached
    You +1'd this publicly. Undo
    by Michael E. Lamb, Irit Hershkowitz, Yael Orbach, Phillip W. Esplin ... Edition adds chapters on family observation, parental alienation, and sexual abuse.
  • How to deal with 'toxic' parents - - Canada - Cached
    Mar 14, 2009 – "Canada seems to be a hotbed of parental alienation court activity," says .... says Ted Horowitz, a veteran social worker with Family Solutions.

    Karen Horwitz, M.F.T. - Los Angeles Family Mediation Services - Cached
    Karen Horwitz is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.... specializes in working with families going through divorce, co-parenting, and parent alienation.


    Supervised and Unsupervised ParentalAccess in Domestic ...
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    by CS O’Sullivan - Related articles
    Emily Horowitz provided statistical consulting on the project. She is ..... The converse of the friendly parent provision, “parental alienation syndrome,” can result in ...

    IPT - Sexual Abuse Allegations in Divorce and Custody Disputes - Cached
    Aug 3, 2011 – Gardner's (1987a) concept of a "parental alienation syndrome" is often .... are symptomatic following sexual abuse (Gomes-Schwartz, Horowitz

    6 B. Caulfield and R. Horowitz, Child Abuse and the Law: A Legal Primer for Social .... Criminal Justice (Fall 1990):14; R. Gardner, The Parental Alienation .

    The international handbook of parental alienationsyndrome: ... - Google Books Result A. Gardner, S. Richard Sauber, Demosthenes Lorandos - 2006 - Medical - 458 pages
    1989). 2. Wiederholt v. Fischer 485 NW 2d 442 (Wis. App. 1992). 3. ... The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A guide for mental health and legal professionals. ..

    PAS Bibliography D-G - Parental AlienationSyndrome - Cached
    Parental Alienation: Not in the Best Interest of the Children. North Dakota Law Review, 75(2), 323-364. Dawes, R. M. (1989). Experience and validity of clinical 

    Update Newsletter Volume 16, Number 7 - Cached
    Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 2 of 2 ... However, defendants draw from both civil and criminal opinions in crafting .... Ct. App. 1989) (PAS discussed by court, but not accepted as a diagnostic tool); Perez .

    Research « Trajectories and Consequences of Nonmarital Fathering

    Coparenting in Fragile Families: Understanding How Parents Work ... in The Role of the Father in Child Development, fifth edition, edited by Michael ELamb... 

        • PARENTAL ALIENATION = normalization       of pedophilia

          FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2011

              1. WHAT    WE       FOUND   ON SOURCE   D RICHARD LAWS

                1. Author - D Richard Laws

                  DRichard LawsD.Richard Laws, PhD, was the director of the Sexual Behavior Laboratory at Atascadero State Hospital in California from 1970-1985; project ...
                2. PAS Help - Parents Who Have Successfully FoughtParental ...

                  Politicians are lobbied to pass laws to bring order to chaos.... forensic psychiatrist DrRichard A. Gardner first identifiedParental Alienation Syndrome in the ...
                3. Understanding and Collaboratively TreatingParental Alienation ...

         - Cached
                  DrRichard Gardner first described PAS in an article and then later in a book and ..... Law Review under the title, "Notes and Comments: The Parental Alienation ...
                  You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/18/11
                4. Speaker ... - Canadian Symposium for ParentalAlienation Syndrome

         - Cached
                  Dr. Bone worked extensively with the late Dr RichardGardner who first ... classes and counseling for individuals who are litigating their cases in family law court. ...

                  1. Parental Alienation Syndrome

           - Cached
                    A concept developed by DrRichard Gardner, ParentalAlienation Syndrome (PAS) ... blend of education and experience in the behavioral sciences and the law...
                  2. How to Get a Child Back After Parental Alienation |

           - Cached
                    Parental Alienation Syndrome occurs when a child joins forces with the mission of one ... It requires an individual to appear before a law enforcement official at a ... psychiatristDrRichard Gardner, co-author or "The International Handbook . ...
                  3. The Spectrum Of Parental Alienation Syndrome Part I

           - Cached
                    The Parental Alienation Syndrome, so named by Dr.Richard Gardner, is a ... American Bar Association Section of Family Law to commission a large scale study ...
                  4. UNL | Arts & Sciences | Psych Dept | Law-Psych Program | REU ...

           - Cached
                    DrRichard Wiener leads an active research team that studies the impact of law .... implementation, and effectiveness of parental responsibility laws -- laws that ...
                  5. Public Lies | Parental Alienation - it's not about parents, its about ...

           - Cached
                    Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting Awareness Organization – Emotional and mental child ...Warshak, DrRichard A. — Divorce Poison ...
                  6. What is Parental Alienation Syndrome

           - Cached
                    DrRichard Gardner: A review of his theories and opinions on atypical ... The Evidentiary Admissibility of ParentalAlienation Syndrome: Science, Law, and ...
                  7. [PDF] 

                    Parental Alienation Syndrome and ParentalAlienation: Getting It ...

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                    by CS BRUCH - 2001 - Cited by 104 - Related articles
                    May 31, 2001 – in child custody law stemming fromParental Alienation Syndrome. (PAS) ..... 267, 267 (2001) (referring to ''DrRichard Gardner, a psychi- ...
                  8. Innocent Dads - Links - Guilty until Proven Innocent!

           - Cached
                    50+ items – Below are a few links to other sites that are helpful and ...
                    • • - Custody Case in Calhoun, GA. Demonstrate how our court ...
                    • • - Parents Group for ADD/ADHD and Ritalin Use Info
                    • • Accused - False Abuse Allegations - "The Law hath not been dead, though it ...
                  9. `Baby RichardLaw Faces 1st Test In Custody Fight - Chicago Tribune

           - Cached
                    Apr 28, 1995 – `Baby RichardLaw Faces 1st Test In Custody Fight ... The law's intent was to provide a permanentparental relationship for children caught in ...

                    WHAT     WE FOUND ON     SOURE  WILLIAM T  O'DONOHUE eds

                    1. Child Custody - Should Judges Appoint Child Custody Evaluators?

             - Cached
                      When divorce requires a restructuring of parental rights and... August 16, 2010 By The Forensic Counseling Offices of Katherine A. Elias, M.Ed., L.P.C., N.C.C. ... expert and cannot be expected to carefully identify signs of abuse,parental alienation, etc. ... Emery, Robert E., Otto, Randy K and O'DonohueWilliam T. (2005). ...
                    2. The sexual abuse of children: Clinical issues - Google Books Result

             T. O'Donohue, James H. Geer - 1992 - Family & Relationships - 544 pages
                      Burgess, A., Groth, N., Holmstrom, L., & Sgroi, S. (Eds.). (1978). Sexual ... Furniss, T., Bingley-Miller, L., & van Elburg, A. (1988). ... The parental alienation syndrome and the differentiation between fabricated and genuine child sex abuse. ...
                    3. Child Custody Evaluations: Reevaluating the Evaluators | research ...

                      See if you can figure out why they don't trust each other and cannot seem to get .... e.g. attachment theory or relocation or domestic violence or parental alienation..... 4 (2006); Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto & William TO'Donohue, A Critical ...
                    4. emeryCogent Case for a New Child

                      Aug 15, 2010 – Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto, William T.O'Donohue ...... ''Parental alienation'' is a construct ranked high on the list of ...... In J.C. Conoley & J.C. Impara (Eds.), The twelfth Britain and the United States. ...
                    5. Important Information

             - Cached
                      by Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto, and William T.O'donohue ... (e.g., "parent alienation syndrome") are equally hollow when subjected to scientific scrutiny; ..... 123, 132-33 (Mark L. Rosenberg & Mary Ann Fenley, eds., New York: Oxford ...
                    6. User:Slp1/draft3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

             - Cached
                      "The parental alienation syndrome: a dangerous aura of reliability". ... recognizes and uses the term PAS; however, argues that alienated parent often contributes to the alienation. .... Caplan PJ; Cosgrove L. ed... Emery, R.E.; Otto R.K., & O'Donohue, W.T. (2005). .... Brown, T; Renata A (2007). ... Bernet, William (2008). ...
                    7. [PDF] 

                      A Critical Assessment of Child Custody Evaluations

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                      by RE Emery - Cited by 70 - Related articles
                      Robert E. Emery,1 Randy K. Otto,2 William T. O'Donohue3... ed, divorced, and never-married parents and the sub- ...about their favorite constructs (e.g., ''parent alienation .....3. Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto, William TO'Donohue...
                    8. [DOC] 

                      Vitae (.doc) - Emery on Divorce

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                      William T. Grant Foundation, 2000-2004, Consequences of Parental Divorce for Adolescents and Young Adults: A ....Emery, R.E., Otto, R.K., & O'Donohue, W. (2005). ... In M.D. Levine and P. Satz (Eds.), Developmental Variation and Dysfunction (pp. ..... Parental Alienation Syndrome: Proponents Bear the Burden of Proof. ...

            • Johnston, Lucy, Hudson, Stephen M., and Ward, Tony (1997). "The suppression of sexual thoughts by child molesters: A preliminary investigation," Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 9(4), 303-319.
              "Ironically, attempted suppression may actually result in a worse situation compared to no attempts being made. The hyperaccessibility of formerly undesired thoughts has been documented in a number of studies. Once suppressed, unwanted thoughts have been shown to return and dominate mental life (Macrae et al., 1994; Wegner, 1989; Wegner & Gold, 1995). Once inhibitory mechanisms are relaxed this rebound effect may be pernicious, promoting the execution of maladaptive behaviors, such as binge eating. (Herman & Polivy, 1993) and, potentially, sexual offenses (Johnston, Ward, & Hudson, 1997). [...] However, prior suppression resulted in slower latencies for both the sex-related and the child-related words for the preferential child molesters than either the situational child molesters or the nonsexual offenders, who did not differ from one another. Thought suppression did, then, have greater subsequent effects on the preferential child molesters, as predicted. For some offender types at least, suppression results in greater accessibility of sex-related thoughts. Such rebound effects lead one to question the utility of thought suppression as a therapy technique."

              WHAT       WE      FOUND


              AR_SV Indian Country

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              by JS Meier - Cited by 8 - Related articles
              Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation(January 2009). Page 1 of 17 ..... damage and the child's alienation (Johnston,. Walters, & Olesen, 2005 ...

              1. [PDF] 

                Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Getting It ...

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                by CS BRUCH - Cited by 104 - Related articles
                May 31, 2001 – published in Carol S. Bruch, Parental Alienation Syndrome: June ..... See Janet R. Johnston, Parental Alignments and Rejection: An ..... See, e.g., LucyBerliner & Jon R. Conte, Sexual Abuse Evaluations: Conceptual and ...
              2. Action Alert: Tell San Francisco Weekly ThatParental Alienation Is ...

                Mar 2, 2011 – Jamison extensively criticizes the legitimacy ofParental Alienation Syndrome. .... Sometimes, as research by Janet R. Johnston Ph.D. of San Jose State ....Life After Lucy: In historic case, lesbian co-parent loses rights to child ...

                Alienated Children in Divorce: Evidentiary Issues With Parental ...

                by L Zirogiannis - 2001 - Cited by 30 - Related articles
                PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME AND ITS PROBLEMS Parental ... Janet R. Johnston, The Alienated Child: A Reformulation of Parental Alienation Syndrome, 39 FAM. ... n6n6 See Lucy Berliner & John Conte, Sexual Abuse Evaluations: ...

                1. Hudson, Stephen M.
                1. WHAT WE FOUND

              1. IPT Journal - Volume 10 - Table of Contents

       - Cached
                Aug 3, 2011 – (edited by William Lamont Marshall, Yolanda M. Fernandez, Stephen MHudson, and Tony Ward) Reviewed by Ralph Underwager ...
              2. IPT - Recovered Memories in the Courtroom

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                Aug 3, 2011 – (Stephen Jay Lynn and Kevin M. McConkey, Editors). Ralph ...

       Sociology: sexual relations, Hardcover Crime ...

       - Cached
                Results 1 - 12 of 26 – ... Stephen MHudson and Dr. Tony Ward (Hardcover - Apr. 19, 2000) ... The Real World of Child Interrogations by Ralph Underwager and ...

                1. Child pornography, English Scientific, Technical ...

         - Cached
                  Results 37 - 48 of 201 – ... Therapy by Hollida Wakefield andRalph Underwager (Paperback) ... D. Richard Laws,Stephen MHudson and Dr. Tony Ward (Hardcover) ...
                2. LevyResponds.htm

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                  Jul 24, 2001 – The reason I am responding to your email is that you have cc'ed other ..... Ralph C. Underwagerresigned the FMSF, Inc. Scientific Advisory Board. ...Marriage, and Welfare Reform" (Washington, DC: HudsonInstitute, ...., AFCC, Janet R. Johnston, Jonathan Gould, Stephen J. Harhai ...

                  SOURCE  TONY WARD WHAT WE       FOUND

                  IPT Journal - Volume 10 - Table of Contents

         - Cached
                  Aug 3, 2011 – (edited by William Lamont Marshall, Yolanda M. Fernandez, Stephen M. Hudson, and Tony Ward) Reviewed by Ralph Underwager ..

                  Bibliography on Female Offenders – Jan. 2010 - The MS Discussion Board

         › ... › Survivors of Female AbuseCached
                  10 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 11
                  In D.R. Laws, S.M. Hudson & T. Ward (Eds.), Remaking Relapse Prevention with Sex Offenders: A Sourcebook, .....Nathan, Pamela, & WardTony (2001). ..... Wakefield, Hollida, Rogers, Martha, & UnderwagerRalph (1990). .

                  1. [PDF] 

                    FEMALE SEX OFFENDERS

                    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
                    In D.R. Laws, S.M. Hudson & T. Ward (Eds.), Remaking. Relapse Prevention with ..... Nathan, Pamela, & WardTony(2001). Female sex offenders: ..... Wakefield, Hollida, Rogers, Martha, & UnderwagerRalph (1990). Female sexual abusers: ...
                  2. Articles citations with the tag: CHILD sexual abuse -- Investigation

           - Cached
                    Results 1 - 41 – Beech, Anthony R.; Parrett, Natalie; Ward,Tony; Fisher, ... Reports on psychologists Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager's research on the ..

           Sociology: sexual relations, Hardcover Crime ...

           - Cached
                    Results 1 - 12 of 26 – ... Stephen M. Hudson and Dr. Tony Ward (Hardcover - Apr. 19, 2000) ... The Real World of Child Interrogations by Ralph Underwager and ...

                    1. Child pornography, In Stock Only Scientific ...

                      Results 37 - 48 of 196 – ... by Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager (Paperback - Sep 1994) ... Stephen M. Hudson and Dr. Tony Ward (Hardcover - 8 Jun 2000) ...
                    2. IPT Journal - Book Review - "Sourcebook of Treatment Programs for ...

                      Aug 3, 2011 – ... Yolanda M. Fernandez, Stephen M. Hudson, and Tony Ward ... Reviewed by Ralph Underwager, Institute for Psychological Therapies. ...
                    3. Was Michael Jackson Framed?

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                      A year later, after Rothman still hadn't made the payments,Ward's attorney tried to ... Fields brought in investigatorAnthony Pellicano to help sort things out. ..... They made a completely foolish and illogical error,” says Dr. Ralph Underwager...
                    4. [PDF] 

                      Step parenting Conditional Love Nameless Persons Plural Marriage ...

                      File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
                      persons, how a person becomes a ward, effects on guardians, and reform. Praeger Publishers. 1994. ... Andre M . Ivanof, Betty I. Blythe, and Tony Tripodi. 1994. xiii + 239 pages. .... 0 Wakefield, Hollida & Ralph Underwager-KCUSA ...

                      A choice?
            • Berlin, Fred S. (2002). "Peer Commentaries on Green (2002) and Schmidt (2002): Pedophilia: When Is a Difference a Disorder?," Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31(6), 479-480.
              "It is likely that no one would choose voluntarily to develop a pedophilic sexual orientation. Those with such an orientation have no more decided to have it than have any of us decided as children to be either heterosexual or homosexual. Men with pedophilia get erections when fantasizing about children. Heterosexual men get erections when fantasizing about women. In neither case is that so because the individual in question has somehow decided ahead of time to program his mind to work in such a fashion. Persons with pedophilia have simply not chosen to experience an alternative state of mind."


              1. As the sex scandal in the Catholic Church - Catholic Citizens

                In 1998, she published the first edition of Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, which .... crumbled when Kinsey 'sfraudulent data were presented to state lawmakers. ...Kinsey disciple, Dr. Fred Berlin, from Johns Hopkins University, has been a ...
              2. Reisman v McHugh

                Both books document the criminal assault of Alfred Kinseyon persons of all ages ... from “Fred SBerlin and GenevieveS. Coyle, “Sexual Deviation Syndromes,” ...
              3. The engineering index - Google Books Result

       Society of Mechanical Engineers - 1922 - Engineering
                Cutting Cast Iron with the Oxy-Acetylene Flame, Alfred S.Kinsey... Oxy-Acetylene Welding of Refrigerating Apparatus, Fred E. Rogers. ... Berlin-Mariendorf (Die Sauerstoffanlagen der Firma Heylandt Gesellschaft fiir Apparate- bau ...

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                  Reliance of the U.S. Catholic Church on the Discredited Field of ...

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                  Dr. Fred SBerlin, John Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic, advertising his baining ... Book Reviews: Sex The Measure of ,411 Things: .4 L$e of Alfred C. Kinsey ...
                2. Catholics learning sex from Kinsey's disciples

         - Cached
                  Jun 12, 2002 – In her book, "Kinsey, Crimes and Consequences," Judith Reisman, .... and adviser to Indiana University's Kinsey Institute – and Dr. Fred Berlin...

                  1. Research: A "cure" for pedophilia? - NewgonWiki

                    Mar 26, 2011 – Part of NewgonWiki's research ... Fifty years after Kinsey et al. (1953) ... BerlinFred S., Saleh, Fabian M., and Malin, H. Martin (2009). "Mental ...
                  2. [PDF] 

                    Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL) Hochschule für ...

                    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
                    Raiborn/Kinney/Prather-Kinsey: Cost Accounting, Thomson-Learning/South-Western ... capital market, Say´s law) and the monetary sphere (quantity theory of money) ...... Weston,Fred J. / Shastri, Kuldeep: Financial Theory and Corporate ...
                  3. More on pro-pedophile USCCB advisor « A Blog for Dallas Area ...

           - Cached
                    Aug 19, 2011 – One of the lead organizers of this conference is Dr. Fred Berlin... sick and twisted Alfred Kinsey (the man who paid men to sexually molest their ...

            • Fagan, Peter J.; Wise, Thomas N.; Schmidt, Chester W.; and Berlin, Fred S. (2002) "Pedophilia," Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, 2458-2465.
              "During psychosexual development, no one decides whether to be attracted to women, men, girls, or boys. Rather, individuals discover the types of persons they are sexually attracted to, ie, their sexual orientation."

              SOURCE       Fagan, Peter J.; Wise,  references  

              1. Pedophilia

       - Cached
                The Journal of American Medical Association published a paper in 2002 by Peter JFagan... Richard Gardner, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia ...
                You visited this page on 8/30/11.
              2. Alumni

       - Cached
                Mar 7, 2011 – ... Barbara Downs, Sybil Edwards, Antoinette Fiore, Richard Gardner, Roger Gardner, ... John Breese, Richard Carey, Michael Charters, Ronald Clark, ... Decker,John Duell, George Dzenkowski, All Fagan, Beth-Lynne Fletcher, ... Richard Powell, David Powers, Peter Reiter, Virginia Schaumburg, Barbara

                1. Q and A - The Stephen Fagan / Barbara Kurth Kidnapping and ...

         - Cached
                  Jump to The Kurth's were constantly speaking aboutparental alienation ...‎: Earlier in an article that Peter ... ofalienation was Constance ...
                2. Fatherlessness in Canada, statistics, fatherlessness children studies

                  Parental Alienation. Parents who brainwash and poison their child's mind in family law disputes. More.. Family Law Reform. A child's right to be parented by both ...
                3. Resources - Voice For The Children

         - Cached
                  National Parental Abduction Case. ... 1998 Stephen Faganwas arrested in Palm Beach,Florida. ... Dr Richard Sauber - Boca Raton, FL - Parental Alienation ...
                4. Familylawcourts

         - Cached
                  We are mindful however, that Supervised Visitation is the very first step in the process of Courts facilitating parental alienation. We are also mindful Supervised ...
                5. Parental alienation theory mis-use harms children - Google Sites

                  Aug 20, 2011 – parental alienation mis-use awareness web pages .... of the American Medical Association published a paper in 2002 by Peter JFagan, Ph.D., ...

                  SOURCE WISE  THOMAS  N AND     SOURCES found    

                  1. Research: Prevalence - NewgonWiki

           - Cached
                    Mar 26, 2011 – UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ... Fagan, Peter J.; WiseThomas N.; Schmidt, Chester W.; and Berlin, Fred S. (2002) ...
                  2. Black Deeds in Black Robes - "Judicial Mischief"

           - Cached
                    JUDICIAL MISCHIEF. Ralph Underwager & Hollida Wakefield ... We believe that the judge is a wise, sagacious person who is objective and impartial. Therefore we grant .....Objections (N = 261) ..... Springfield, IL: CC Thomas, p. 127. [Back] ...
                  3. [PDF] 

                    Personality Characteristics 01° Parents Making False

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                    by H Wakefield - Cited by 34 - Related articles
                    1-lellida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager. ABSTRA CT. ...children and that we are in the niiddlc ef an epidernic ef child abuse. .... This was basod uc-on tho opinion roachod by thoagoncy staff that .... wise not be given a diagnosis. For each of ...
                  4. Books and Internet resources on Ritual Abuse including Satanic ...

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                    Aug 16, 2009 – Hollida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager, Return of the Furies: An investigation ... The search for the Devil," a HBO movie by Antony Thomas.

                  1. Research: Prevalence - NewgonWiki

           - Cached
                    Mar 26, 2011 – UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ... Fagan, Peter J.; WiseThomas N.; Schmidt, Chester W.; and Berlin, Fred S. (2002) ...
                  2. Black Deeds in Black Robes - "Judicial Mischief"

           - Cached
                    JUDICIAL MISCHIEF. Ralph Underwager & Hollida Wakefield ... We believe that the judge is a wise, sagacious person who is objective and impartial. Therefore we grant .....Objections (N = 261) ..... Springfield, IL: CC Thomas, p. 127. [Back] ...
                  3. [PDF] 

                    Personality Characteristics 01° Parents Making False

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                    by H Wakefield - Cited by 34 - Related articles
                    1-lellida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager. ABSTRA CT. ...children and that we are in the niiddlc ef an epidernic ef child abuse. .... This was basod uc-on tho opinion roachod by thoagoncy staff that .... wise not be given a diagnosis. For each of ...
                  4. Books and Internet resources on Ritual Abuse including Satanic ...

           - Cached
                    Aug 16, 2009 – Hollida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager, Return of the Furies: An investigation ... The search for the Devil," a HBO movie by Antony Thomas.

                  SOURCE WISE TTHOMAS  n     references    found

                  1. Research: Prevalence - NewgonWiki

           - Cached
                    Mar 26, 2011 – UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ... Fagan, Peter J.; WiseThomas N.; Schmidt, Chester W.; and Berlin, Fred S. (2002) ...
                  2. Black Deeds in Black Robes - "Judicial Mischief"

           - Cached
                    JUDICIAL MISCHIEF. Ralph Underwager & Hollida Wakefield ... We believe that the judge is a wise, sagacious person who is objective and impartial. Therefore we grant .....Objections (N = 261) ..... Springfield, IL: CC Thomas, p. 127. [Back] ...
                  3. [PDF] 

                    Personality Characteristics 01° Parents Making False

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                    by H Wakefield - Cited by 34 - Related articles
                    1-lellida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager. ABSTRA CT. ...children and that we are in the niiddlc ef an epidernic ef child abuse. .... This was basod uc-on tho opinion roachod by thoagoncy staff that .... wise not be given a diagnosis. For each of ...
                  4. Books and Internet resources on Ritual Abuse including Satanic ...

           - Cached
                    Aug 16, 2009 – Hollida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager, Return of the Furies: An investigation ... The search for the Devil," a HBO movie by Antony Thomas.

                  Thomas N Wise , MD

         - Cached
                  Practice, Thomas N Wise, MD. Practice Type, Solo. Address, Falls Church Office 3300 Gallows Rd Psychiatry Falls Church, VA 22042. Phone, (703) 776-3626 ...

                  WiseThomas N., M.D.

         › ... › Expert Team › Faculty › WCached
                  WiseThomas N., M.D.. Professor Director of Research, Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit. Off Campus Address. Inova Fairfax Hospital 3300 Gallows Road ... 

                  Mediation and Parental Alienation Syndrome: Considerations for an ...

         - Cached
                  Parental alienation syndrome (PAS), a term that originated in the mid-1980s, refers to a ..... and Thomas 1987 [cited in Geffner and Pagelow 1990]). Although PAS has not ... for Mediated Divorce (AAMD) (Herman 1990), (2) the Step-wiseMediation Process for Psychiatric ..... Thoennes, N., P. Salem, and J. Pearson. 1994. .

            Early development

            • Griesemer, Michael M. (2004). Ausmass und Auswirkungen massenmedialer Desinformation zum Stand der Wissenschaften über sexuellen KindesmissbrauchIpce translation.
              "Rather, we see another astonishing fact: on the same age in pre-puberty, on which the attraction to boys or girls was reported, already the nine years olds of both groups differ. The later pedophiles distinguish themselves from the control group because their objects of attraction are dramatically younger then themselves -- on the average two years younger, while the later non-pedophiles tend to feel attracted to older children -- on average 10.8 years of age.
              Given the data, as now gathered, one might conclude that pedophilia develops itself already on a pre-pubertal age -- although we don't know how."

              SOURCE  Griesemer, Michael M.  references found

              1. Dictionary - Definition of pedophilia

                German psychologist Michael Griesemer theorizes that pedophiles miss the switch of sexual interest from .....UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...
              2. פדופיליה – ויקיפדיה

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                הפסיכולוג הגרמני מיכאל גריזמר (Michael Griesemer) פיתח תאוריה שלפיה פדופילים החסירו את מעבר העניין המיני מבני .....UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...
              3. LitV [Biblio] – Autorenverzeichnis

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       - Cached
                M. und Hamburg, im März 1992. Erstbericht unter dem Titel »Wissenschaftler befürchten ...... GriesemerMichael. (2005). Kinderseelen beim Vulgär-Freud. ...... Wakefield, Hollida & UnderwagerRalph. (1991). Sex Offender Treatment. ...
              4. פדופיליה – ויקיסקס

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                הפסיכולוג הגרמני מיכאל גרייזמר (Michael Griesemer) פיתח תאוריה אשר לפיה פדופילים החסירו את מעבר העניין המיני .
                ...UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995

              1. פדופיליה -

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                UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...הפסיכולוג הגרמני מיכאל גריזמר (Michael Griesemer) פיתח תאוריהITP - Integrated theory on the ..... GriesemerM., ITP - Integrated theory on the causation of pedophilia erotica, ...
              2. Reference for Pedophilia -

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                German psychologist Michael Griesemer theorizes that pedophiles miss the switch of sexual interest from .....UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...
                You visited this page on 9/5/11.
              3. paedophilia

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                German psychologist Michael Griesemer theorizes that pedophiles miss the switch of sexual interest .... Klaus M. Beier of the Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine at Charité, .... UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...
              4. NationMaster - Encyclopedia: Pædophile

      ædophile - Cached
                German psychologist Michael Griesemer theorizes that pedophiles miss the switch of sexual interest .... Klaus M. Beier of the Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine at Charité, .... UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...
              5. NationMaster - Encyclopedia: Pedophilia

       - Cached
                Aug 26, 2005 – German psychologist Michael Griesemertheorizes that ...
              6. פדופיליה – Walla! Pedia

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                הפסיכולוג הגרמני מיכאל גרייזמר (Michael Griesemer) פיתח תאוריה אשר לפיה .... GriesemerM., ITP - Integrated theory on the causation of pedophilia erotica, · Interview: John Money. ... UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...
              7. Wapedia - Wiki: פדופיליה

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                25 יולי 2011‎ – Edited by Thase ME, Edelstein BA, Hersen M. New York, Plenum, 1990, pp 271-290; Fagan P. J. et al (2002). ... GriesemerM., ITP - Integrated theory on the causation of pedophilia erotica, ... UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ... 1.Wogan, Michael (2002). [1]Wogan, Michael (2002); 1

            Father Mark Hodges - Public Figure - Lima, OH | Facebook

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            Franklin MA) and handed out pro-life flyers to over 50 teens. They were well .... B4U-ACT is seeking to change the definition of pedophilia by the American Psychological Association. ..... ...

          • Sexual Revolution » Americans for Truth

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            Here's a smattering of what I learned online from “B4U-Act” Director of Operations ... RIMMING: Section on "Rimming" from flier produced for the California HIV/AIDS Hotline. ... [Senate 202-224-3121; House: 202-225-3121;]. ...


            Academic symposium on the normalization of pedophilia - My Posting ...

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            14 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Aug 18
            Co-founder and chair of the B4U-ACT board, Russell Dick, .... Joined: 20-July 11; How did you find MPC:flyer in Ray's Occult Book Shop  

            B4U-ACT Representatives Attend APA Annual Meeting

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            Jun 11, 2010 – Flier distributed at APA Annual Meeting: B4U-ACT Living in Truth and Dignity .... P.O. Box 1754 • Westminster, MD 21158 ...
          • S

            ex Offender Research: Issues, News and Recidivism: B4U-Act: A ...

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            Mar 23, 2011 – As many folks know, B4U-ACT is a cooperative effort of people who are attracted to minors and ... P.O. Box 1754. Westminster, MD 21158 ...... Registry - Will not have to register (1); Registry -Flyers (2) ...

          •  EXCERPT:  

            Attraction to Minors:(View) (Download)
            Myth: Minor-attracted people are aggressive and violent. Personality studies find low levels of aggression. Even those who interact sexually with minors rarely ...


            contact information - BoyChat

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            Sep 20, 2009 – Contact information is in the flyer. You could call me at the phone number on the flyer or contact


            Ame for Truth

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            5 days ago – Barber recently attended (with Dr. Judith Reisman) the “B4U-Act” pro-pedophile conference in Baltimore. .... Peter LaBarbera, ... check out this AFTAH story on a pro-homosexual California AIDS flier that lays out ...

          • Illinois Family Institute

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            Click HERE to download a flyer for this event. ... One organization that warrants particular attention is "Teaching Tolerance," which is laughingly called ... of Law, attended a Baltimore, MD conference hosted by the pedophile group B4U-ACT.

          • California Family Courts Helping Pedophiles, Batterers Get Child ...

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            Mar 2, 2011 – Kelly and Lamb promote materials developed by Richard Gardner (and ...... Upload it and then search for "parental alienation" -- you will come up with ...... "Kathleen Russell, staff counsel to the Marin-based Center for ...

          • B4U-Act |

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            Aug 24, 2011 – Tag Archives: B4U-Act ... Rights, Videos. Tagged American Psychiatric Assn., APA, B4U-Act, children, gay agenda, hebephilia, pedophilia, sex ...
          • With B4U-ACT, Pedophilia Takes a Step Toward Being Considered ...

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            Aug 26, 2011 – Read 'With B4U-ACT, Pedophilia Takes a Step Toward Being ... Obama Looking Like Job Killer In Chief · Ex-employee sues Borders over mass 

            Zoompad's blog: THE PAEDOPHILES ARE TRYING TO LEGALISE ...

   - Cached
            Aug 24, 2011 – Time to Normalize Pedophilia: Firsthand Report on B4U-ACT Conference .... those who are law-abiding,” said Howard Kline, science director of B4U-ACT,.... that the operations director of, Richard Kramer, is apparently not ..... DAVID ABRAHAMS,RICHARD GARDNER AND THE SECRET FAM. ...

            “Normalizing Paedophilia” Conference – Apathy NOT an Option ...

   - Cached
            Aug 19, 2011 – The August 17 Baltimore conference is sponsored by B4U-ACT... are law-abiding,” said Howard Kline, science director of B4U-ACT, in a July 25, 2011 press release. ... including B4U-ACT director of operations Dr.Richard Kramer and ... is good for them and they like it- according to Kinsey and Gardner.

            Illinois Family Institute

   - Cached
            Illinois Family Institute (IFI) is an independent 501c(3) non-profit organization research ... about the amazing rise in power of organized homosexuality in the United States. ... ad website that has been accused of being a marketplace for sexual services... a Baltimore, MD conference hosted by the pedophile group B4U-ACT


            Certified Static-99 Trainers

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            Mar 25, 2010 – Anderson, Dana, Ph.D. Simcoe Psychology... Queensland Corrective Services. Queensland ... CedarRapids, IA ... Registered Clinical Psychologist ... Yates, Pamela M., Ph.D., R.D. Psych ..

            Forensic Psychiatrists Vote No on Proposed Paraphilias ...

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            by K Franklin - Cited by 1 - Related articles
            by Karen Franklin, PhD | November 16, 2010 ... Arguing for the proposal was David Thornton, treatment director atWisconsin's detention center for civilly .


            Sexual Offender Assessment: DSM-5 proposals modifying - B4U-ACT

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            Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. October 20, 2010. Phoenix, Arizona ..... Sand Ridge Treatment Center Wisconsin (In The Penal Colony) ...


            41ST ANNUAL MEETING

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            Bernet W: Parental alienation disorder and DSM-V. Am J Family Therapy 36(5):349–366, ...... David ThorntonPhD, (I) Mauston, WI. Thomas Zander, PsyD, JD, .

            Wiley: The Scientific Basis of Child Custody Decisions, 2nd Edition

            by David Thornton (Editor), D. Richard Laws (Co-Editor) ...The Second Edition adds chapters on family observation,parental alienation, and sexual abuse.



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            David ThorntonPh.DTreatment DirectorSand Ridge Secure Treatment Center. Objective. Wisconsin'sSexually Violent Persons program (Chapter 980 of the

            California Coalition on Sexual Offending - 14th Annual Training ...

            May 11, 2011 – Topic: Sex Offender Assessment, Treatment and Management 101 .... David Thornton, Ph.D., Treatment Director, Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center .... Topic: Safe Family Reunification When a Parent is the Molester ..

            In the news by Karen Franklin PhD: October 2010

            Oct 28, 2010 – Two Wisconsin psychologists debated "Paraphilic Coercive Disorder," which ... of the Sand Ridge Secure Detention Center for sexually violent predators was "pro. ... Rapists will not flock in for needed treatment when they hear that a Paraphilic ..... a mother in a child custody dispute has "parental alienation 

            In the news by Karen Franklin PhD: October 2010

            Oct 28, 2010 – ... of the Sand Ridge Secure DetentionCenter for sexually violent predators was "pro. ... Rapists will not flock in for needed treatment when they hear that a .....a mother in a child custody dispute has "parental alienation ...


            AAPL 2006 Cat

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            Fred S. Berlin, MD, PhD, Baltimore, MD. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE ...... of sexual abuse; parental alienationsyndrome; characteristics and evaluation of sexual ..

            2008 October « Ritualabusearticles's Weblog

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            The truth is that Parental Alienation really is a dangerous and cleverly ...... being devastated because they looked at these images,” said Fred Berlin.

            CNS - APA Debates reclassifying pedophiles

            Some psychiatrists call it Parental Alienation Syndrome and they say that's why the .... Dr. Frederick Berlin, founder of the Sexual Disorders Clinic at the Johns 

            Issues Of Public Interest — Sites in the United States

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            Reform Sex Offender Laws · Reparations For Men .....Help Stop PAS — Parental alienation syndrome support and information. Dedicated to the memory of Dr. ..

            Reform Sex Offender Laws in Wisconsin: No one is safe....

            Jul 6, 2011 – Reform Sex Offender Laws in Wisconsin. But when a long train .... Joal Henke's Actions ConstituteParental Alienation Child Abuse. What Joal

            SMART newsletters « Ritualabusearticles's Weblog

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            Oct 5, 2008 – The well-known Dr. Ralph Underwager, who reportedly receives $15000 daily ... I speak of psychiatristRichard Gardner's Parental Alienation Syndrome (1987....... because they looked at these images,” said Fred Berlin

            Table of content

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            Chris Hansen spoke to Dr. Fred Berlin, a professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins ..... Talan, Jamie, Richard Gardner and Parental Alienation Syndrome, The 

            Mind Over Morality

            by SK Erickson - 2007 - Cited by 6 - Related articles
            ... on the death penalty, parental alienation, and numerous "syndrome" defenses. ..... Dr. Fred Berlin claimed that Jeffery Dahmer suffered from a "love sickness" .

            Reference for Pedophilia -

   - Cached
            Some psychologists, such as Dr. Fred S. Berlin, assert sexual attraction to pre-pubescent youths to be a .....UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995).


            Incestbok 1996

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            Crews, Frederick (1994a): The revenge of the repressed: part I. New York. Review of Books .... GardnerRichard (1992): True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse. Creskill, N.J.: ... Angstneurose. Berlin: August Hirschwald. .....UnderwagerRalph & Wakefield, Hollida (1990): The Real World of Child. Interrogation. 



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            So, at our parent Ch. #980 (secure) facilty in Mauston, one can get caught on this carousel ...... B4U-ACT is a 501 (c)(3) organization in Maryland whose goal is to facilitate .....even alienation. They are told that they do not appear 

            american psychiatric association conference 2010 - Google Keyword ...

            Jul 8, 2011 – American Psychiatric Association ConsidersParental Alienation for . ... ...

            abusers :: ProLifeBlogs

   - Cached
            Sponsored by a group called B4U-ACT, the conference is promoting changes ..... False Domestic Violence Accusations Can Lead To Parental Alienation Syndrome

            Parental Alienation Syndrome and Disorder:Parental Alienation ...

   - Cached
            Dec 6, 2009 – B4U-ACT Baltimore Conference: Pedophiles are just "minor-attracted persons" .... Parental Alienationis Child Abuse, No Doubt About It! ..

            ReformSexOffenderLaws.Org: Digests

            The premise was that there was an anti-child-sex-abusepanic, set in motion by ...... If you or someone you love has been the victim of Parental Alienation, we want ...SOSEN, ETAY, B4UAct, CURSOR, CFCAmerica, and Voices of the Gulag. ..

            Absolute Zero: High-sounding rhetoric

   - Cached
            Mar 9, 2009 – Michael Melsheimer aka Lek is a sex offender and a pedophile activist member of ... B4U-Acthas partnered up with .

            Sex Offender Research: Issues, News and Recidivism: Assessing ...

   - Cached
            Jun 27, 2007 – Several schemes for predict violence are in the process of research and development. ..more.. by Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager .

            ReformSexOffenderLaws.Org: Digests

            If you or someone you love has been the victim of Parental Alienation, we want you ... SOSEN, ETAY, B4UAct, CURSOR, CFCAmerica, and Voices of the Gulag. 

            Zoompad's blog: PAEDOPHILES ARE CUNNING AND WORM ...

   - Cached
            1 day ago – Accordingly, I introduced the term parental alienation syndrome. ... The concept of the parental alienation syndrome includes much more than ...... of Law, and I attended the "B4U-ACT" pedophile conference Aug. ....SATANIC HOLLYWOOD · VICTIMS OF INSTITUTIONAL CHILD ABUSE THREATENED WI..

            Australian Shared Parenting Law Debate: Has The APA Finally Lost ...

   - Cached
            Apr 9, 2010 – After rejecting many previous proposals forparent alienation, parent ... This is a project that B4U-ACThas been working on for the last couple of ...

            Obama Administration Declares Children as 'Sexual Beings' | Red ...

   - Cached
            Aug 25, 2011 – ... U.S. Department of Health and Human services agree with Dr. Kinsey. ... Dr. Kinsey, B4U-ACT and now the Obama administration are all on ...



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            health insurance coverage, Social Security or Veterans benefits, etc. in exchange for $16.00 ... monthly multipage newsletter printed at the Wisconsin Resource Center in Oshkosh, WI... Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services ...... B4U-ACT is a 501 (c)(3) organization in Maryland whose goal is to facilitate

            HHS Website Advocates Early Sexualization of Children – Common ...

   - Cached
            Aug 25, 2011 – The United States Department of Human Health Services seems to be pushing ... Tagged with B4U-ACT, Family Research Council, pedophiles, ..

            O/T: Civilization Comes to NY - This Forum is brought to you by ...

            19 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jul 5
            The August 17 Baltimore conference is sponsored by B4U-ACT.... is funded in part by the Department of Health and Human Services.

            Anny Jacoby, Personal Safety Expert & Child Abuse Prevention ...

   - Cached
            Just as the pedophile grooms and conditions his victims, theB4U-ACT group, .... Thylane Lena-Rose Loubry-Blondeau in heavy makeup, a plunging neckline and ... given his behavior in embracing drugs, instead of his family or employment, .

            Workshops - B4U-ACT

   - Cached
            Each year, B4U-ACT holds a workshop in Maryland for mental health professionals ... and to raise awareness of various issues related to the attraction to minors. ... well-intentioned acts of self-disclosure resulting in their alienation from family ..

            SICK: Psychiatrists seek to destigmatize adult-child sex ...

   - Cached
            Aug 23, 2011 – 2 nuke reactors taken offline after quake in Va. ... would be outraged,” Reisman told WND today about the B4U-Act event, also attended by ... If it doesn't stop, I can tell for sure the murder rate will rise big time. ... But they would go on their merry way and they or their family would sue you for all your worth+. ..

            ELVISNIXON.COM: Leftists Normalizing Pedophilia

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            Aug 25, 2011 – B4U-ACT classifies pedophilia as a sexual orientation and opposes treatment for pedophiles or ... Sincethe early 1970s, homosexual activist groups have been working aggressively behind the ... The family unit … must be eliminated. .... Rick on What "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is Really About . 

            Destroying America's Moral Fiber

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            4 days ago – Almost by definition, a memorial serviceincludes prayer for the souls of the dead and for renewal in the face of adversity. ... Since then, schools have been turned into minimum security prisons with a notable rise in bullying. ... A recent conference sponsored by B4U-Act, a pedophilia advocacy group, ...

            Arise Family Services Inc in MadisonWisconsin (WI) -

   › Tax-Exempt Organizations › Wisconsin - Cached
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            Arise Family Services Inc in Madison, Wisconsin (WI) ... 12, Arise Family Services Inc, PO BOX 14323, Madison, WI 53708-0323, WI, 2006-01, $124819. 13, A Peaceful Habitation & Aftercareministry ... 27, B4u - Act Inc, 30 Locust St Apt 315, Westminster, MD 21157-5084, MD, 2003-10, $7000. 28, Act Ministries Inc

          • Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center

            • Headquarters: Mauston Wisconsin, United States
            • Revenue: $7.5 Million
            • Employees: 375
          •  PDF]


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            monthly multipage newsletter printed at the Wisconsin Resource Center in Oshkosh, WI. We could only include ... SAND RIDGE SECURE TREATMENT CENTER ...... B4U-ACTis a 501 (c)(3) organization in Maryland whose goal is to facilitate ...
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            Sexual Offender Assessment: DSM-5 proposals modifying - B4U-ACT

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            Oct 20, 2010 – Pedohebephilia, Paraphilic Coercive Disorder and Hypersexual Disorder. –Sand Ridge Treatment Center Wisconsin (In The Penal Colony) ...
          • [PDF]

            Visio-PIVS Org Chart ... - Wisconsin Department of Health Services

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            DMHSAS - Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center. 1. SOURCE: PIVS June ....Lksmth-j. (03-11). 203MTNDPT. 100/100. #329340. Brandau, Ken D. Hvacrefrig. ( 03-15).... 100/100. #329125. Sosinsky, Michael J ..... Nelson, Elaine A. Pct. (05- 31) ...
          •    PDF]

            Sexual Offender Assessment: DSM-5 proposals modifying - B4U-ACT

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            Oct 20, 2010 – Pedohebephilia, Paraphilic Coercive Disorder and Hypersexual Disorder. –Sand Ridge Treatment Center Wisconsin (In The Penal Colony) ...

            Sheet1 - Wisconsin Department of Health Services -

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            48, Barbara Rucker, Madison, ROCK, 74 ECLIPSE CENTER, BELOIT, WI ... BurkwoodTreatment Center, 7153866125, www. burkwoodtreatmentcenter. ... 66 , Jamie Leohnis, Northeastern, OUTAGAMIE, 201 S GLENRIDGE COURT, APPLETON, WI .... 103, DrMichael J Nelson, Western, WOOD, 420 - 1ST AVENUE SOUTH

            ReformSexOffenderLaws.Org: Digests

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            A group of 50 mental health experts from 10 countries are part of an effort to .....B4Uact, a Maryland group whose purpose is to keep pedophiles from acting on ...... if this story were mentioned to a mental health professional one could be ...... I may soon announce new organizers in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. ...
          • [PDF]

            Sexual Offender Assessment: DSM-5 proposals modifying - B4U-ACT

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            Oct 20, 2010 – • A 10+ year effort ..... In conjunction with the WI Dept of Health Services. • Robin Wilson Ph.D., ...
          • DSM5: Pandora Replies to Dr Frances - Psychiatric Times

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            by KJ Zucker - Cited by 3 - Related articles
            Feb 22, 2010 – I continue to find no reason to label as mental disorder sexual urges, fantasies ... In my work with a non-profit organization (B4U-ACT) in Maryland, ... betweenmental health professionals and minor-attracted adults, and .... of family and community medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. 

            Minneapolis Police Department Vs Little Earth

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            As Willie Nelson says, "There is no one who should be more on the mainstream .....Name, Timothy Michael Dolan. Archbishop of, Archbishop of New York ... having previously served as Archbishop of Milwaukee (2002–2009) and Auxiliary ... include Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the cardinal-archbishop emeritus of Westminster,
          • [PDF]


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            by EOFB PRESIDENT - 2000 - Related articles
            Apr 24, 2000 – David Nelson. Teacher. 08/01/00. Michael J. Nikson. Teacher ......Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, O.S.B., recognized Ortiz, a pioneer in the .....Emeritus ( July 2000). • Discussion groups facilitated by the Division of ...
          • [PDF]

            Cathedral Netw ork

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            Mar 6, 2011 – The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist • Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Sacrament of Baptism ...... Michael J. Batcho. . ...Reverend Andy Nelson. Reverend Mike Hammer. ARCHBISHOP EMERITUS. The Most Reverend Rembert G. Weakland, O.S.B.. AUXILIARY BISHOP EMERITUS ...
          • Nihil Obstat » Lesbians & Gays

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            According to the Catholic Register, Bishop Nicola De Angelis asked Corcoran ... Another Catholic blogger, Terry Nelson of Abbey Roads, had this to say: ... of the 12 parishioners of St. Michael's parish who petitioned the bishop to remove a gay ..... Archbishop Emeritus Rembert Weakland is speaking out about how internal
          • Excerpt    Not surprisingly, Archbishop Emeritus Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee, in a depositiontaken in 2008, cites Berlin as the chief expert on pedophilia that the U.S. bishops consulted when faced with the growing sexual abuse crisis. (Locally, Berlin was also hired by at least one major religious order, the Capuchin Franciscans.)
          • [PDF]


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            May 20, 2011 – sexually abused within the Archdiocese of Milwaukee... Case 11-20059-svk a. J. Doc240 Filed05120111. Page 3 of 12 ... (2) Former Archbishop Rembert Weakland (born April 27,1927;84 years old) .... 72 years old, Jerome Lanser, 78 years old, Gale Leifeld, 82 years old, Michael ...... MARK S. NELSON...
          • Weakland's pedophilia expert to speak at ... - SNAP Wisconsin

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            Aug 16, 2011 – B4U-ACT advocates the decriminalization and tolerance of persons who have ... all major psychiatric and mental health organizations and professional ... by Priests (, is the world's oldest and largest support ...

            Paving The Way For Condoning Child Rape |

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            Aug 25, 2011 – A group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals calledB4U-Act, which has representatives from Harvard and Johns Hopkins, ...

            awaken the elephants blog

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            ... group B4U-ACT, including pedophiles, mental health professionals, gay activists, ...Berlin supports the group B4U-ACT for trying to destigmatize this group of ..... (there are other branches in Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Indiana. ...

            Insanity | Fellowship of the Minds

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            Wisconsin race riot: On August 5, 2011, a flash mob stormed the ... If a small group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have their ... If you have any questions, please contact or (443) 244-9920. ...  PDF]


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            monthly multipage newsletter printed at the Wisconsin Resource Center in Oshkosh, WI. We ... Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services ...... For Mental Health Professionals, Researchers, Students, and Educators: ... For more information, contact B4U-ACT at (410) 848-5431 or

            Are Mental Health Professionals Working to Normalize Pedophilia ...

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            Aug 18, 2011 – Are Mental Health Professionals Working to Normalize Pedophilia? ...The conference was sponsored by B4U-ACT, which the Daily Caller described as “a ...770 N. Westhill Blvd Appleton, Wisconsin 54914 | 920-749-3780 ...

            Untitled Document - SNAP Wisconsin

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            B4U-ACT advocates the decriminalization and tolerance of persons who have a ... andmental health organizations and professional associations have strongly ... SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (, ...

            Conference aims to normalize pedophilia - Page 4 - Stormfront

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            10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Aug 17
            Domain name is owned by Michael Frederick Melsheimer. ... We helpmental health professionals learn more about attraction to ...

            Sex Offender Research: Issues, News and Recidivism: B4U-Act: A ...

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            Mar 23, 2011 – As many folks know, B4U-ACT is a cooperative effort of people who are attracted to minors and mental health professionals to promote ... Even if you have not experienced mental health care, your opinions are ... ...... Civil Commit - WA McNeil Island (6); Civil Commit - WI Computers (2) ...

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            10 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Aug 19
   Forum Index ... is sponsored by B4U-ACT, a group of pro- pedophilemental health professionals and sympathetic activists. ...

            B4U-ACT Baltimore Conference: Pedophiles are just "minor ...

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            Aug 24, 2011 – The organization B4U-ACT sponsored its Summer 2011 ... which was attended by pro-pedophile activists and mental health professionals...

            Inside Report from Pedophilia Normalization Conference [Righties ...

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            24 posts - 16 authors - Last post: Aug 26
   - Cached B4U-ACT is a unique collaborative effort between ... Not onemental health professional I know (about 100) would be even remotely sympathetic ....Posts: 761. Incept: 2008-11-14. Gold Wisconsin ...

            Not one - B4U-ACT

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            Jan 8, 2008 – Things to bring up in your weekly group session: Your deviant sexual ... — Marshfield, WI, News-Herald, November 19, 2007 ....
          • Paving the Way for Condoning Child Rape by Dr. Keith Ablow…

            ... are “understandable” and that they won’t be judged by the members of B4U-Act ... Webster Delenn Simmons (1) Whoopi Goldberg (1) William Ross Wallace (1) Wisconsin...
          • The Right To Rape Children

          • Calling Truth As I See It!: Attention All Advocates!

            ... Lek who was a sex offender, a pedophile and an activist member of Boy Chat. He ranB4U-ACT ... Ask a Librarian - Wisconsin State Law Library; Alternet Chili ...
          • B4U-ACT Baltimore Conference: Pedophiles are just "minor ...

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            Aug 24, 2011 – Wisconsin ... B4U-ACT classifies pedophilia as simply another sexual orientation ... M.D., Ph.D., founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and ... “ Following Alfred Kinsey 'sexologists' began to occupy our schools, ...

            Jan 1, 2011 – PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME: Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts ... (7) inappropriate, unpredictable, or violent behavior by one parent, ...

            Problem Overview | Stop Family Violence

   › Get Informed › Custody & Abuse - Cached
            ... Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Getting It Wrong In ... interventions, andinappropriate remedies for survivors of domestic violence. ...

            Key Points: Custody And Visitation Implications

            Parental Alienation Syndrome (cont'd) ... Joint custody isinappropriate in cases presenting a history of intimate partner sexual abuse or other domestic violence. .


            The Proper Role for Mental Health Professionals in

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            Parental Alienation Syndrome is an unscientific theory concocted by someone ... reforms to avoid the tragedies caused by widespread inappropriate practices. 1. ...


  ,7,01.htm - Cached
            The legal strategy used to accomplish the fund diversion in individual cases is the "Parental Alienation Syndrome" (PAS) custody switching program devised by ..

            Information on Parental Alienation Syndrome(PAS)

   - Cached
            Jan 12, 2009 – Information on Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) “This article analyzes ... ofteninappropriate, and totally predictable behavior following ...


            Richard Ducote CV

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            He has been an ardent opponent of the bogus “Parental Alienation Syndrome” concocted by Richard Gardner and used to discredit victims of child sexual abuse ...

            Excerpts from page 19


            Navigating Custody and Visitation Evaluations in Cases With Domestic

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            s Children who appear “alienated” from a parent may have legitimate and .... By the same token, it would not beinappropriate for either an investigator or .... Richard Gardner's theory positing the existence of “parental alienation syndrome” or ..
            EXCERPT FROM PAGE 19 source see above

            Parental Alienation and the Daubert Standard: on Syndromes and Behaviors
            In Kumho Tire v. Carmichael, 526 U.S. 137 (1999), the Supreme Court ruled that even
            expert testimony based in the “soft sciences” must meet the standard set in the
            case.  Daubert, in which the Court re-examined the standard it had earlier
            articulated in the Frye
            case, requires application of a multi-factor test, including peer
            review, publication, testability, rate of error, and general acceptance. 
            Richard Gardner’s theory positing the existence of “parental alienation syndrome” or
            “PAS” has been discredited by the scientific community.
            Testimony that a party to a
            custody case suffers from the syndrome should therefore be ruled inadmissible both
            under the standard established in Daubert and the stricter Frye standard.
            Children in contested custody cases may indeed express fear of, concern about, 
            distaste for, or anger with one parent.  And those feelings may sometimes have been
            fostered or encouraged by alienating behaviors on the part of the other parent.  On the
            other hand, there are a variety of competing explanations that need to be explored—
            including the very real possibility that the children are responding to concerns based in
            their own experience with the parent from whom they feel estranged.



            AR_SV Indian Country

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            by JS Meier - Cited by 8 - Related articles
            Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation(January 2009). Page 1 of 17 ..... Unfortunately, a similarinappropriate skepticism has infiltrated even ...

            Dr. Michael Borack - Hamilton County's PAS Evaluator & Deprogramer

   - Cached
            Dr. Michael Borack is Judge Ronald Panioto's neighbor and Court Appointed Parental Alienation Syndrome expert. As such, his opinion was inappropriately ..

            Research - No Way Out But One

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            ... of the “Parental Alienation Syndrome” has no scientific evidence to support it. ... result in the awarding of shared legal custody in inappropriate circumstances. ...

            Sue and/or Prosecute Court Psychologists Whose Negligence ...

            It was inappropriate for [Wrigley] to either diagnose the children or state there was a likelihood the children could develop parental alienation syndrome, as it is ...


            The Evidentiary Admissibility of The Evidentiary Admissibility of ...

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            by JD Jennifer Hoult - Related articles
            medical syndrome called Parental Alienation ....Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome. 3 ..... diagnosis inappropriate under Gardner's defi- ...



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            Parental Alienation Syndrome” is inadmissible under Alabama's Frye test for the .... violence by giving “inappropriate pathological labels” to women's responses ...



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            I. PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME (PAS) EVIDENCE MUST MEET ..... the Family evaluated PAS and called it aninappropriate psychological label that is ...

            Parental Alienation Syndrome' -- Judge Isn't Buying it - San ...

            Mar 24, 2011 – 'Parental Alienation Syndrome' Not Likely to Be Included in DSM-5 ...... It is possible to win by having an inappropriate relationship with .

            QLD Psychologists Attack Parental Alienation(Syndrome) (PAS)

            Apr 7, 2008 – ... ruling debunking parental alienation syndrome, a controversial diagnosis of the ... "It wasinappropriate for the registrant (Dr Wrigley) to either .

            The “Friendly Parent” Concept - Margaret K. Dore, PS

   - Cached
            The “Friendly Parent” Concept -- A Construct Fundamentally at Odds with the ... parent concept is related to the theory “parental alienation syndrome” (PAS). ... evaluators frequently use that term and other inappropriate terms to discount the ...

            The Truth About Parental Alienation | Stop Family Violence

   › ... › Parental AlienationCached
            Feb 23, 2007 – Proponents of Parental Alienation portrayparental alienation as a ... Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Getting It Wrong In Child .... the violence and by giving inappropriatepathological labels to women's ..

            Parental Alienation Syndrome & Parental Alienation: Research ...

            Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) and parental alienation (PA) are often invoked ..... Unfortunately, a similar inappropriate skepticism has infiltrated even child ...


            Parental Alienation Syndrome and Alienated Children – getting it ...

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            by CS Bruch - 2002 - Cited by 24 - Related articles
            May 31, 2001 – Parental Alienation Syndrome: Junk Science in Child Custody Determinations, .... children's angry, often inappropriate, and totally predictable ...


   - Cached
            Apr 14, 2011 – THE TRUTH ABOUT PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME AND THE ... violence and by giving inappropriate pathological labels to women's ...

            Parental Alienation Syndrome
            : Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts ...

            Parental Alienation Syndrome: Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts (Part 2 of 2) ... Standard 2.02 "Competence and Appropriate Use of Assessments and ...



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            violence and by giving inappropriate pathological labels to women's responses to ... 2 Carol S. Bruch, “Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation..

            EXCERPT FROM 

            Malpractice Pitfalls for Therapists

   › ethics & malpractice - Cached
            Many licensing board cases and civil suits allegeinappropriate or excessive self .... AccommodationSyndromeParental Alienation Syndrome, [Wiederholt v....

            Use of Inappropriate Syndrome Testimony

            As early as September of 1989 Dr. Gary Melton and Susan Limber in an article entitled "Psychologists' Involvement in Cases of Child Maltreatment" [American Psychologist Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1225-1233] commented on the inappropriate use by therapists of syndromes that are not found in the various versions of Diagnosis and Statistical Manual. There have been a proliferation of such syndromes over the last several years. At this point using syndromes which are not appropriately researched or acknowledged by the profession is below the standard of care. Among the syndromes which are controversial and which should not be represented as accepted in the therapist community are Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome, Parental Alienation Syndrome, [Wiederholt v. Fischer 169 WIS 2d 524, 45 N.W. 2d 442 (1992)], False Memory Syndrome, and Malicious Mother Syndrome.
            SEE SOURCE

            Malpractice Pitfalls for Therapists

   › ethics & malpractice - Cached
            Many licensing board cases and civil suits allegeinappropriate or excessive self .... AccommodationSyndromeParental Alienation Syndrome, [Wiederholt v....

            Jul 3, 2011 – The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome ... the violence and by givinginappropriate pathological labels to women's 

            Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Getting It Wrong ...

   - Cached
            Jul 3, 2011 – The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome ... the violence and by givinginappropriate pathological labels to women's ...

            CPFM: Parental Alienation Syndrome

   - Cached
            Parental Alienation Syndrome and Alienated Children -- Getting it Wrong in Child ... A Defense Attorney's List - Use of Inappropriate Syndrome Testimony: ...

            Must-Read Links on PA/PAS:
            Parental Alienation Syndrome and Alienated Children -- Getting it Wrong in Child Custody Cases - Professor Carol Bruch
            Resources for Mothers Who are Charged With Junk Science
            Other-Than-Gardner Versions of "Parental Alienation Syndrome"
            Friendly Parent Provisions
            Parental Alienation Syndrome Frye & Gardner in the Family Courts -  Jerome H. Poliacoff, Ph.D., P.A.Cynthia L. Greene, Esq., and Laura Smith, Esq
            Casualties of a Custody War
            American Prosecutor's Research Institute - Conclusion:
            "PAS is an unproven theory that can threaten the integrity of the criminal justice system and the safety of abused children. Prosecutors should educate themselves about PAS and be prepared to argue against its admission in court. In cases where PAS testimony is admitted, it is a prosecutor’s responsibility to educate the judge and jury about the shortfalls of this theory. As more criminal courts refuse to admit PAS evidence, more protection will be afforded to victims of sexual abuse in our court system. "
            Malpractice & Licensing Pitfalls for Therapists:  A Defense Attorney's List - Use of Inappropriate Syndrome Testimony:
            "The PAS label "has lived a lot longer than the data that supports it".        "I expect people to come up with crackpot theories.  But then I expect scientists to do their jobs." Alan Scheflin, professor at Santa Clara University Law School
            Excerpts from source 

            Child Sexual Abuse & Parental Alienation Syndrome Allegations ...

   - Cached
            Jul 23, 2007 – According to one definition, "Parental alienation syndrome [PAS] is the .... violence and by givinginappropriate pathological labels to women's ..

            Old some links may not work but can be found threw out standbythechildren google sites.
             How “Parental Alienation Syndrome” is Used Against Mothers And Children Who Allege Child Sexual Abuse by Trish Wilson
            PAS is set up in such a way that regardless of what the child or mother may do or say, all behavior and statements will not be believed. Either the children and mother are delusional or they are lying. Karen stated that the court appointed evaluator for the children believed that the children’s therapists — those not appoint ed by the court — were “abusing them by believing them,” which fits in beautifully with treatment for PAS. 
            The Truth About Parental Alienation Syndrome And The American Psychological Association compiled by Trish Wilson
             When children reject their abusive fathers, it is common for the batterer and others to blame the mother for alienating the children. They often do not understand the legitimate fears of the child. 
            Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Paradigm for Child Abuse in Australian Family Law by Dr. Elspeth McInnes 
                 "I want to begin by drawing attention to the public acknowledgement at the highest levels of Family Law reform and administration in Australia of a continuing systemic failure to protect children from serious abuse."
              use in divorce proceedings are the product of vengeful and vindictive mothers.
               ""Both the Family Law Council (2002) report titled ‘Family Law and Child Protection’ and the Family Court’s Magellan Project (Brown et al. 1999, 2001) have recognised that children who are subject to serious abuse are not protected from continuing abuse in the current Family Court system."
               "Interim orders are made without reference to histories of domestic violence and allegations of abuse, which are treated as untested and therefore unreliable (Altobelli 2001). The trivialisation, disbelief and dismissal of child abuse allegations is underpinned by a presumptive paradigm that allegations of child ab
            Expert Dr. Robert Geffner: Courts Under the Thrall of Dangerous “Parental Alienation Syndrome” Myth Award Custody to Violent, Abusive Parents
             Child abuse experts Dr. Robert Geffner warns that “Parental Alienation Syndrome” (PAS) is junk science – a psychiatric “disorder” that isn’t recognized by any mental health or medical association, isn’t supported by research, and hasn’t even been published in established peer-reviewed professional journals.
             But PAS has been used by the courts to award sole custody of hundreds of children to the parents accused of sexually or physically abusing them.Worse is a process that turns justice on its head by demonizing the parent who is trying to protect their child and has made statements about them being abused.
               “Many professionals connected with the courts are operating under the influence of and acting on a dangerous myth. PAS is fictitious, but the life-long damage it has inflicted on countless children is only too real,”
               Geffner says. Both children who are exposed to intimate partner violence and those who are physically or sexually abused often are affected throughout their life span if the abuse is not recognized and treated.
              Many adults experience symptoms ranging from anxiety, sleeplessness, and panic attacks to a recurrent inability to trust other adults and form stable relationships but don’t connect those problems to their childhood history of abuse.,+Abusive+Parents 
            Parental Alienation Syndrome: When is ‘Parental Alienation Syndrome’ a False Allegation?
            There is no protection, under the PAS theory for children who have actually sufferred physical, sexual or emotional abuse, due to such abuse being virtually impossible to ‘prove’, due to the childs age and general legal disbelief of children’s disclosures…
              We are aware of situations where protective fathers have been denied contact for many convoluted and unjust reasons, and where residential fathers have systematically alienated children from the non residential mother.However,parental alientation SYNDROME has not been an issue in those situations. 
            Fighting Over the Kids: Battered spouses take aim at a controversial custody strategy.
            …according to one 2004 survey in Massachusetts by Harvard’s Jay Silverman, 54 percent of custody cases involving documented spousal abuse were decided in favor of the alleged batterers. Parental alienation was used as an argument in nearly every case.
            This year the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges denounced the theory as “junk science,” and at least four states have passed legislation to curtail its use in custody cases involving allegations of domestic violence. “It’s really been a cancer in the family courts,” says Richard Ducote, an attorney in Pittsburgh who has represented abuse victims in custody cases for 22 years.
            The Truth About Parental Alienation
             This past year (2006) the American Bar Association’s Children’s Legal Rights Journal published an article that undertook a comprehensive analysis of the scientific, legal and policy issues involved in the evidentiary admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome, and found that there was no support for its use.
               Also this past year, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judgespublished a judges bench book that also found no scientific or legal basis for admission of parental alienation. Further, it cautioned:And the 1996 Report of the American Psychological Association Presidential
              PAS’s twenty-year run in American courts is an embarrassing chapter in the history of evidentiary law. It reflects the wholesale failure of legal professionals entrusted with evidentiary gatekeeping intended to guard legal processes from the taint of pseudo-science….
               As a matter of science, law, and policy PAS should remain inadmissible in American courts.”           
            Rev. Anne Grant: The discredited ‘Parental Alienation Syndrome’
            "Abusers with money or other forms of influence, skilled at terrorizing their families, easily gain the upper hand. Their children, suffering nightmares and stomach ailments, refuse to visit them. The abusive parent charges the protective parent with “brainwashing” the children, and wins sole custody…
               The so-called Parental Alienation Syndrome, touted by many in the Rhode Island Family Court, has been discredited by the American Psychological Association and, recently, by both the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and the Children’s Legal Rights Journal. 
             For more than a decade, I have witnessed the devastating effects of this strategy in Rhode Island courtrooms and families.
               Abusers often pride themselves on a no-nonsense parenting style that may appeal to judges. They typically show little concern for their children. Some pursue the children to torment their ex-partner or to avoid paying child support.
               Some force the children to deliver intelligence on the ex-partner, for protracted litigation against the protective parent. Threatened by a brutal, angry, demanding parent, the children frequently suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and worse."
            Modified July 23, 2007 9:33pm

            Parental Alienation Witch Hunt

   - Cached
            Apr 12, 2009 – Parental Alienation Syndrome, however, is not based in empirical ..... they did little to dissuade domestic violence is inappropriate, she said. ...


            Report Template.v3

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            Richard Gardner and “The Parental Alienation Syndrome” and Joan Kelly “The ..... JohnKnight is the founder of Fathers' Manifesto (also known as the American ...... Parental Alienation,” by RalphUnderwager and Hollida Wakefield ...

            ... book in which he criticized the parents’ theories and ... described the Akiki case and quoted FMSF’s Ralph Underwagers ... trial…’I believe this case would end this sad ...
          • Psychological treatments that cause harm - Lilienfeld - Cited by 127
          • Attachment therapies (e.g., rebirthing) Death and serious injury to children Low base rate events in replicated case reports
          • The Birth of Attachment Theory | This Emotional Life

            ... who were exposed to prolonged periods of deprivation, were ... by diminished physical movement, visible sadness ... Bowlby, J. (1979), The making and breaking ofaffectional ...
          • Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a Scam: April 2011

            Father’s rights groups prey on confused men angry and sad over the ... PsychiatristRichard Gardners theory Used ... Based on Bolwby’s theories, MaternallyDeprivation ...
          • - CachedSimilar
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            by TJ Dailey - Related articles
            So recounts Richard Hoffman in his critically acclaimed autobiography Half the .... This astounding interpretation of the study by NAMBLA is one that even the .... of adult survivors (Donaldson & Gardner, 1985; Saunders, Villeponteaux, et al., 1992). ..... -Letter from Steven M. Mirin, M.D., to Robert Knight, Director of Cultural ...
          • EXCEerpt:   
            Parent Alienation Syndrome Revisited
            NCJ 202791, Lois Achimovich, May 2003, (10 pages).
            PDF NCJRS Abstract

            Firsthand Report on B4U-ACT Conference for ‘Minor-Attracted Persons’ — Aims at Normalizing Pedophilia

            August 25th, 2011
            Sexologist Fred Berlin presided over pro-pedophile conference.
            Congratulations to Matt Barber, Board Member of Americans For Truth, and our friend Dr. Judith Reisman for attending and exposing this shocking conference in Baltimore aimed at normalizing pedophilia (sexual “relationships” with children). “Minor-Attracted Persons”? Really?
            I have just interviewed Matt for the AFTAH Radio Hour show that will air this Saturday night, August 27th. To prepare, I perused the pro-pedophile website “B4U-Act.” Folks, even if it pains you to do so, I want you to take a look at this website and show it to your friends. Most normal people would never imagine that such a website exists. But it does. For parents it’s a must-read, because the academic pedophile movement is picking up momentum.
            We’re talking NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) with a PhD and a marketing plan.
            Several decades ago, homosexuality too was being “studied,” and look where we are today: ”gay rights” lobby groups with CEOs making over $300,000 a year! Here’s a smattering of what I learned online from “B4U-Act” Director of Operations Richard Kramer, who spoke at the Baltimore conference:
            • Pedophilia (as an “orientation”) is “not a choice” (sound familiar?);
            • Efforts to treat pedophilia are “similar to methods used on homosexuals 50 years ago, and similarly ineffective”;
            • “Minor-Attracted Persons” “do not exhibit narcissism, psychosexual immat.urity…psychopathology, neurosis or any personality disorder more than people attracted to adults” (in other words, they’re just like you and me).   
            One more thing: according to Kramer, many pedophiles Minor-Attracted Persons “interact with minors in a variety of non-sexual ways and develop close friendships with them.”
            Matt Barber says pedophile activists want to do away with age-of-consent laws.
            How comforting to parents. As long as that 40-something man doesn’t act on his sexual desire to sodomize your 12-year-old son, it’s OK if they hang out together! (If you disagree, isn’t it about time you got over your “pedo-phobia”?) We’ll be watching this sinister agenda — which of course is mimicking the well-honed tactics and manipulative talking points of the Homosexual Lobby — very closely.
            Evil begets evil, and we wouldn’t be writing about a “pro-pedophile conference” if it weren’t for the astounding success of a perversion/sin movement that calls itself “Gay.”
            – Peter LaBarbera,
            Contact Matt Barber:


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