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Parental alienation theory mis-use harms children

Parental alienation theory mis-use harms children

Dedicated to the families affected by parental alienation mis-use may justice one day be served and children returned to safety  Thank you for visiting our awareness page may it one day end this serious In-justice being done to children reporting abuse

B4uact 8 speakers

I call your attention to the movement to normalize pedophilia in the United States of America.

Parental alienation,, normalization of pedophilia, tax exempt non-profits funded threw the health an human services,( Run by proclaimed pedophiles educating  social workers) see: 

False allegations of sexual abuse false allegations of domestic violence, sex offender  alienation, Richard Gardner, Fred Berlin, Ralph Underwager, Michael E Lamb, WI experts supporting b4uact,and many others in Every State.

The forced normalization is already under way. Children are forced to re-integrate with sex offending parents and batters so as not to alienate the offender everything is about the offender. The greatest abuse excuse of all time evolving threw our health and human services in a 3 decade science experiment to normalize pedophilia.

3 decades of forcing child victims into threat therapy re-integration with known offenders. What a hypocrisy!  3 decades of threat therapy forced jail time and loss of children for saying no to re-integration with known abusers. 3 decade of telling children pedophilia is normal when committed by a parent guardian or family member . 3 Decades of punishing children for reporting abuse. 3 decades of punishing parents for not wanting to re-integrate with sex offender and beaters.

Now Pas Purveyors like b4uact want normalization and acceptance of pedophilia no shock Richard Gardner wanted that to. How about you? If not sign here, call your reps,  call the APA and tell them to cut the funds to all groups, facilities, and educators using or attempting to normalize pedophilia. Together lets end this great hypocrisy!
Two things stand in the way of pedophilia being accepted in American society. One is that normal, decent people still view it as gross perversion -– in the same way homosexuality once was viewed. The other is that age of consent laws make it illegal for an adult to take advantage of a child sexually.
re still needed


Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Pedophilia on the horizon - News ... - Cached
3 days ago – The group wants pedophilia to be reclassified and not listed as a mental ... Richard Gardner, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia ..
Consider the following:

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a paper in 2002 by Peter J. Fagan, Ph.D., et al. titled "Pedophilia." Consider the following quote from the article: "During psychosexual development, no one decides whether to be attracted to women, men, girls or boys. Rather, individuals discover the types of persons they are sexually attracted to, i.e., their sexual orientation."

In an article titled "Mental Health's Cold Shoulder Treatment of Pedophilia" in the periodical "Behavioral Health Management," May-June 2004, Douglas Edwards cites the previously mentioned Fred Berlin: "Dr. Berlin discounts the common view that pedophilia is a conscious choice. He regards pedophilia as a lifelong sexual orientation, just as hetero- and homosexuality, and he says patients can be terrified by the discovery of pedophilic cravings...."

Richard Gardner, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University from 1963 until his death in 2003, argued that America's attitude toward child sexual encounters was out-of-step with the cultures of the world. In his book "True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse," Gardner wrote:

"Older children may be helped to appreciate that sexual encounters between an adult and a child are not universally considered to be reprehensible acts. The child might be told about other societies in which such behavior was and is considered normal.... In such discussions the child has to be helped to appreciate that we have in our society an exaggeratedly punitive and moralistic attitude about adult-child sexual encounters."

Gardner blamed what he described as the oppressive morality of the Bible for the American view of pedophilia. In his book, he asserted, "It is of interest that of all the ancient peoples it may very well be that the Jews were the only ones who were punitive toward pedophiles."

If you don't think pedophilia might one day be embraced as a normal part of life in America, you are naïve. You only have to examine how homosexuals have turned society on its head regarding a behavior that was once viewed as immoral and perverse.

The exact same arguments that homosexual activists have used to gain sympathy and acceptance for their behavior are the same arguments that are being used to justify pedophilia as natural, normal and healthy.

Two things stand in the way of pedophilia being accepted in American society. One is that normal, decent people still view it as gross perversion -– in the same way homosexuality once was viewed. The other is that age of consent laws make it illegal for an adult to take advantage of a child sexually.

America already accepts behavior it once deemed perverse and deviant. If society ever does accept pedophilia as normal, the age of consent laws will quickly fall. And it will only be a matter of time until our nation will follow suit.
Kelly Boggs is a weekly columnist for Baptist Press and editor of the Baptist Message (, newsjournal of the Louisiana Baptist Convention.

Exposing the Kinsey Institute and Alfred Kinsey's use of ...
Aug 20, 2011 – Dr. Paul Gebhard, the co author and suceedder of the Kinsey institute stated in his reply, ... DrRichard Gardner was a disciple of Kinseys ..

National Alliance for Family Court Justice - Cached
N.O.W. President Kim Gandy says Richard Gardner's PAS is a "Sick Reality" against ... Within months, Haskins quit and is now with the Brookings Institute..... Child Custody for sex offenders, Dr. Richard Gardner, Like his mentor,Kinsey..

parentalalienationandeffectstofamilysaccrossthisworld: Dr. Judith ... - Cached
May 28, 2011 – Dr. Judith Reisman - Exposing the Kinsey Institute and Alfred Kinsey's use of ... research on Richard Gardner and his connection to Kinsey. 

Kinsey's Pedophiles Secret History Pt1/6 - Kinsey Institute + Mr ... - Cached
Jul 23, 2010 – Tags: Kinsey?s pedophiles, pedophile, paedophile, Kinsey InstituteRichard Gardner, Rockefeller, Dr. Green, Nazis, pedophilia, child sexual .

Dr. Richard Gardner's son told the New York Times that his father committed .... Reisman, president of the Institute for Media Education and author of Kinsey.

Kinsey Institute Scandal - YouTube min - Oct 19, 2008 -Uploaded by realzoomy
The Kinsey Institute has been squandering taxpayers money on porn! ... The Kinsey Institute was built on rotten foundations and is rotten ..

Myths That Place Children At Risk During Custody Litigation

Dallam. S. J., & Silberg, J. L. (Jan/Feb 2006). Myths that place children at risk during custody disputes. Sexual Assault Report, 9(3), 33-47. (PDF)

Myth 5:  Parental alienation syndrome is a common, well-documented phenomenon.

Those who buy into the myth that mothers frequently raise false allegations of abuse may attempt to explain this phenomenon by relying on a legal theory called Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). Some suggest that the theory is based on science, and that PAS is a well-documented phenomenon .
Although estrangement from one or both parents can occur in children during an acrimonious divorce, Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) lacks a scientific foundation and has never been shown to be a valid explanation of this process. In fact, Dr. Richard Gardner, the theory's creator, developed his theory while working as a paid consultant to men charged with sexually abusing their children. Thus, the syndrome was created as a defense theory to counter a child's allegation of sexual abuse (Dallam, 1999).
Gardner defines PAS as follows:
The parental alienation syndrome (PAS) is a disorder that arises primarily in the context of child custody disputes. Its primary manifestation is the child's campaign of denigration against a parent, a campaign that has no justification. It results from the combination of a programming (brainwashing) parent's indoctrinations and the child's own contributions to the vilification of the target parent . . .
Gardner defines PAS as a psychiatric disorder that arises in the course of child-custody disputes adjudicated in the context of adversarial proceedings. Gardner's theory portrays the child's preferred or protective parent (usually the mother under PAS) as an evil "alienator" who is virtually solely responsible for turning a vulnerable child against their estranged parent (usually the father under PAS). The child is thus viewed as mentally ill and the "alienating' protective parent (for example, a mother that raises concerns about abuse) is viewed as the sole cause of the disorder. When this parent is judged to be in the "severe" category, Dr. Gardner recommended sole custody to the other parent - the parent that the child claims is abusing them. Thus, the main cure for this alleged mental illness is for the child to be placed in greater contact with an alleged abuser while their contact with the protective parent is curtailed or halted altogether.
It should be pointed out that Gardner never submitted his theory to testing and it has never been shown to be a valid syndrome. Despite these shortcomings, PAS has gained traction in the courts as it fits well with court's friendly parent preference. Moreover, some courts have accepted PAS because it apparently appears to explain a well-recognized phenomenon within custody battles - the often acrimonious fight between parents for their child's affection.
Unfortunately, Parental Alienation Syndrome, like the friendly parent concept it is based upon, presents the court with a paradox that seems to undermine rational decision-making when considering the best interests of children. With PAS theory, the concerned custodial parent's steps to obtain professional assistance in diagnosing, treating, and protecting the child, constitute evidence of "alienation." Attorney Richard Ducote (2002) noted:
"One irony of . . . 'PAS' is that the increased existence of valid evidence of true sexual abuse leads Gardner and his devotees to more fervently diagnose 'PAS.' Thus, 'PAS' is the criminal defense attorney's dream, since the greater the proof of the crime, the greater the proof of the defense."
In professional journals, PAS has been cited an example of bad science that has been presented to the courts as credible forensic evidence. For instance, in an article published in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice , Rotgers and Barrett (1996) cite PAS theory as a prime example of a nonscientific theory that engages in "reverse logic." Moreover, PAS has been widely discredited in academic circles for being biased against women and children, and flawed in its failure to take into account alternative explanations for the behavior of the parties involved.
Further, critics have noted that Gardner 's methods for determining the veracity of an abuse allegation are seriously biased in favor of the alleged child molester. Lisa Amaya-Jackson, M.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Medical Director of Child and Adolescent Trauma Treatment Services at Duke University, and Mark D. Everson, Ph.D., Clinical Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Director of the Program on Childhood Trauma & Maltreatment at University of North Carolina Hospitals, Chapel Hill, reviewed Gardner's book Protocols for the Sex-Abuse Evaluation and found Gardner's system for detecting sexual abuse in children to be "seriously flawed." They stated: "Bias can be noted in the author's attempts to discredit a child's allegations by resorting to narrow, often oversimplified notions of how sexually abused children are supposed to behave." They further note that while he discusses the importance of evaluators being neutral and objective, Gardner conveys "a strong bias that the overwhelming majority of allegations, especially in custody-related cases, are false and that the assessment procedures the author advocates are slanted to arrive at such a conclusion." Amaya-Jackson and Everson (1996) conclude: "This book can perhaps best be described as a recipe for finding allegations of sexual abuse false, under the guise of clinical and scientific objectivity. One suspects that it will be a bestseller among defense attorneys."
A recent study (cited by Johnston & Kelly, 2004) assessed the multiple factors that could contribute to the child's rejection of a parent. They concluded that just as important as alienating behaviors on the part of a parent were the child's actual experiences of child abuse or lack of parental warmth in their interaction with the rejected parent.
This is not to imply that abuse allegations are always accurate, or that parents do not attempt to manipulate their children during adversarial custody litigation. However, family courts need to be educated with a more scientific, sophisticated approach to the complexities of determining custody. The latest research on children embroiled in custody conflicts supports looking at the multiple, interacting, and often complex factors that affect a child's feelings about his or her parents. Conversely, simplistic theories such as PAS theory are not sufficiently scientific to be able to make cause and effect determinations and can place children in danger of being revictimized in family court.
For more information see:
  • Amaya-Jackson, L., & Everson, M.D. (1996). Book Reviews: Protocols for the Sex-Abuse Evaluation . Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 35(7), 966-967.
  • Dallam, S. J. (1999). Parental Alienation Syndrome: Is it scientific? In E. St. Charles & L. Crook (Eds.), Expose: The failure of family courts to protect children from abuse in custody disputes. Los Gatos, CA: Our Children Our Children Charitable Foundation.
  • Dallam, S. J. (1998). Dr. Richard Gardner: A review of his theories and opinions on atypical sexuality, pedophilia, and treatment issues. Treating Abuse Today, 8(1), 15-23.
  • Dallam, S. J. (n.d.). Are Allegations of Sexual Abuse That Arise During Child Custody Disputes Less Likely to Be Valid? An Annotated Review of the Research.
  • Ducote, R. (2002). Guardians Ad Litem in Private Custody Litigation: The Case for Abolition. Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law, 3, 141.
  • Gardner, R. A. (2003). The Judiciary's Role in the Etiology, Symptom Development, and Treatment of the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), American Journal of Forensic Psychology . 21(1),
  • Rotgers, F., & Barrett, D. (1996). Daubert v. Merrell Dow and expert testimony by clinical psychologists: Implications and recommendations for practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 27(5), 467-74.
  • Johnston, J. R. & Kelly, J. B. (2004). Commentary on Walker, Brantley, and Rigsbee (2004) "A critical analysis of parental alienation syndrome and its admissibility in the family court." Journal of Child Custody1(4), 77-89.

Child custody for sex offenders - Cached
Apr 20, 1999 – PAS was invented by Richard A. Gardner.... Like his mentor, Kinsey, pathologically suspect, Gardnerimplies that infants sexually seduce their ..


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