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b4uact Research: A "cure" for pedophilia? (and our investigation of sources listed PArental alienation experts)

Homosexuality | This is Marriage - Cached
May 13, 2011 – Having a homosexual parent(s) appears to increase the risk of incest with ... (Zebulon A. Silverthorne &Vernon LQuinsey, “Sexual Partner Age ...

Research: A "cure" for pedophilia?

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Attempts to "treat" pedophilia are ineffectual and in many cases harmful. It's important to point out that pedophilia is thedirection of one's sexuality, not the intensity of one's sexual interest. While there are drugs that can reduce sexual desire, reorientation is not possible.



  • Berlin, Fred S. (2000). "Treatments to Change Sexual Orientation," American Journal of Psychiatry, 157, p. 838.
    "It may be no easier for a person with pedophilia to change his or her sexual orientation than it is for a homosexual or heterosexual individual to do so."


    1. Table of content - Cached
      Chris Hansen spoke to Dr. Fred Berlin, a professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins ..... Talan, Jamie, Richard Gardner and Parental Alienation Syndrome, The ...
      You've visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 9/4/11
      3 days ago – 1998-The Parental Alienation Syndrome, 2 nd Edition-Gardner. ... of domestic violence, sex offender alienation, Richard Gardner, Fred Berlin...
      1998-The Parental Alienation Syndrome, 2 nd Edition-Gardner. ... Threat ...
      You visited this page on 9/3/11.
    4. Victorious Children | Facebook - Cached
      General Information: End all use pf parental alienationthrew out the world for the ... Background reading: Fred S.Berlin, Commentary on Pedophilia Diagnostic ...
    5. Torts « Parental Rights - Cached
      Whether or not people agree on the definition of “parental alienation” or that PAS exists as a .... ["Surviving the Breakup" by Joan Berlin Kelly] ..... “Fred was a 165-pound defensive back in high school, but went 190 as a college freshman. ...
    6. CNS - APA Debates reclassifying pedophiles
      Dec 29, 2004 – Some psychiatrists call it Parental Alienation Syndrome and they say that's .... Dr. Frederick Berlin, founder of the Sexual Disorders Clinic at the ...
      It's just as likely, and perhaps MORE likely, given the lack of parental .... That visitation-interfering, parental-alienatingbitch who harms her daughter's ..... Senator Fred Thompson (TN), an actor, ... Joan Berlin Kelly, researcher and author....
    8. Zoompad's blog: PAEDOPHILES ARE CUNNING AND WORM ... - Cached
      Sep 2, 2011 – Accordingly, I introduced the term parental alienation syndrome. ...... the DSM: Issues and Controversies," keynoted "Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., ...

  • Howitt, D. (1995). "The Treatment of Paedophiles," inPaedophiles and Sexual Offences Against Children, pp. 189-192.
    "Many of the early behaviour therapy treatments for paedophilia emerged from attempts to make homosexuals "normal" or, at least, stop "doing their thing". [...] As we will see, there is a degree of uncertainty about the effectiveness of even the best researched therapies for paedophiles. There are a number of reasons for this. Many of the therapies have not been subject to specific empirical evaluation of any sort; some have been tried with only a few clients. Often the criteria of therapeutic success have fallen well short of evidence of a decline in recidivism in offending, obviously one of the most important criteria. Research that includes a control or an alternatively treated group is in the minority of the evaluations. With a situation like this, claims of therapeutic success may sometimes be wishful thinking on the part of the clinician, the client or both."

    WHAT WE FOUND ON Howitt, D.

    1. Table of content - Cached
      Anderson, James D., How To Survive in Prison as an Innocent Man Convicted ..... Talan, Jamie, Richard Gardner and Parental Alienation Syndrome, The debate rages on..... Howitt, Dennis, Paedophiles and Sexual Offences against Children; ...
      You've visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 9/4/11
      Howitt is fighting on this end to have his daughter, who he says was illegally .... Richard A. Warshak, Ph.D (Clinical Psychologist About 40 percent of ... Parental alienation is any behavior by a parent, a child 's mother or father ...
    3. Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting Awareness ...
      Dec 3, 2010 – Links shared publicly online related toParental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting Awareness Organization - Emotional and mental ...
    4. Children and Separation - Cached
      Children separated from their genetic parent(s) and consequently their ... Divorce and Parental AlienationSyndrome: Socio-Genealogical Implications. Research ...Dennis Howitt, Reader in Applied Psychology, Loughborough University, UK ...
    5. [PDF] 

      Children First-usersTEXT.indd
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      persons acting in a parental role with the child or children concerned, e.g. ..... have often been marginalised or ignored, despite being the ostensible raison d'être of a child .... DenisHowitt, a social psychologist, was severely critical of child protection ... in relation to the perceived objectification of children and alienation of ...

  • Van-Zessen, G. (1990). "A model for group counseling with male pedophiles," Journal of Homosexuality, 20(1-2), 189-198.
    "The majority of the reported studies have roots in behavior therapy. The early behavioral approaches were aimed at reducing the deviant sexual arousal by aversion therapy (Quinsey et al., 1976). The attraction to children is viewed as purely sexual (Howells, 1979). In its simplest form, the child is the stimulus that elicits sexual excitement in the adult (Quinsey et al., 1975). All other motivations and meanings of pedophile attraction are ignored. [...] In an overview of the literature concerning homosexual conversion therapies, James (1978) concluded that the majority of studies were unsuccessful in changing sexual orientation. It is likely that the same holds for pedophile conversion therapy."


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      A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z .....Talan, Jamie, Richard Gardner and Parental AlienationSyndrome, The debate rages on. ..... In: Journal of Homosexuality 20-1/2, 1990, & Sandfort, Brongersma & VanNaerssen, ..... Zessen, Gertjan van, A Model for Group Counseling with Male Pedophiles, Journal of ...
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      answer: Prostitution" (Van der Poel, 1992), yet very little of the literature ... virus among sex worker populations (De-Graaf, Vanwesenbeek, Van-Zessen, Straver ..... (both male and female) as runaways from dysfunctional families involvingparental .... loneliness, and a sense of personal inadequacy and social alienation, are ...
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      The relationship between adolescent suicidal behaviors andparental drug use ..... HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL, 1990, VOL 11(1), P89-107. ..... of alcoholism and its relation to feelings of alienation in samples of lesbian and .... GVAN ZESSEN, C.J. STRAVER, J.H. VISSER, AIDS CARE, 1995, VOL 7(1), ...
  • Seto, M. (2009). "Pedophilia," Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 5, 391-407.
    "There is no evidence to suggest that pedophilia can be changed. [...] Across the following interventions, the underlying assumption is that pedophilia is a stable sexual preference that is unlikely to change, just as there is little, if any, evidence that heterosexual or homosexual orientation can be changed. Recent etiological research on neurodevelopmental correlates of pedophilia—including cognitive functioning, non-right-handedness, and structural volume differences—suggests that pedophilia is influenced by prenatal factors and thus is unlikely to respond to interventions delivered when the individual is an adult (e.g., Cantor et al. 2008)."


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      October 29-November 1, 2009. Baltimore Marriott Waterfront...... of sexual abuse; parental alienation syndrome; characteristics and ...... Seto M, Eke A: The criminal histories and later offending of child pornography offenders. ...
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      Mar 22, 2010 – Anwar, S., Långström, N., Grann, M., & Fazel, S. (2009). Is arson the crime ..... The mediating role ofalienation in the development ... Suicidal behavior in adolescents: associations with parental marital status and... SetoM., Kjellgren, C., Priebe, G., Mossige, S., Svedin, C.G., Långström, N. (in press). Sexual ...
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      In 2009, same-sex marriage was legalized in Iowa by decision of its Supreme Court, ..... Lee, Patrick; & George, Robert P., "What Sex Can Be: Self- Alienation, Illusion, ....Bowen, Deirdre M., "The Parent Trap: Differential Familial Power in Same-Sex ... Seto, Theodore P., "The Unintended Tax Advantages of Gay Marriage," ...
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      Jo-Anne M. Stoltz & Tara Ney, Child Alienation in Divorce: Resistance to Visitation: Rethinking ..... 1996-C-2009. (Pa. Ct. Com. P1. 1999) (unpublished decision without ......Prentky, Eric Janus, & Michael Seto, eds. 2003) at 33- ...

  • Quinsey, V. L. (2008). "Seeking Enlightenment on the Dark Side of Psychology," Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 9(2), 72-83.
    "Sexual age and gender preferences do not appear to be learned and malleable (e.g., our attempts to increase sexual arousal of normal subjects to slides of women through Pavlovian conditioning by pairing the slides with highly arousing videotapes were vitiated by habituation; Lalumière & Quinsey, 1998). Although sexual age and gender preferences can be measured with phallometric technology (for reviews of the assessment and treatment literature on sexual offenders against children, see Camilleri & Quinsey, in press; Quinsey & Lalumière, 2001) and responses to deviant categories can be reduced with standard conditioning techniques, these alterations now appear not to involve the preferences themselves but only their measurement. Fifty years after Kinsey et al. (1953) wrote the passage quoted at the beginning of this section, it appears that the role of learning in the development of sexual age and gender preferences is limited or nonexistent (for a review, see Quinsey, 2003)."

    SOURCE  V QUINSEY what we found 

    1. Peter Jaffe - Faculty of Education - Cached
      Early identification and prevention of parent-child alientation: A framework for ..... S.K., & Hastings, E., (1992) Wife assault versus stranger assault: A comparison of sentencing... Peters, Robert J. McMahon, Vernon L. Quinsey (Eds) Aggression and .... The clinical pitfalls in adopting the "parental alienation syndrome" in child ...

      Boston Divorce Attorney | Massachusetts Child Support Lawyer ... - Cached
      Custody & Parenting Plans · Parental Fitness · Parental Alienation · Supervised ... Beverly, Gloucester, Lawrence, Lynn, Peabody, Franklin, Quincy, Weymouth, ..


      Pilot Desktop Word Integration Macros
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      clinicians. In addition to the Parental Alienation symptom, some falsely accused ..... QuinseyVernon, Harris, G., Rice, M. &Cormier, C. (1998) Violent Offender: ..


      Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
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      by VL QUINSEY - 2008 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
      Feb 26, 2008 – Please address correspondence to VernonL. Quinsey,. Department of ..... ment in relationships andparental assistance. (e.g., Landolt ...

      1. Parent t-shirt order form
        Jan 18, 2010 – Dr Vernon's Casebook: My wet T-shirt contest wife just won't grow up; YOUR PROBLEMS. ...Article: Parent Alienation Syndrome Article from:Annals of the ... THE PARENT-CHILD BOND By Quincy Bonham Kuelling Koepf . ...
      2. Financial Accounting Standard Setting
        Feb 3, 2011 – Pursuit of happyness / Chris Gardner withQuincy Troupe and Mim Eichler Rivas. ...... Adult children ofparental alienation syndrome : breaking the ties ......periods / edited by Vernon L. Scarborough and John E. Clark. ...

  • Berlin, Fred S., Saleh, Fabian M., and Malin, H. Martin (2009). "Mental Illness and Sex Offending," in Sex Offenders, p. 124. Oxford University Press US.
    "In the past, efforts to "recondition" homosexuality were a clear failure. The same would appear to be true of methods intended to "recondition" paraphilic conditions such as pedophilia."

    SOURCE Saleh, Fabian M. what we found

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      Berlin, Fred S., SalehFabian M., and Malin, H. Martin (2009). "Mental Illness and Sex Offending," in Sex. Offenders, p. 124. Oxford University Press US. ...
    2. Dr. Fabian MSaleh, MD, Worcester, MA - Forensic Psychiatry ... › Find a Physician › Search ResultsCached
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    3. April's Law Wisconsin - The Petition Site - Cached
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    4. Oxford University Press: Sex Offenders: › ... › US General Catalog › MedicineCached
      Identification, Risk Assessment, Treatment, and Legal Issues. John M. Bradford, Daniel J. Brodsky and Albert J. Grudzinskas Edited by Fabian MSaleh ...
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    7. Fabian Saleh | Harvard Catalyst Profiles | Harvard Catalyst
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      Results 13 - 24 of 1036 – The International Handbook ofParental Alienation Syndrome: Conceptual, ... Treatment, and Legal Issues by Fabian MSaleh M.D., ..

      SOURCE  Malin, H. Martin what we found on this source

      Chicago-Kent College of Law Names in the News - Cached
      ... woman who sued her ex-husband's girlfriend foralienation of affection. ... Dean Perritt served as the WIPO arbitrator on the case filed by Wal-Mart... Professor MartinHMalin was quoted in an ABA Journal article aboutpaternity leave. ... Professor Martin HMalin was quoted in a National Post (Toronto) story about union ...

  • Camilleri, Joseph A., and Quinsey, Vernon L. (2008). "Pedophilia: Assessment and Treatment," in D. Richard Laws and William T. O'Donohue (eds.), Sexual Deviance, Second Edition.
    "The greatest problems with conditioning approaches (and other approaches described later) are (1) that changing actual preferences (as opposed to indices that reflect them) has been quite difficult (Furby, Weinrott, & Blackshaw, 1989; Lalumière & Quinsey, 1998); and (2) no studies have shown long-term changes in sexual preference or behavior after treatment (Laws, 2001; Quinsey & Earls, 1990). [p. 193] [...] Despite the strong relationship between neurobiological variables in sexual behavior and treatment, reducing general arousal does not alter sexual preference. Researchers found that men with phallometrically measured deviant sexual interests had the same preferences after hormonal treatment (Bancroft, Tennent, Loucas, & Cass, 1974; Cooper, Sandhu, Losztyn, & Cernovsky, 1992). [...] It appears as though treatment for paraphilias works by decreasing sexual interest in general, suggesting that medical treatments do not "cure" the sexual preference but mask it by reducing sexual desire. [p. 200]"

    source Camilleri, Joseph A  information we found

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      Jan 17, 2011 – JOSEPH A. CAMILLERI & JIM FALK ...Governance across a Stressed Planet by Camilleri and Falk, and ... if the depths of the sections alienate even a motivated reader. ... This is described as a departure from their parent's ...
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      Mons. Joseph Bajada (S). Mr. Justice Lawrence ... Dr. Richard Camilleri (S). 5. Aquilina ... Mr. Justice Joseph R Micallef (S) .... the Light of a Parent's Right to Family Life and the Best ... Justifications for not Alienating or Acquiring the Immovable ...
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      Jun 13, 2011 – ... Superior Court Judge * Joseph F.Camilleri, Information Technology Division .... Parental Alienation Syndrome - PAS - is it real? ...

      1. Secretary of Wash. judges group suspected of theft -
        Mar 19, 2011 – ... Superior Court Judge * Joseph F.Camilleri, Information Technology Division ..... Parental Alienation Syndrome - PAS - is it real? ...
      2. topic:"domestic violence" - Cached
        Oct 2, 2010 – Psychiatric experts assess parental alienation as mental disorder ... catalog of mental disorders whether to include parental alienation...
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        May 7, 2010 – ani mentions that “[t]he state could directly assume parental control when parents” were unable to .....Joseph Camilleri ex- pands on this idea, ...

          1. Quinsey, Vernon L.  WHAT we found

    1. Zamble, Edward and Vernon LQuinsey.
      THE CRIMINAL RECIDIVISM PROCESS by Edward Zamble and Vernon LQuinsey... If Zamble and Quinsey are right about one of their findings it explains why ... or her temperament (which is partly genetic and partly due toparental factors), ...
    2. Peter Jaffe - Faculty of Education - Cached
      Early identification and prevention of parent-child alientation: A framework for balancing ..... Peters, Robert J. McMahon,Vernon LQuinsey (Eds) Aggression and .... The clinical pitfalls in adopting the "parental alienation syndrome" in child ...
    3. Vernon LQuinsey, PhD - Born Gay -
      4 posts
      Vernon LQuinsey, PhD biography. ... Last updated on: 2/5/2009 6:49:00 AM PST. Born Gay Home Page > Source Biographies > Vernon LQuinsey, PhD ...
    4. IPT Journal - Volume 10 - Table of Contents - Cached
      Aug 3, 2011 – The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Guide for Mental Health and Legal ... (by Vernon LQuinsey, Grant T. Harris, Marnie E. Rice, ...
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      Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
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      by VL QUINSEY - 2008 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
      Feb 26, 2008 – Vernon LQuinsey. Seeking Enlightenment on the Dark Side of Psychology The online ...
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      In addition to the Parental Alienation symptom, some falsely accused individuals are misdiagnosed ..... show significant elevations on certain of the K and L scales.....QuinseyVernon, Harris, G., Rice, M. &Cormier, C. (1998) Violent Offender: ...
    7. Prevention Strategies to Protect Professionals and Families Involved ...
      by TE Schacht - 2000 - Cited by 37 - Related articles
      7 Children of high-conflict divorce may lose a parental relationship entirely and may ... (such as may be found in cases of so-called parent-alienation, or which may occur...... n63n63 See VERNON LQUINSEY ET AL., VIOLENT OFFENDERS: ...
    8. Science and law, Used Psychology & Counseling Books
      Results 1 - 12 of 1080 – The International Handbook ofParental Alienation Syndrome: Conceptual, ... Psychology and the Social Sciences) by Vernon LQuinsey...
    9. Homosexuality | This is Marriage - Cached
      May 13, 2011 – Having a homosexual parent(s) appears to increase the risk of incest with ... (Zebulon A. Silverthorne &Vernon LQuinsey, “Sexual Partner Age ...

      SOURCE d  RICHARD below what we    found

    10. Richard DLaws, P.A. - Law Firm in Gastonia, North Carolina (NC ... › Find a Lawyer
      Richard DLaws, P.A. is a law firm in Gastonia, North Carolina focusing on various areas of law. Contact this lawfirm in Gastonia, NC for your specific legal ...

      1. Author - D Richard Laws
        DRichard LawsD.Richard Laws, PhD, was the director of the Sexual Behavior Laboratory at Atascadero State Hospital in California from 1970-1985; project ...
      2. PAS Help - Parents Who Have Successfully FoughtParental ...
        Politicians are lobbied to pass laws to bring order to chaos.... forensic psychiatrist DrRichard A. Gardner first identifiedParental Alienation Syndrome in the ...

        1. William T. O'Donohue (eds.) what we found on source

        A Critical Assessment of Child Custody Evaluations: Limited Science ... › ... › GALs and Custody Evaluators - Cached
        The Truth About Parental Alienation · Parental Alienation: A Rational Approach · Legal ... by Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto, and William TO'donohue .

        Child Custody - Should Judges Appoint Child Custody Evaluators? - Cached
        When divorce requires a restructuring of parental rights and... August 16, 2010 By The Forensic Counseling Offices of Katherine A. Elias, M.Ed., L.P.C., N.C.C. ... expert and cannot be expected to carefully identify signs of abuse,parental alienation, etc. ... Emery, Robert E., Otto, Randy K and O'DonohueWilliam T. (2005). ...

        1. Child Custody Evaluations: Reevaluating the Evaluators | research ...

          See if you can figure out why they don't trust each other and cannot seem to get .... e.g. attachment theory or relocation or domestic violence or parental alienation..... 4 (2006); Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto & William TO'Donohue, A Critical ...
        2. emeryCogent Case for a New Child

          Aug 15, 2010 – Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto, William T.O'Donohue ...... ''Parental alienation'' is a construct ranked high on the list of ...... In J.C. Conoley & J.C. Impara (Eds.), The twelfth Britain and the United States. ...
        3. Important Information

 - Cached
          by Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto, and William T.O'donohue ... (e.g., "parent alienation syndrome") are equally hollow when subjected to scientific scrutiny; ..... 123, 132-33 (Mark L. Rosenberg & Mary Ann Fenley, eds., New York: Oxford ...
        4. User:Slp1/draft3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 - Cached
          "The parental alienation syndrome: a dangerous aura of reliability". ... recognizes and uses the term PAS; however, argues that alienated parent often contributes to the alienation. .... Caplan PJ; Cosgrove L. ed... Emery, R.E.; Otto R.K., & O'Donohue, W.T. (2005). .... Brown, T; Renata A (2007). ... Bernet, William (2008). ...
        5. [PDF] 

          A Critical Assessment of Child Custody Evaluations

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          by RE Emery - Cited by 70 - Related articles
          Robert E. Emery,1 Randy K. Otto,2 William T. O'Donohue3... ed, divorced, and never-married parents and the sub- ...about their favorite constructs (e.g., ''parent alienation .....3. Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto, William TO'Donohue...
        6. [DOC] 

          Vitae (.doc) - Emery on Divorce

          File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick View
          William T. Grant Foundation, 2000-2004, Consequences of Parental Divorce for Adolescents and Young Adults: A ....Emery, R.E., Otto, R.K., & O'Donohue, W. (2005). ... In M.D. Levine and P. Satz (Eds.), Developmental Variation and Dysfunction (pp. ..... Parental Alienation Syndrome: Proponents Bear the Burden of Proof. ..

  • 12/11/06 deposition of Michael B. First, M.D., in In Re the Detention of William Davenport AKA William Cummings, Franklin County, Washington, No. 99-2-50349-2.
    "I was the editor of the DSM-IV-TR. DSM-IV-TR was published in the year 2000. I was also the editor of the text and criteria of its immediate predecessor, which was the DSM-IV. [p. 9] [...] If you're attracted to children at age 13 you’re going to be attracted to children at age 70. [...] The fact that that's your focus of arousal remains constant. [...] The percentage of time you think about that would decline. [...] The time you spend masturbating thinking about that will go down, and the actual paraphilic behaviors go down, but the core of the paraphilia is present for life. There's no evidence, even when you have successful treatment of an individual paraphilia, which actually treating is the intensity of the paraphilia, not the arousal pattern. I don't believe there’s strong evidence that you could actually get someone who is attracted to children to lose [his or her] attraction. [p. 230]"

    SOURCE   Michael B. First, M.D  what we found on source

    Parental Alienation Syndrome - Cached
    Aug 12, 2011 – Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a collection of behaviors where one ... love, and support - J.Michael Bone and Michael R. Walsh came up with a simple statement. .... Resolution 182 by Ms. Constance A. Morella of Maryland... of Representatives (105th Congress, 1stSession) on October 30, 1997. ...

    Canadian Symposium for Parental AlienationSyndrome - Cached
    Update regarding Parental Alienation and DSM-5 Dr. Bernet and his ... William Bernet, M.D., a graduate of Harvard Medical School, is a professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. ....Dr. Campbell's first book - Beware The Talking Cure: Psychotherapy May Be ... Dr. Michael Bone ...

    1. Parental Alienation - Fathers & Families: Information Resources
      Parental Alienation Syndorme, oftentimes seen after protacted custody litigation, is described by expert ... The sponsor of this website is J. Michael Bone, Ph.D.. ... He worked extensively with the late Richard Gardner, M.D., whofirst described the syndrome in 1985. .... In the Matter of Karen B, 574 N.Y.S 2d 267 (N.Y. 1991) ...
      You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/10/11
    2. Michael B First M.D. | Official Publisher Page - Cached
      Visit the official publisher page for Michael B First M.D.. Get author updates, watch video and learn more about Michael B First M.D. at Simon & Schuster.
    3. Dr. Richard Gardner - PARENTAL ALIENATIONSYNDROME (PAS) - Cached
      Dr. Michael Borack's PAS Reports ... Dr. Richard Gardner,M.D. .... parental alienation is just another bogus psychological theory infecting the nation's legal system." ...."First, Gardner confounds a child's developmentally related reaction to divorce and high .... Wound B is a nearly horizontally-oriented elliptical stab wound . ...
      You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 8/20/11
    4. Popular media on PAS - Cached
      Amy M. Levine. ... Possible Recognition of Parental Alienation Syndrome Controversial. .... the parties," the judgment noted, but "[Holly] suffers from a personality disorder. ... Let's hope that the next time a Maryland judge hears a protective parent ... And parents who make threats rarely do so for the first time in litigation. ...
      You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 7/22/11
    5. Ira Turkat AAML - Cached
      Oct 8, 2003 – See J. Michael Bone & Michael R. Walsh,Parental Alienation Syn- ..... See Michael BFirst & Harold Alan Pincus, The DSM-IV Text Revi- ...... tions of Richard A. Gardner , M.D. , 30 A M . J. F AM . T HERAPY ....


  • Gieles, Frans (2001). "Helping people with pedophilic feelings." Lecture at the 15th World Congress of Sexology, Paris, June 2001.
    "I have met clients who started this kind of treatment [to 'cure' their pedophilia] as a warm lively person and who have been changed into 'a stiff wooden doll' after it."

    SOURCES   FOUND  by our page

    G - Articles & Essays - Cached
    Talan, Jamie, Richard Gardner and Parental AlienationSyndrome, The debate ... GielesFrans E. J., Go Dutch - A Practice Sample; Youth and Sexuality in the ...

    1. Obama « Parental Rights - Cached
      In 1985 I introduced the term parental alienation syndrome to describe this phenomenon ...... These issues affect both boys and girls – of all nationalities and social class. ......Franz v. United States, 707 F 2d 582, US Ct App (1983) ...
    2. J Michael Bone, PhD: Reunification Therapy - Cached
      May 25, 2008 – In my recent Teleseminar, OvercomingParental Alienation..... I am looking for the hard to find program (4 day) in San Fran for ... called parental alienation and sadly the destruction of the girls relationship with me, their “DAD”. ...


      The Effects of Father Involvement:
      File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
      The Co-Parental Relationship has indirect Effects on Child Development Outcomes… ..... supportive social networks consisting of long-term close friendships (Franz... girls(Mosely & Thompson, 1995), and is positively correlated with higher .... American daughters perceptions of anger andalienation from fathers was ...

      1. nfoTelesys Lawsuit: I. CLAIMS UPON WHICH ... - Liberty for Life - Cached
        Eighth Claim For Relief Aggravated Kidnap / Kidnap /Parental Alienation .... FRANZ V. UNITED STATES, 707 F.2d 582, 595-599 (U.S. Ct. App. D.C. Circuit 1983) ...Custody can be awarded to father of girls of "tender years" if mother commits ...
      2. Barbara's Story by John Ward - MOTHERS-FOR-JUSTICE - Cached
        Oct 11, 2009 – ... bulger petition · petition to stop SS takingFran Lyons new born baby away ... There was an obvious dysfunction in her parental situation, ... two girls died when they committed suicide rather than go back. .... "Parental Alienation Syndrome is a bogus, pro-paedophiliac fraud concocted by Richard Gardner". 

  • Fog, Agner (1992). "Paraphilias and Therapy," Nordisk Sexologi, 10(4), pp. 236-242.
    Fog interviews a pedophile: "My sexual feelings for boys went away partially for about a year, and then at the end of the year I started waking up screaming and hollering with nightmares, and I would see a pitful of snakes and they were just everywhere and I would be screaming to get away from them. [...] 'Were your feelings towards boys reduced by the therapy?' They were reduced in the sense that my penis did not show the difference, but I still enjoyed being a teacher because I could be close to boys. I really don't think that feelings for boys or whoever we have feelings for has all that much to do with how much erection you have, but this is what they were reducing it to. [...] rather than destroy my feelings towards boys they destroyed me as an individual, it destroyed my security."

    SOURCE     Fog, Agner and what we  found on source

    1. Cultural selection. Chapter 16: Literature - Agner Fog - Cached
      FogAgner (1997): Cultural r/k Selection. Journal of memetics, vol. ...... Wakefield, Hollida; UnderwagerRalph(1988): Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse. ...
    2. [PDF] 

      Cultural selection - Agner Fog
      File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
      by A Fog - Cited by 40 - Related articles
      FogAgner (1997): Cultural r/k Selection. Journal of memetics, vol. ..

      References - Cached
      FogAgner, Sexuelle Abweichungen und Therapie; in: Nordisk Seksologi, 10-4, ..... Wakefield, Hollida &UnderwagerRalph, Assessing Violent Recidivism in ...

      1. : Sexual deviation, Poche et Broché Science

         - [ Translate this page ]
        ... Memory Therapy de Hollida Wakefield et Ralph Underwager (Broché - septembre 1994) ... Cultural Selection de Agner Fog (Broché - 5 décembre 2010) ...
      2. : Pornography & obscenity Science, Page 3

         - [ Translate this page ]
        Cultural Selection de Agner Fog (Broché - 5 décembre 2010)... Recovered Memory Therapy de Hollida Wakefield et Ralph Underwager (Broché - septembre 1994) ...

  • Camilleri, Joseph A., and Quinsey, Vernon L. (2008). "Pedophilia: Assessment and Treatment," in D. Richard Laws and William T. O'Donohue (eds.), Sexual Deviance, Second Edition, p. 200.
    "Drawbacks unique to medical treatments for pedophilia include side effects and noncompliance. Commonly cited side effects include hypertension, hyperglycemia, feminization, depression, and headaches (Hill et al., 2003; Saleh & Guidry, 2003)."


    1. [PDF] 

      Crime Scene Psychology Behind Bars and In Front of the Bench The ...
      File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
      Joseph Camilleri, Ph.D. ..... Joe Camilleri, Leslie Helmus, and Andrew Starzomski), we conducted a national survey ....of the police world and end up alienated from it. I have also..... perceptions of parental roles and responsibilities across the ...
    2. Divorce: Good, Bad, or Ugly? - - Cached
      May 26, 2011 – When Richard A. Gardner came up with the term Parental Alienation Syndrome in the early ... What would you chose Ms Antoinette Camilleri...
    3. [PDF] 

      Journal of Intercultural Studies Book Reviews
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      Jan 17, 2011 – JOSEPH A. CAMILLERI & JIM FALK ...Governance across a Stressed Planet by Camilleri and Falk, and ... if the depths of the sections alienate even a motivated reader. ... This is described as a departure from their parent's ...
    4. [PDF] 

      LLD II THESES TITLES 2010 - 11
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      Mons. Joseph Bajada (S). Mr. Justice Lawrence ... Dr. Richard Camilleri (S). 5. Aquilina ... Mr. Justice Joseph R Micallef (S) .... the Light of a Parent's Right to Family Life and the Best ... Justifications for not Alienating or Acquiring the Immovable ...
    5. Superior Council Of The Judiciary - Cached
      Jun 13, 2011 – ... Superior Court Judge * Joseph F.Camilleri, Information Technology Division .... Parental Alienation Syndrome - PAS - is it real? ...
    6. Correction: Inmate Child Support story -
      May 2, 2011 – ... tools. Parental Alienation Van. Order: Reorder; Duration ...
    7. Robert Fuchs | Facebook - Germany - Cached
      Willst du wirklich zusehn?, REAL PARENTS don't keep their children from the other parent, Parents Against Parental Alienation PAPA, Justiz-Missbrauch, ...

    WHAT WE    FOUND ON  SOURCE Quinsey, Vernon L.

    1. Peter Jaffe - Faculty of Education - Cached
      Early identification and prevention of parent-child alientation: A framework for balancing ..... Peters, Robert J. McMahon,Vernon LQuinsey (Eds) Aggression and .... The clinical pitfalls in adopting the "parental alienation syndrome" in child ...
    2. Vernon LQuinsey, PhD - Born Gay -
      4 posts
      Vernon LQuinsey, PhD biography. ... Last updated on: 2/5/2009 6:49:00 AM PST. Born Gay Home Page > Source Biographies > Vernon LQuinsey, PhD ...
    3. IPT Journal - Volume 10 - Table of Contents - Cached
      Aug 3, 2011 – The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Guide for Mental Health and Legal ... (by Vernon LQuinsey, Grant T. Harris, Marnie E. Rice, ...
    4. [PDF] 

      Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
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      by VL QUINSEY - 2008 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
      Feb 26, 2008 – Vernon LQuinsey. Seeking Enlightenment on the Dark Side of Psychology The online ...
    5. [PDF] 

      Pilot Desktop Word Integration Macros
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      In addition to the Parental Alienation symptom, some falsely accused individuals are misdiagnosed ..... show significant elevations on certain of the K and L scales.....QuinseyVernon, Harris, G., Rice, M. &Cormier, C. (1998) Violent Offender: ...
    6. Prevention Strategies to Protect Professionals and Families Involved ...
      by TE Schacht - 2000 - Cited by 37 - Related articles
      7 Children of high-conflict divorce may lose a parental relationship entirely and may ... (such as may be found in cases of so-called parent-alienation, or which may occur...... n63n63 See VERNON LQUINSEY ET AL., VIOLENT OFFENDERS: ...
    7. Science and law, Used Psychology & Counseling Books
      Results 1 - 12 of 1080 – The International Handbook ofParental Alienation Syndrome: Conceptual, ... Psychology and the Social Sciences) by Vernon LQuinsey...
    8. Homosexuality | This is Marriage - Cached
      May 13, 2011 – Having a homosexual parent(s) appears to increase the risk of incest with ... (Zebulon A. Silverthorne &Vernon LQuinsey, “Sexual Partner Age ...

    9. Bob Arnebeck: To Tease and Torment - Cached
      It took only nine months for Pierre Charles L'Enfant to polarize the men building .... Writing to his ambitious brother John Quincy, Charles described Steuben's .... While hisparent's never associated Charles with the elan and high purpose of .... 53) It was not the substance of L'Enfant's approach but the style that alienated the ...


      1. Author - D Richard Laws
        DRichard LawsD.Richard Laws, PhD, was the director of the Sexual Behavior Laboratory at Atascadero State Hospital in California from 1970-1985; project ...
      2. PAS Help - Parents Who Have Successfully FoughtParental ...
        Politicians are lobbied to pass laws to bring order to chaos.... forensic psychiatrist DrRichard A. Gardner first identifiedParental Alienation Syndrome in the ...
      3. Understanding and Collaboratively TreatingParental Alienation ... - Cached
        DrRichard Gardner first described PAS in an article and then later in a book and ..... Law Review under the title, "Notes and Comments: The Parental Alienation ...
        You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/18/11
      4. Speaker ... - Canadian Symposium for ParentalAlienation Syndrome - Cached
        Dr. Bone worked extensively with the late Dr RichardGardner who first ... classes and counseling for individuals who are litigating their cases in family law court. ...

        1. Parental Alienation Syndrome

 - Cached
          A concept developed by DrRichard Gardner, ParentalAlienation Syndrome (PAS) ... blend of education and experience in the behavioral sciences and the law...
        2. How to Get a Child Back After Parental Alienation |

 - Cached
          Parental Alienation Syndrome occurs when a child joins forces with the mission of one ... It requires an individual to appear before a law enforcement official at a ... psychiatristDrRichard Gardner, co-author or "The International Handbook . ...
        3. The Spectrum Of Parental Alienation Syndrome Part I

 - Cached
          The Parental Alienation Syndrome, so named by Dr.Richard Gardner, is a ... American Bar Association Section of Family Law to commission a large scale study ...
        4. UNL | Arts & Sciences | Psych Dept | Law-Psych Program | REU ...

 - Cached
          DrRichard Wiener leads an active research team that studies the impact of law .... implementation, and effectiveness of parental responsibility laws -- laws that ...
        5. Public Lies | Parental Alienation - it's not about parents, its about ...

 - Cached
          Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting Awareness Organization – Emotional and mental child ...Warshak, DrRichard A. — Divorce Poison ...
        6. What is Parental Alienation Syndrome

 - Cached
          DrRichard Gardner: A review of his theories and opinions on atypical ... The Evidentiary Admissibility of ParentalAlienation Syndrome: Science, Law, and ...
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          Parental Alienation Syndrome and ParentalAlienation: Getting It ...

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          by CS BRUCH - 2001 - Cited by 104 - Related articles
          May 31, 2001 – in child custody law stemming fromParental Alienation Syndrome. (PAS) ..... 267, 267 (2001) (referring to ''DrRichard Gardner, a psychi- ...
        8. Innocent Dads - Links - Guilty until Proven Innocent!

 - Cached
          50+ items – Below are a few links to other sites that are helpful and ...
          • • - Custody Case in Calhoun, GA. Demonstrate how our court ...
          • • - Parents Group for ADD/ADHD and Ritalin Use Info
          • • Accused - False Abuse Allegations - "The Law hath not been dead, though it ...
        9. `Baby RichardLaw Faces 1st Test In Custody Fight - Chicago Tribune

 - Cached
          Apr 28, 1995 – `Baby RichardLaw Faces 1st Test In Custody Fight ... The law's intent was to provide a permanentparental relationship for children caught in ...


          1. Child Custody - Should Judges Appoint Child Custody Evaluators?

   - Cached
            When divorce requires a restructuring of parental rights and... August 16, 2010 By The Forensic Counseling Offices of Katherine A. Elias, M.Ed., L.P.C., N.C.C. ... expert and cannot be expected to carefully identify signs of abuse,parental alienation, etc. ... Emery, Robert E., Otto, Randy K and O'DonohueWilliam T. (2005). ...
          2. The sexual abuse of children: Clinical issues - Google Books Result

   T. O'Donohue, James H. Geer - 1992 - Family & Relationships - 544 pages
            Burgess, A., Groth, N., Holmstrom, L., & Sgroi, S. (Eds.). (1978). Sexual ... Furniss, T., Bingley-Miller, L., & van Elburg, A. (1988). ... The parental alienation syndrome and the differentiation between fabricated and genuine child sex abuse. ...
          3. Child Custody Evaluations: Reevaluating the Evaluators | research ...

            See if you can figure out why they don't trust each other and cannot seem to get .... e.g. attachment theory or relocation or domestic violence or parental alienation..... 4 (2006); Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto & William TO'Donohue, A Critical ...
          4. emeryCogent Case for a New Child

            Aug 15, 2010 – Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto, William T.O'Donohue ...... ''Parental alienation'' is a construct ranked high on the list of ...... In J.C. Conoley & J.C. Impara (Eds.), The twelfth Britain and the United States. ...
          5. Important Information

   - Cached
            by Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto, and William T.O'donohue ... (e.g., "parent alienation syndrome") are equally hollow when subjected to scientific scrutiny; ..... 123, 132-33 (Mark L. Rosenberg & Mary Ann Fenley, eds., New York: Oxford ...
          6. User:Slp1/draft3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

   - Cached
            "The parental alienation syndrome: a dangerous aura of reliability". ... recognizes and uses the term PAS; however, argues that alienated parent often contributes to the alienation. .... Caplan PJ; Cosgrove L. ed... Emery, R.E.; Otto R.K., & O'Donohue, W.T. (2005). .... Brown, T; Renata A (2007). ... Bernet, William (2008). ...
          7. [PDF] 

            A Critical Assessment of Child Custody Evaluations

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            by RE Emery - Cited by 70 - Related articles
            Robert E. Emery,1 Randy K. Otto,2 William T. O'Donohue3... ed, divorced, and never-married parents and the sub- ...about their favorite constructs (e.g., ''parent alienation .....3. Robert E. Emery, Randy K. Otto, William TO'Donohue...
          8. [DOC] 

            Vitae (.doc) - Emery on Divorce

            File Format: Microsoft Word - Quick View
            William T. Grant Foundation, 2000-2004, Consequences of Parental Divorce for Adolescents and Young Adults: A ....Emery, R.E., Otto, R.K., & O'Donohue, W. (2005). ... In M.D. Levine and P. Satz (Eds.), Developmental Variation and Dysfunction (pp. ..... Parental Alienation Syndrome: Proponents Bear the Burden of Proof. ...

  • Johnston, Lucy, Hudson, Stephen M., and Ward, Tony (1997). "The suppression of sexual thoughts by child molesters: A preliminary investigation," Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 9(4), 303-319.
    "Ironically, attempted suppression may actually result in a worse situation compared to no attempts being made. The hyperaccessibility of formerly undesired thoughts has been documented in a number of studies. Once suppressed, unwanted thoughts have been shown to return and dominate mental life (Macrae et al., 1994; Wegner, 1989; Wegner & Gold, 1995). Once inhibitory mechanisms are relaxed this rebound effect may be pernicious, promoting the execution of maladaptive behaviors, such as binge eating. (Herman & Polivy, 1993) and, potentially, sexual offenses (Johnston, Ward, & Hudson, 1997). [...] However, prior suppression resulted in slower latencies for both the sex-related and the child-related words for the preferential child molesters than either the situational child molesters or the nonsexual offenders, who did not differ from one another. Thought suppression did, then, have greater subsequent effects on the preferential child molesters, as predicted. For some offender types at least, suppression results in greater accessibility of sex-related thoughts. Such rebound effects lead one to question the utility of thought suppression as a therapy technique."

    WHAT       WE      FOUND


    AR_SV Indian Country
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    by JS Meier - Cited by 8 - Related articles
    Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation(January 2009). Page 1 of 17 ..... damage and the child's alienation (Johnston,. Walters, & Olesen, 2005 ...

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      by CS BRUCH - Cited by 104 - Related articles
      May 31, 2001 – published in Carol S. Bruch, Parental Alienation Syndrome: June ..... See Janet RJohnston, Parental Alignments and Rejection: An ..... See, e.g., LucyBerliner & Jon R. Conte, Sexual Abuse Evaluations: Conceptual and ...
    2. Action Alert: Tell San Francisco Weekly ThatParental Alienation Is ...
      Mar 2, 2011 – Jamison extensively criticizes the legitimacy ofParental Alienation Syndrome. .... Sometimes, as research by Janet R. Johnston Ph.D. of San Jose State ....Life After Lucy: In historic case, lesbian co-parent loses rights to child ...

      Alienated Children in Divorce: Evidentiary Issues With Parental ...
      by L Zirogiannis - 2001 - Cited by 30 - Related articles
      PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME AND ITS PROBLEMS Parental ... Janet R. Johnston, The Alienated Child: A Reformulation of Parental Alienation Syndrome, 39 FAM. ... n6n6 See Lucy Berliner & John Conte, Sexual Abuse Evaluations: ...

      1. Hudson, Stephen M.
      1. WHAT WE FOUND

    1. IPT Journal - Volume 10 - Table of Contents - Cached
      Aug 3, 2011 – (edited by William Lamont Marshall, Yolanda M. Fernandez, Stephen MHudson, and Tony Ward) Reviewed by Ralph Underwager ...
    2. IPT - Recovered Memories in the Courtroom - Cached
      Aug 3, 2011 – (Stephen Jay Lynn and Kevin M. McConkey, Editors). Ralph ... Sociology: sexual relations, Hardcover Crime ... - Cached
      Results 1 - 12 of 26 – ... Stephen MHudson and Dr. Tony Ward (Hardcover - Apr. 19, 2000) ... The Real World of Child Interrogations by Ralph Underwager and ...

      1. Child pornography, English Scientific, Technical ... - Cached
        Results 37 - 48 of 201 – ... Therapy by Hollida Wakefield andRalph Underwager (Paperback) ... D. Richard Laws,Stephen MHudson and Dr. Tony Ward (Hardcover) ...
      2. LevyResponds.htm - Cached
        Jul 24, 2001 – The reason I am responding to your email is that you have cc'ed other ..... Ralph C. Underwagerresigned the FMSF, Inc. Scientific Advisory Board. ...Marriage, and Welfare Reform" (Washington, DC: HudsonInstitute, ...., AFCC, Janet R. Johnston, Jonathan Gould, Stephen J. Harhai ...


        IPT Journal - Volume 10 - Table of Contents - Cached
        Aug 3, 2011 – (edited by William Lamont Marshall, Yolanda M. Fernandez, Stephen M. Hudson, and Tony Ward) Reviewed by Ralph Underwager ..

        Bibliography on Female Offenders – Jan. 2010 - The MS Discussion Board › ... › Survivors of Female AbuseCached
        10 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 11
        In D.R. Laws, S.M. Hudson & T. Ward (Eds.), Remaking Relapse Prevention with Sex Offenders: A Sourcebook, .....Nathan, Pamela, & WardTony (2001). ..... Wakefield, Hollida, Rogers, Martha, & UnderwagerRalph (1990). .

        1. [PDF] 


          File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
          In D.R. Laws, S.M. Hudson & T. Ward (Eds.), Remaking. Relapse Prevention with ..... Nathan, Pamela, & WardTony(2001). Female sex offenders: ..... Wakefield, Hollida, Rogers, Martha, & UnderwagerRalph (1990). Female sexual abusers: ...
        2. Articles citations with the tag: CHILD sexual abuse -- Investigation

 - Cached
          Results 1 - 41 – Beech, Anthony R.; Parrett, Natalie; Ward,Tony; Fisher, ... Reports on psychologists Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager's research on the ..

 Sociology: sexual relations, Hardcover Crime ...

 - Cached
          Results 1 - 12 of 26 – ... Stephen M. Hudson and Dr. Tony Ward (Hardcover - Apr. 19, 2000) ... The Real World of Child Interrogations by Ralph Underwager and ...

          1. Child pornography, In Stock Only Scientific ...

            Results 37 - 48 of 196 – ... by Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager (Paperback - Sep 1994) ... Stephen M. Hudson and Dr. Tony Ward (Hardcover - 8 Jun 2000) ...
          2. IPT Journal - Book Review - "Sourcebook of Treatment Programs for ...

            Aug 3, 2011 – ... Yolanda M. Fernandez, Stephen M. Hudson, and Tony Ward ... Reviewed by Ralph Underwager, Institute for Psychological Therapies. ...
          3. Was Michael Jackson Framed?

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            A year later, after Rothman still hadn't made the payments,Ward's attorney tried to ... Fields brought in investigatorAnthony Pellicano to help sort things out. ..... They made a completely foolish and illogical error,” says Dr. Ralph Underwager...
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            Step parenting Conditional Love Nameless Persons Plural Marriage ...

            File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
            persons, how a person becomes a ward, effects on guardians, and reform. Praeger Publishers. 1994. ... Andre M . Ivanof, Betty I. Blythe, and Tony Tripodi. 1994. xiii + 239 pages. .... 0 Wakefield, Hollida & Ralph Underwager-KCUSA ...

            A choice?
  • Berlin, Fred S. (2002). "Peer Commentaries on Green (2002) and Schmidt (2002): Pedophilia: When Is a Difference a Disorder?," Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31(6), 479-480.
    "It is likely that no one would choose voluntarily to develop a pedophilic sexual orientation. Those with such an orientation have no more decided to have it than have any of us decided as children to be either heterosexual or homosexual. Men with pedophilia get erections when fantasizing about children. Heterosexual men get erections when fantasizing about women. In neither case is that so because the individual in question has somehow decided ahead of time to program his mind to work in such a fashion. Persons with pedophilia have simply not chosen to experience an alternative state of mind."


    1. As the sex scandal in the Catholic Church - Catholic Citizens
      In 1998, she published the first edition of Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, which .... crumbled when Kinsey 'sfraudulent data were presented to state lawmakers. ...Kinsey disciple, Dr. Fred Berlin, from Johns Hopkins University, has been a ...
    2. Reisman v McHugh
      Both books document the criminal assault of Alfred Kinseyon persons of all ages ... from “Fred SBerlin and GenevieveS. Coyle, “Sexual Deviation Syndromes,” ...
    3. The engineering index - Google Books Result Society of Mechanical Engineers - 1922 - Engineering
      Cutting Cast Iron with the Oxy-Acetylene Flame, Alfred S.Kinsey... Oxy-Acetylene Welding of Refrigerating Apparatus, Fred E. Rogers. ... Berlin-Mariendorf (Die Sauerstoffanlagen der Firma Heylandt Gesellschaft fiir Apparate- bau ...

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        Reliance of the U.S. Catholic Church on the Discredited Field of ...
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        Dr. Fred SBerlin, John Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic, advertising his baining ... Book Reviews: Sex The Measure of ,411 Things: .4 L$e of Alfred C. Kinsey ...
      2. Catholics learning sex from Kinsey's disciples - Cached
        Jun 12, 2002 – In her book, "Kinsey, Crimes and Consequences," Judith Reisman, .... and adviser to Indiana University's Kinsey Institute – and Dr. Fred Berlin...

        1. Research: A "cure" for pedophilia? - NewgonWiki

          Mar 26, 2011 – Part of NewgonWiki's research ... Fifty years after Kinsey et al. (1953) ... BerlinFred S., Saleh, Fabian M., and Malin, H. Martin (2009). "Mental ...
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          Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL) Hochschule für ...

          File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
          Raiborn/Kinney/Prather-Kinsey: Cost Accounting, Thomson-Learning/South-Western ... capital market, Say´s law) and the monetary sphere (quantity theory of money...... Weston,Fred J. / Shastri, Kuldeep: Financial Theory and Corporate ...
        3. More on pro-pedophile USCCB advisor « A Blog for Dallas Area ...

 - Cached
          Aug 19, 2011 – One of the lead organizers of this conference is Dr. Fred Berlin... sick and twisted Alfred Kinsey (the man who paid men to sexually molest their ...

  • Fagan, Peter J.; Wise, Thomas N.; Schmidt, Chester W.; and Berlin, Fred S. (2002) "Pedophilia," Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, 2458-2465.
    "During psychosexual development, no one decides whether to be attracted to women, men, girls, or boys. Rather, individuals discover the types of persons they are sexually attracted to, ie, their sexual orientation."

    SOURCE       Fagan, Peter J.; Wise,  references  

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      The Journal of American Medical Association published a paper in 2002 by Peter JFagan... Richard Gardner, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia ...
      You visited this page on 8/30/11.
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      Mar 7, 2011 – ... Barbara Downs, Sybil Edwards, Antoinette Fiore, Richard Gardner, Roger Gardner, ... John Breese, Richard Carey, Michael Charters, Ronald Clark, ... Decker,John Duell, George Dzenkowski, All Fagan, Beth-Lynne Fletcher, ... Richard Powell, David Powers, Peter Reiter, Virginia Schaumburg, Barbara

      1. Q and A - The Stephen Fagan / Barbara Kurth Kidnapping and ... - Cached
        Jump to The Kurth's were constantly speaking aboutparental alienation ...‎: Earlier in an article that Peter ... ofalienation was Constance ...
      2. Fatherlessness in Canada, statistics, fatherlessness children studies
        Parental Alienation. Parents who brainwash and poison their child's mind in family law disputes. More.. Family Law Reform. A child's right to be parented by both ...
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        National Parental Abduction Case. ... 1998 Stephen Faganwas arrested in Palm Beach,Florida. ... Dr Richard Sauber - Boca Raton, FL - Parental Alienation ...
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        We are mindful however, that Supervised Visitation is the very first step in the process of Courts facilitating parental alienation. We are also mindful Supervised ...
      5. Parental alienation theory mis-use harms children - Google Sites
        Aug 20, 2011 – parental alienation mis-use awareness web pages .... of the American Medical Association published a paper in 2002 by Peter JFagan, Ph.D., ...

        SOURCE WISE  THOMAS  N AND     SOURCES found    

        1. Research: Prevalence - NewgonWiki

 - Cached
          Mar 26, 2011 – UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ... Fagan, Peter J.; WiseThomas N.; Schmidt, Chester W.; and Berlin, Fred S. (2002) ...
        2. Black Deeds in Black Robes - "Judicial Mischief"

 - Cached
          JUDICIAL MISCHIEF. Ralph Underwager & Hollida Wakefield ... We believe that the judge is a wise, sagacious person who is objective and impartial. Therefore we grant .....Objections (N = 261) ..... Springfield, IL: CC Thomas, p. 127. [Back] ...
        3. [PDF] 

          Personality Characteristics 01° Parents Making False

          File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
          by H Wakefield - Cited by 34 - Related articles
          1-lellida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager. ABSTRA CT. ...children and that we are in the niiddlc ef an epidernic ef child abuse. .... This was basod uc-on tho opinion roachod by thoagoncy staff that .... wise not be given a diagnosis. For each of ...
        4. Books and Internet resources on Ritual Abuse including Satanic ...

 - Cached
          Aug 16, 2009 – Hollida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager, Return of the Furies: An investigation ... The search for the Devil," a HBO movie by Antony Thomas.

        1. Research: Prevalence - NewgonWiki

 - Cached
          Mar 26, 2011 – UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ... Fagan, Peter J.; WiseThomas N.; Schmidt, Chester W.; and Berlin, Fred S. (2002) ...
        2. Black Deeds in Black Robes - "Judicial Mischief"

 - Cached
          JUDICIAL MISCHIEF. Ralph Underwager & Hollida Wakefield ... We believe that the judge is a wise, sagacious person who is objective and impartial. Therefore we grant .....Objections (N = 261) ..... Springfield, IL: CC Thomas, p. 127. [Back] ...
        3. [PDF] 

          Personality Characteristics 01° Parents Making False

          File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
          by H Wakefield - Cited by 34 - Related articles
          1-lellida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager. ABSTRA CT. ...children and that we are in the niiddlc ef an epidernic ef child abuse. .... This was basod uc-on tho opinion roachod by thoagoncy staff that .... wise not be given a diagnosis. For each of ...
        4. Books and Internet resources on Ritual Abuse including Satanic ...

 - Cached
          Aug 16, 2009 – Hollida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager, Return of the Furies: An investigation ... The search for the Devil," a HBO movie by Antony Thomas.

        SOURCE WISE TTHOMAS  n     references    found

        1. Research: Prevalence - NewgonWiki

 - Cached
          Mar 26, 2011 – UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ... Fagan, Peter J.; WiseThomas N.; Schmidt, Chester W.; and Berlin, Fred S. (2002) ...
        2. Black Deeds in Black Robes - "Judicial Mischief"

 - Cached
          JUDICIAL MISCHIEF. Ralph Underwager & Hollida Wakefield ... We believe that the judge is a wise, sagacious person who is objective and impartial. Therefore we grant .....Objections (N = 261) ..... Springfield, IL: CC Thomas, p. 127. [Back] ...
        3. [PDF] 

          Personality Characteristics 01° Parents Making False

          File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
          by H Wakefield - Cited by 34 - Related articles
          1-lellida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager. ABSTRA CT. ...children and that we are in the niiddlc ef an epidernic ef child abuse. .... This was basod uc-on tho opinion roachod by thoagoncy staff that .... wise not be given a diagnosis. For each of ...
        4. Books and Internet resources on Ritual Abuse including Satanic ...

 - Cached
          Aug 16, 2009 – Hollida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager, Return of the Furies: An investigation ... The search for the Devil," a HBO movie by Antony Thomas.

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        Practice, Thomas N Wise, MD. Practice Type, Solo. Address, Falls Church Office 3300 Gallows Rd Psychiatry Falls Church, VA 22042. Phone, (703) 776-3626 ...

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        WiseThomas N., M.D.. Professor Director of Research, Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit. Off Campus Address. Inova Fairfax Hospital 3300 Gallows Road ...

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        Parental alienation syndrome (PAS), a term that originated in the mid-1980s, refers to a ..... and Thomas 1987 [cited in Geffner and Pagelow 1990]). Although PAS has not ... for Mediated Divorce (AAMD) (Herman 1990), (2) the Step-wiseMediation Process for Psychiatric ..... Thoennes, N., P. Salem, and J. Pearson. 1994. .

Early development

  • Griesemer, Michael M. (2004). Ausmass und Auswirkungen massenmedialer Desinformation zum Stand der Wissenschaften über sexuellen KindesmissbrauchIpce translation.
    "Rather, we see another astonishing fact: on the same age in pre-puberty, on which the attraction to boys or girls was reported, already the nine years olds of both groups differ. The later pedophiles distinguish themselves from the control group because their objects of attraction are dramatically younger then themselves -- on the average two years younger, while the later non-pedophiles tend to feel attracted to older children -- on average 10.8 years of age.
    Given the data, as now gathered, one might conclude that pedophilia develops itself already on a pre-pubertal age -- although we don't know how."

    SOURCE  Griesemer, Michael M.  references found

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      German psychologist Michael Griesemer theorizes that pedophiles miss the switch of sexual interest from .....UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...
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      הפסיכולוג הגרמני מיכאל גריזמר (Michael Griesemer) פיתח תאוריה שלפיה פדופילים החסירו את מעבר העניין המיני מבני .....UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...
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      M. und Hamburg, im März 1992. Erstbericht unter dem Titel »Wissenschaftler befürchten ...... GriesemerMichael. (2005). Kinderseelen beim Vulgär-Freud. ...... Wakefield, Hollida & UnderwagerRalph. (1991). Sex Offender Treatment. ...
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      הפסיכולוג הגרמני מיכאל גרייזמר (Michael Griesemer) פיתח תאוריה אשר לפיה פדופילים החסירו את מעבר העניין המיני .
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      UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...הפסיכולוג הגרמני מיכאל גריזמר (Michael Griesemer) פיתח תאוריהITP - Integrated theory on the ..... GriesemerM., ITP - Integrated theory on the causation of pedophilia erotica, ...
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      German psychologist Michael Griesemer theorizes that pedophiles miss the switch of sexual interest from .....UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...
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      German psychologist Michael Griesemer theorizes that pedophiles miss the switch of sexual interest .... Klaus M. Beier of the Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine at Charité, .... UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...
    4. NationMaster - Encyclopedia: Pædophileædophile - Cached
      German psychologist Michael Griesemer theorizes that pedophiles miss the switch of sexual interest .... Klaus M. Beier of the Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine at Charité, .... UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ...
    5. NationMaster - Encyclopedia: Pedophilia - Cached
      Aug 26, 2005 – German psychologist Michael Griesemertheorizes that ...
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      25 יולי 2011‎ – Edited by Thase ME, Edelstein BA, Hersen M. New York, Plenum, 1990, pp 271-290; Fagan P. J. et al (2002). ... GriesemerM., ITP - Integrated theory on the causation of pedophilia erotica, ... UnderwagerRalph and Wakefield, Hollida (1995). ... 1.Wogan, Michael (2002). [1]Wogan, Michael (2002); 1



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